and designInteriors

Why is our kitchen terrible? And I want it to be “like in a magazine”

In the kitchen, each of us spends a lot of time. Any housewife wants it to be cozy, beautiful and comfortable, and the atmosphere looked like from the picture. But often in real life, the kitchen is far from ideal, and the reasons for this are usually banal and easily removable.

Dishwashing liquid at the sink

Bottles with vibrant, variegated labels create visual noise. Simply put, they do not add aesthetics to the kitchen, but give a sense of clutter. Even psychologists note that regular exposure to labels, stickers with information violates peace of mind.

Dishwashing liquid at the sink

It is better to get rid of bottles and cans of saturated tones by pouring dishwashing liquid into a special dispenser. The color of the dispenser can be selected in accordance with the overall design of the room. Usually, white, beige dispensers are well suited for the kitchen. They can be carefully placed at the sink or completely cleaned in a cupboard and removed as needed. Another option is to place the detergent in a narrow, stylish container that matches the rest of the design.

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Rags or sponges next to the sink

Sponges lying at the sink for a long time are not only ugly, but also harmful to health. They accumulate fat, dirt, so bacteria begin to multiply inside. Sponges need to be changed as often as possible (once every 1-1.5 weeks), and those that smell bad should be thrown away immediately. The same rule applies to tablecloths.

Rags or sponges next to the sink

So that rags and sponges do not violate the design of the kitchen, it is better to store them in special coasters, boxes. But this venture has a big minus: due to the presence of water, matter quickly acidifies, becomes slippery. The ideal solution is to completely abandon rags, replacing them with disposable napkins made of viscose, paper, synthetic fiber. Typically, these rags are sold in large rolls, are inexpensive and can be easily cleaned in a closet. After use, the napkin immediately goes to the bin without clogging the kitchen.

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Excess kitchen towels

A towel in the kitchen plays an important role. They wipe wet dishes, hands after washing. The same towel often serves as a tack, a rag to erase stains. As a result, products quickly turn into wrinkled, unsightly rags that are embarrassing to hang out in a conspicuous place.

Waffle towels for the kitchen

So that towels do not violate the aesthetics of the kitchen, you need to monitor their appearance, quality, wash more often with good powders. Another option is to purchase disposable paper towels that you can spend without a twinge of conscience.

They should wipe greasy hands, utensils, while the fabric product will always remain clean and beautiful. One towel and potholders are enough to prepare food and wash the dishes, and it is better to put the excess of kitchen textiles in the closet.

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Mixers and filter jugs

To regularly drink clean water, you have to install additional taps, mixers, or buy a regular filter jug ​​with cartridges.Both devices are unlikely to fit the kitchen in design. Usually they spoil the appearance of the room, creating the effect of visual noise. It is worth it once to spend money and buy an attractive 2-in-1 mixer, which will serve both ordinary and filtered water. Cartridges of such a device are placed under the sink, so they will be completely invisible.

Kitchen filter jug

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Old salt shakers and pepper shakers

Cheap, outdated appliances for the kitchen can spoil the whole look of the room. Often salt shakers and pepper shakers “stuck” in the 90s, and even in an earlier period, have cracks, a faded look. No less varied and ugly look bottles, cans with spices, which are mini-mills. There’s no need to talk about paper bags with seasonings: they create a real mess.

Having examined the photos of any designer kitchen, you can notice stylish salt and pepper shakers suitable for the general interior. Small utensils seriously affect the appearance of the room, so you should pay close attention to its choice. For example, for high-tech and minimalism, stainless steel castors with a simple shape are ideal. There are regular kits on sale, as well as accessories with a built-in grinding mechanism.

Salt Shakers

For the eco-style, country, Provence, wooden mills come in handy, having a clean, tidy appearance. Classic involves the use of modest glass or ceramic products. Fancy, unusual in shape salt shakers can also fit well into the creative design of the kitchen, if you select them in accordance with the basic tones of the interior.

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Pots and pans on the stove

Despite the rich assortment of dishes in stores, many still use old, sooty utensils, which look very unaesthetic. Moreover, often the dishes are exposed outside, stored directly on the stove, from which the room immediately takes on a sloppy appearance. Even clean, well-selected pans will overload the space, so it’s worthwhile to find a safe place for them. Pans, chopping boards, and baking sheets should also have their own drawer or closed cabinet.

Pots and pans on the stove

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Utensils on the walls

Wall rails are an original and stylish solution, but only when used in reasonable quantities. From the abundance of railing literally ripples in the eyes, because they usually store a variety of kitchen utensils. A pile of utensils, potholders, shoulder blades, and pots begins to irritate and tire the eyes.

There is a way out of this situation. First you need to make sure that all kitchen utensils are really necessary. Disposable containers and bottles should be thrown away without regret. Reusable trays and packaging are also left in small quantities, like other devices. The number of rails in the kitchen should be reduced to 2-3, while only carefully selected items should be stored in them.

Kitchen interior with railing

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Fridge magnets

Some people forget that the refrigerator is an item of household appliances, not a canvas for painting. As a result, there are magnets from each trip, photos and drawings, notes and even leaflets. Visual clutter in such a situation is guaranteed. A clean, white refrigerator looks stylish and beautiful. It’s better to stick all the magnets in a special album or on a board, making an interesting art object, than littering the kitchen with them.

Fridge magnets

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Knife Sets

Even professional chefs use no more than 3-5 knives, so it’s not advisable to buy a large set for domestic purposes. In addition, inexpensive sets of knives do not look too stylish and modern, and they should not be flaunted. It is better to choose those products that are regularly used, put in a convenient place, and put the rest in a drawer.Only high-quality sets suitable in style to the kitchen can be left in sight.

Many knives in the kitchen

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Many shelves

Open shelves for the kitchen is not a very good option for organizing storage. Dust constantly accumulates on them, which must be wiped regularly. If there are children in the house, they may be attracted to the contents of the shelves, so you have to monitor the safety of jars and vases and the safety of the kids.

If there are open shelves, it is always tempting to put boxes, dishes, souvenirs on them, which creates a feeling of a mess. The shelves overloaded with pots and pans look heavy and dull at all.

The main rule for the design of such storage places is minimalism. In the kitchen there should not be more than 2-3 open shelves, on which you can put beautiful boards, small household appliances. Also here you can place carefully selected cans for bulk products, painted plates. Large dishes, containers must be hidden in closed cabinets.

Open shelves for the kitchen

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Ugly pens

It would seem that the handles at the cabinets cannot spoil the overall atmosphere of the kitchen. However, elaborate, complex, too massive products will be impractical. Dust will accumulate on them, and opening such doors is inconvenient. Accessories may not fit the overall design of the kitchen, violate harmony. It is better to look for furniture with recessed or built-in handles, concise in shape and miniature in size.

Integrated handles

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Pile of household appliances

Modern housewives have a large number of household appliances - pressure cookers, slow cookers, mixers, bread machines and much more. All these products require free space, clutter the countertop. It is recommended that only the most necessary appliances be placed on the table surface, and the rest should be put in lockers and a pantry. Unnecessary equipment is better to sell or give away. Also, some electrical appliances can be built into the headset, if its dimensions allow.

Pile of household appliances in the kitchen

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Wires on the floor

The purchase of each device not only creates an additional load on the power grid, but also leads to the emergence of new wires. To think over the location of large equipment is at the planning and repair stage. In this case, the sockets will be located where it should be, and you will not have to buy extra extension cords. Small equipment can be included in mortise sockets, which are hidden in a closet, countertop.

Countertop built-in outlet

If the need for extension cords remains, it is recommended to hide the wires in special boxes that are suitable for the style and color of the furniture.

Simple tips will make any room not only convenient to use, but also beautiful. If you wish, you can create the kitchen of your dreams, which will be no worse than in the picture in a glossy magazine.

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