and design

How to choose the color of the fence for the house or cottage: tips and tricks

The fence around the house, summer cottage is intended not only to protect a private territory. It performs an aesthetic function and becomes an important component of the landscape. That is why it is necessary to plan the color of the fence in advance, choosing it with taste, in harmony with other elements of the plot and excluding sharply contrasting combinations of shades.

What determines the color of the fence

Painting the hedge at home or in the country is not so simple. The building design sometimes gives instructions that contradict the wishes of the residents themselves or the rules for the design of the territory in Feng Shui. The situation is complicated by the presence of a huge assortment of paints for wooden, metal structures, so without special knowledge you can get confused. To find the best color, before painting, you should carefully study the factors that influence this choice:

  • the background of the elements of the house - roof, walls, window frames, porch and porch;
  • house style;
  • color solutions on the site, shades of additional buildings, structures, structures;
  • number of green spaces;
  • colors of fences in neighboring areas.

Roof color fencing

Taking these factors into account, it is necessary to determine the main goal: whether the fence will merge with the landscape, be lost, be discreet, or, on the contrary, I want to highlight it, make it bright and unusual. For the first option, it is better to paint the gate and the fence itself in the same gamut with the tone of the facades. You can also use a color close to the shade of the roof, which often serves as the basis for the design of the entire site. The second design option involves an interesting contrasting combination of colors: for example, a chocolate fence for a turquoise or blue house.

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Fencing for the site: selection of material and shade

The color of the fence needs to be planned and depending on the material of manufacture. Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages regarding operation and the possibility of staining.

Wooden fence

Wood fencing is a classic of the genre that never expires. To make a fence from a picket fence does not require special knowledge, it is easy to do it yourself, embodying any idea. The easiest way to buy ready-made sections of the desired height, the width of which is already fastened with wooden planks. There is a simple fence and a 3D fence with convex elements for sale.

You can also make a wooden fence yourself from an uncut or polished board, lining, bars, give them any shape and paint in the desired color. Usually connoisseurs of naturalness choose simple varnishing of the tree so as not to overlap its natural shade. In addition, the tree is covered with stain and then varnished: in this way you can “turn” the cheapest breed into an elite one.

Decorative wooden fence

It is recommended to paint the wooden fence in accordance with the colors of the remaining elements. Well suited to the tree, aquamarine, green, light green. White, beige and other light shades should not be used or it will be necessary to apply several layers to overlap the natural wood tone.The disadvantages of a wooden fence include decay, a short service life (up to 15 years), the need for constant care, and tinting. For greater reliability, you can combine wood with concrete, stone.

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Fence from corrugated board

Profile, decking, profiled sheet - excellent materials for the manufacture of the fence, as well as sliding, exit gates. Such fences are increasingly mounted in summer cottages, because they are very durable, do not respond to external factors, are durable, protect from prying eyes, noise. Material care is very simple: it is easy to repair and paint.

There are also drawbacks to the fence from the profiled sheet. Inside, it is ugly, and from the outside it does not make it possible to organize a unique, unusual site design. Nevertheless, there are ways to solve this problem: a fence from corrugated board can be combined with brickwork, concrete columns, colored mesh. In addition, modern corrugated board with a polymer or zinc coating can be both plain and imitate brick, masonry and even wood.

Corrugated fence with brick pillars

What shade to choose for a fence from a profiled sheet? It looks best in such colors:

  • brown;
  • chocolate;
  • blue;
  • Ivory;
  • green.

Against the background of white wall facades, the cherry-colored fence looks attractive, and a beige fence is suitable for masonry at home.

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Metal fence

The fence from the metal profile, the euro-frame also has a long service life, great reliability, while more aesthetically pleasing. Europacket, for example, imitates a fence made of natural wood and is combined with brick columns. Galvanized steel lamellas do not fade, very durable, can be installed in a simple and checkerboard pattern. For such a fence, light shades are usually chosen: blue, green, white, beige, light gray, although it all depends on a successful combination with the color of the roof and house.

Metal picket fence

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The combination of colors of the fence and facade

The shade of the fence sets the general direction of the design of the site, because it is the fence that first meets the person at the entrance to the house. The classic rule for selecting the shade of the fence is: “dark top - light bottom”. This solution is considered traditional, so the roof and the dark fence in combination with a light facade are used by designers quite often. It is possible to make all the basic elements dark (facades, roof, fence), and choose the decoration (windows, doors, veranda, gates, gutter system) in bright colors.

When designing a site, style plays an important role. So, for a country-style house, a natural wood fence with a stain coating (oak, walnut, cherry and others) is ideal. To the house in the castle style it is worth picking up fences made of natural stone, brick.

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Which color is easier to care for?

Many people mistakenly believe that the gray color of the fence or the black fence is ideal with respect to cleanliness: they almost do not get dirty, dirt is not visible on them. In fact, this is not so. On a dark fence, street dust is very noticeable, especially drops of dirt after rain when they dry. On a metal surface, dried up streaks of water are striking, giving the fence an unaesthetic appearance. Of course, dirt, even small specks, will also be visible on a white or beige fence.

The green and brown fence in any shades of these colors is considered the easiest to care for. The dirt on it is less noticeable, but it will still have to be washed periodically. Therefore, it is better to choose a material for the fence, which is easily cleaned with a stream of water from a hose, does not deteriorate from regular washing.

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What color of the fence to choose in Feng Shui

To ensure harmony and arrangement of the courtyard, it is worth painting all the basic elements in accordance with the recommendations of Feng Shui. As for the fence, the Taoist practice of designing the space advises starting with it, because this is the first screening, protection from the outside world, negative energy.

Feng Shui believes that the fence attracts different types of energy forces, so the mood in the family, the number of conflicts, harmony in the house will depend on its color.It is worth considering the basic colors for the fences in order to understand their effect on the residents.

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The black

Do not paint the fence black, it will provide the site with a gloomy, oppressive atmosphere. Constantly contemplating the fence, a person himself reduces the amount of positive Chi energy, while enhancing the negative impact of bad Chi energy.

Black hedge looks too gloomy

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From a practical point of view, a white fence is also not a good option. Of course, it symbolizes purity, tenderness, but with respect to energy it represents vacuum, death. The abundance of white leads to the depletion of the energy forces of households.


The blue fence slightly reduces the strength and energy activity of a person, as it brings an atmosphere of relaxation. You can use blue to color the fence only if a person needs peace of mind, reducing the feeling of chaos, too violent energy.


This color is a symbol of greatness, excellent mental abilities. It is great for coloring hedges, increases the flow of positive Qi energy.


The green color is ideal for fences located on the south side, and also looks great from the inside of the fence. It gives the whole site harmony, pacification, launches a restoration function. Green will outline the territory like a hedge, enhance the feeling of proximity to nature. Experts especially advise using it where there is a shortage of bushes and trees.

Green is good for the south side.

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Bright yellow color can cause aggressive behavior, irritability, anger, as it carries male energy Yang. But the soft shades of yellow, golden tones will give vivacity, optimism, they are perfect for the design of the site.


This color is the most powerful, according to Feng Shui. It should be used with great caution, since in a significant amount it carries aggression, anger. In muted, dusted tones, red is still suitable for coloring the fence, in contrast to fiery, purple, and crimson flowers. In addition, you should not use any shades of red for the inside of the hedge, as well as irritable people. You can combine red with green, because the latter will restore the strength of residents, reduce the risk of a breakdown in family relations.

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This color is the leader among the fences used for painting, because, from the point of view of design, it is ideal. According to Feng Shui, it is also recognized as suitable for painting the fence, but only for the one located on the eastern and southeast sides. In this case, brown will reflect the wealth, abundance, good reputation and fortune of a person.

A brown fence is recommended on the east side.

It may seem difficult to independently choose the main shade for the fence, to take into account a lot of data and influencing factors. Nevertheless, this can be done, guided by useful information and your own preferences, then the site will cause only joy and a sense of harmony!

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