and design

DIY pink color: learning to mix colors

Various shades of pink are widely used in interior decoration, design, and artwork. Most often, this tone is absent in the gouache, watercolor and paint palette. How to get a pink color by combining paints? It is not difficult to do this: it is enough to have basic colors and know the basics of color.

Getting pink when working with different paints

Most existing shades can be made by mixing paints. There are so-called basic tones: red, blue, yellow, as well as neutral colors: white, black, and they give rise to a great many shades and subtones. For example, when yellow and blue are combined, green is obtained. A duet of red and blue gives purple. Pink was no exception: it can be made if you mix red paint and white, although depending on the required shade, not everything is so simple.

Adding white to red paint

The reference among pink tones is Rosa Canina - the color of rosehip petals. He is very gentle, nice looking, warm. The technology for creating a shade varies with the different types of paints used. The palette of pink is extensive, and it is not always possible to get the desired color, so experiments have to be done.

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How to Make Pink from Artistic Colors

It’s not difficult to make pink from the materials used for drawing. But they all differ in chemical composition, so it is better not to combine those that do not belong to the same group (for example, oil and gouache). Here are examples of getting a soft pink tone from art paints:

  1. From gouache. Take red and white gouache in approximately equal amounts. Mix them on a palette - you get a bright pink tone. Dilute it with white until a suitable shade is obtained. After drying, gouache always becomes lighter than wet, which should be considered by the user.
  2. From acrylic paints. The technology will be similar: you need to dilute the red tone with white to obtain a dark, light shades of pink.
  3. From watercolor. In a standard set there is a carmine color. It can simply be diluted with water to get a pink tint. Color saturation is regulated by the amount of liquid. In a watercolor with fewer tones, in any case, there is red, it is he who is taken to create pink.
  4. From oil paints. To get pink from such a material is the most difficult. It is best to introduce titanium white into bright red, but they will have to be added in very large quantities. Therefore, the easiest way is to do the opposite: pour a tiny drop of red oil paints in a white tone.

Gouache pink

Before drawing, you should make a smear on a piece of paper, canvas, to make sure that the tone is suitable. If it does not fit, it is necessary to continue experiments on combining paints further.

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Mixing construction paints

Some companies produce ready-made paints with added pigments, although they do not always correspond to the smear on the lid, the user's expectations.Therefore, it is possible to purchase standard white paint (latex, acrylic) and separately liquid color for painting walls and other surfaces. In a large container, it is necessary to combine both components, introducing the dye dropwise, mixing the composition well. For this purpose it is advisable to use a construction mixer, because after manual mixing there is a risk of leaving streaks of pigment. Finished color should be tested on a small section of the wall. After drying, it will be possible to reliably evaluate the result.

It is also better to add red paint to the white finishing material, acquiring it in a small amount. There are many shades of red among building coatings, so there is no problem choosing the right one. The proportions of the components that make up the finished paint should be recorded, then if you need a new portion, it will turn out to be the same in saturation. Glossy paints always turn out brighter, matte - powdery, muffled.

Mixing construction paints

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Pink food coloring

White confectionery dyes do not exist on sale; it is quite possible to replace them with powdered sugar when sprinkling baked goods. Therefore, pink color is made using two components: powder and red powder color. You need to work in this order:

  • pour white sugar in the right volume into the container;
  • dilute the powder with water or leave dry - as needed;
  • pour a little red pigment (usually a drop is enough, because food colors are very concentrated);
  • mix the mass thoroughly (it is better to use a mixer, blender for this purpose).

Any product is covered with pink glaze, it will completely replace the traditional white one, it will look much more interesting. If you do not want to use chemical dyes, you can drip a little beetroot juice into the diluted white mass. This will help to prepare a pink “paint” without harm to health.

The use of food coloring

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Getting different shades of pink

When combining white and pink paint, a standard shade of varying degrees of saturation is obtained. But there are much more pink tones in the palette of designers, artists. You can make them by introducing additional shades. Here are the colors you need to add to get new tones:

  • for pink-lilac - blue;
  • for bright pink - raspberry, cherry;
  • for pink-peach - orange or yellow, brown and red;
  • for dirty pink - gray or black.

It is important to introduce complementary colors in very small portions, over a tiny droplet, especially when it comes to dark colors. Black is poured carefully, because it will easily spoil the base, make it achromatic.

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Warm and cold shades

The color of a rose in the shade, in the light, looks completely different. Lighting greatly affects its perception, but this is not the only determining factor. A specific tone - warm or cool - is obtained depending on the type of red used. If you take cold red as the basis, then the final pink will also be "northern", and vice versa. To make the finished shade “warmer”, a little orange, brown, and yellow can be dripped into it.

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Tinting Acrylic Paints

It is not always possible to independently tint the paint to obtain a truly high-quality result. In addition, if the staining area is large and there is not enough paint, it is almost impossible to repeat the shade exactly. Therefore, it is worth ordering a tint of paint from professionals, such a service is offered by any large hardware store.

Tinting device

The desired shade can be selected according to the palette provided by the manufacturer, and the finished paint will have exactly the same tone. This option is more suitable for those who do not want to experiment with flowers on their own, having overpaid a little, you can be sure of the result and the excellent quality of the paint!

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