Real estate of Andrei Konchalovsky and his wife Julia Vysotskaya: a house in the Moscow region, in Tuscany and England, interesting interior solutions
On the Internet, you can find a huge number of rumors about Russian bloggers. We have collected for you the maximum information about the 22 most prominent personalities of Russian blogging.
To see Zelensky’s house, you need to visit the famous cottage village. The building has many rooms and is decorated in a classic style, beautiful and cozy.
Transformer tables are very practical and comfortable. They are suitable for small apartments, since they take up very little space when folded. We picked up the 8 most popular models that are worth paying attention to.
Stas Piekha is a favorite of millions of women across Russia. Little is known about his personal life, but now we offer a closer look at the interior of the famous singer’s apartment, as well as a look at his country house.
Lack of taste is a common sign of poor interior design. We have collected the 15 most common and gross errors that can spoil the whole impression, even from a good repair.
Permanent host of KVN Alexander Maslyakov thanks to the program has achieved great fame and financial success. We will tell you where the father of KVN lives now and what his housing looks like in Moscow and the Moscow region.
Showman Garik Martirosyan’s apartment and his family: bedroom, nursery, kitchen and other facilities, location and cost of housing
The famous actress and TV presenter Julia Menshova was interested in interior design. She independently arranged her own apartment near Ostankino and shared this with fans.
We offer a fascinating virtual tour of the housing of Dogs and Bogomolov. In addition, we will tell you the latest details about their personal life, wedding and the couple's plans for the future.