of primers

Performance characteristics of acrylic based primer VD-AK-133

If you do not pay enough attention to priming the surface before painting, there is a risk of defects in the future. These are cracks, swellings, wrinkles that shorten the life of the decorative layer. Acrylic primer VD-AK-133 is widely used in construction and repair and helps to create a durable reliable coating.

Material Description

The primer VD-AK-133 is prepared according to GOST 28196-89 and is a water-dispersion paint with a variety of useful properties. The composition of the tool includes such components:

  • water;
  • various additives, fillers;
  • water acrylic dispersion;
  • Surfactant;
  • biocide.

The base of the primer VD-AK is water-dispersion paint

The material is intended to improve the adhesion of various surfaces, as it forms a film and protects the subsequent layers of enamel. The soil perfectly lays on wooden, metal, concrete (including cellular) products, gypsum, fiberboard and particleboard, drywall, brick, and natural stone. It is also acceptable to apply the product on cement-sand screeds, various plasters. To increase the elasticity of building materials, soil can be added to them before direct use. At home, the material is often used before decal wallpaper.

A distinctive property of the primer is the ability to protect surfaces from moisture, so it should be used where high demands are made on moisture protection. The material is ideal for interior work - it is environmentally friendly, without an unpleasant odor, does not give harmful fumes.

The coating formed by the VD-AK-133 primer has the following qualities:

  • has no color;
  • highly elastic;
  • permeable to air;
  • helps destroy dust;
  • reduces paint consumption.

Application of primer VD-AK-133 allows to reduce paint consumption

It should be remembered that such a coating does not provide corrosion protection, therefore, it is not able to protect metal from rust.

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Primer Characteristics

Technical characteristics of the product are established by the above state standard. For each batch there is a certificate of conformity, a certificate and a hygiene passport. Here are the main options:

  • the appearance of the film is smooth, without pits, pores, wrinkles, inclusions;
  • conditional viscosity on the device VZ-246 at a temperature of +20 degrees - 20 s;
  • the degree of milling - 20 microns;
  • non-volatiles - 54%;
  • pH is 8-10;
  • drying time at a temperature of + 40 ... + 50 degrees - 10 minutes;
  • adhesion - up to 1 MPa;
  • hiding power of the film - 80 g / sq. m .;
  • resistance to the action of water at a temperature of about +22 degrees - 24 hours;
  • ground color - white, brown, black and others on request.

The resulting coating withstands temperature extremes from –45 to +60 degrees. It will be resistant to precipitation, the influence of ultraviolet radiation (does not fade). A layer of dry soil is not a fire hazard.

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Before applying the primer, you need to make sure that the base is strong, does not crumble and does not chip. All cracks should be repaired, loosen loose areas. It should also be deleted:

  • oil stains;
  • drips of paint;
  • lime, glue.

Primer VD-AK-133 can be applied with a brush or roller

If plaster or putty has just been applied to the wall, you need to wait for it to dry completely. Most plasters will have to wait a week, and for cement-sand coatings - up to a month.

All work is done in rubber gloves. Since there are no toxic substances and solvents in the product, using a respirator is not a prerequisite. Before starting work, the primer is thoroughly mixed, if the volume is large, then this must be done using a mixer. Primed at a temperature not lower than –15 degrees, if the outer surfaces are painted, you should choose dry weather without strong winds. Priming is carried out manually using a roller or brush, large surfaces are treated with a spray.

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Consumption and storage

Consumption per layer is approximately 180-210 g / sq. m. Usually the product is applied in two layers. After the first layer has completely dried, the second is applied, the drying time at ordinary temperature is 1 hour (if the temperature is below 20 degrees, it is better to wait 2 hours).

The material should be stored for 6 months (recommended shelf life), while the temperature should not be less than +5 degrees. For operational properties, freezing does not matter, but the manufacturer does not advise to withstand the soil in cold weather without special need. They transport it in warm wagons, cars.

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