In standard sets of colors, often the required colors are lacking, and sometimes the palette is completely represented only in basic tones. For example, to find a ready pale blue shade of gouache, watercolors, acrylic paints is problematic. You have to buy professional kits, the price of which is quite high. But there are a number of ways to get blue when mixing colors: to work, you need to cook only a couple of classic tones.
Choice of colors and recommendations
It is not for nothing that the light blue color causes a feeling of peace and carelessness. Despite the coldness, it is a natural shade: it belongs to the sky, water, therefore it is close to the human eye, easily perceived by him. In the interior, blue is ideal for a bathroom, bedroom, as well as for rooms located on the south side of the house.
The way to make blue color yourself is quite simple, it does not require special skills. You only need to prepare a suitable container, a standard set of paints, high-quality brushes, and get to work.
Experienced artists know a huge number of blue shades: there are bright blue, dark blue, close to blue, azure and turquoise, as well as pastel, very light colors. All of them are based on blue paint with the addition of white, but sometimes they can include additional shades. To get exactly the right tone, you need to remember: the more white is present in the mixture, the less saturated the finished color will be.
Experts give a number of tips for the process of mixing paints to give a positive result:
- different paints, for example, oil and gouache, practically do not connect with each other: as a result, the mass will still have streaks, delaminate, because the basis of the materials is unequal in density;
- for an ideal result, it is necessary to take paints not only with a single binder, but also from one manufacturer;
- you can add arbitrarily much white paint to the base - it will not spoil the color, but only lighten it;
- oil paints can be mixed by applying strokes to each other directly on the canvas, the same rule applies to acrylic colors;
- gouache should be mixed in a jar with transparent walls in order to better see the result;
- to obtain a blue color from watercolors, you will need a white plastic palette or a disposable plate, as well as water.
Production of blue color and its varieties
Blue is considered a tone of weak saturation, therefore, to create it, it is advisable to add a darker gamut (blue) to light (white) in small portions. With this approach, the shade will be soft, pastel. Classic blue is created by combining equal parts of blue and white. If necessary, the intensity of the finished color is manually adjusted by the introduction of one of these tones.
To make a cold, muted color, take:
- 2 parts of blue;
- 1 part turquoise;
- 3 parts of white.
In order for blue to have a slight greenish tint, mix blue with a drop of green, and then dilute the mass with white. A noble blue with a violet glow is obtained by combining blue paint, white and pink color. To darken, a drop of brown or a minimum of black is introduced into it. In order to give the shade even greater coldness, they make gray-blue of these paints:
- 2 parts white;
- 1 part of gray;
- a drop of blue.
A bright blue color is prepared as follows: a dark ultramarine is combined with a drop of red, and then it is diluted with white. To make blue warmer, you can enter a little yellow into it, but the resulting hue will already be blue-green. As you can see, there are many options for making the right tone. You can use one of them or conduct several experiments until the result suits the user.