of primers

Selection and technique of applying bitumen primer


Many have heard that roofs or floors are covered with bitumen for greater strength, but consider this process to be something high-tech, suitable only for large construction. In fact, the bitumen primer (primer) is very easy to use, it can significantly strengthen and increase the adhesive properties of the floor or roof.

Bitumen primer in a bucket

The use of this type of primers is desirable before the subsequent fusion or gluing of rolled materials for the roof, arrangement of waterproofing. So, the bitumen-polymer primer protects the metal from corrosion and destruction and fits under the bitumen-polymer mastic.

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What gives the use of primers

The use of bitumen primers during construction or repair helps to significantly improve the surface before further work, namely:

  1. Increase adhesion before subsequent application of the material for roofing or waterproofing (it can cover the floor and walls in basements, the foundation or base of the roof made of wood, brick, concrete).
  2. Strengthen the surface of concrete, foam concrete block or cement-sand screed, renew old bitumen coatings. Primer primer will easily bind small particles and dust on the surface of concrete products, fill the pores of the base.
  3. To accelerate the surfacing of the material for the roof by leveling and moistening the base.
  4. Prepare the base before applying bitumen waterproofing.
  5. Protect metal surfaces from corrosion before applying the decorative backing.

Use of bitumen in construction

Due to its properties, bitumen soil improves the adhesion of the material for roofing or waterproofing with a porous dusty base.

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Varieties of bitumen based formulations

Bitumen primer, depending on its constituent components, can be:

  1. Simple. It includes bitumen and unleaded gasoline in a ratio of 1: 3. Such a mixture can be made independently.
  2. The polymer primer is made with the addition of polypropylene (powder or atactic) in its composition. It costs a little more than a simple one. When buying, in order not to purchase a fake, you must definitely check the quality certificate.
  3. Mineral-bitumen mixture is produced with the addition of dolomatized and asphalt limestones. Must have a certificate confirming these qualities.
  4. Rubber-bitumen incorporates rubber waste fillers. Most often, crushed rubber tires that have served their age are added to it.
  5. Water bitumen emulsion. This soil-mix is ​​made on the basis of bitumen and water, it is used for interior work, most often it covers concrete floors in rooms.It has little toxicity, a small consumption of the drug per 1 m² is required. When buying, be sure to check all the characteristics indicated in the certificate.
Varieties of bitumen based formulations
Varieties of bitumen based formulations

According to the generally accepted classification, a bitumen primer is divided into 2 types:

  1. Ready emulsion, when primer is used, simply stir well enough.
  2. Concentrate. This primer is diluted to the required consistency with kerosene, gasoline or other organic solvents, as indicated in the attached instructions. This form of release provides a more economical use of the drug, facilitates its storage and transportation.

According to its purpose, it can be:

  1. Road. Bonds crushed stone before applying asphalt. In private construction, it can be used before applying concrete screeds on the street.
  2. Roofing. It is used for waterproofing and leveling the base before the final roof covering. The selection of such coverage is very responsible, you should not purchase an unknown product without a certificate.
  3. Piping. It is used to protect metal from corrosion damage.
  4. Universal. Suitable for use on surfaces of all kinds (wood, concrete, sand plate).

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What to look for when buying bitumen soil

Choosing the necessary drug in the construction market, you need to consider:

  1. The composition of the subsequent coating, which will be applied to the primed base. For example, if you need a bitumen primer for a polymer or rubber coating, then a polymer or rubber variety should be purchased.
  2. Technical characteristics (additional strength, elasticity, the presence of additives).
  3. The constituent of the base (the type of surface should be indicated in the instruction or certificate: wood, concrete or is it a universal mixture).
  4. The presence of a quality certificate.
  5. Profitability. Material consumption per 1 m².

Buying bitumen in the store

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Features of applying a primer to the base

Bitumen-based soil can be cold or hot. Only cold primer emulsion is on sale, which, although somewhat more expensive than hot (the latter must be warmed up to 80 ° C before use), is much safer to use and less fire hazard.

Primer application on the base

Such bitumen-soil can be used without additional heating at an air temperature of + 5 ° C, it lays well on the prepared surface and provides an economical consumption of material per 1 m².

For guaranteed quality of construction work, it is necessary to check the availability of a certificate for the goods upon purchase.

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Work Precautions

  • it is not allowed to use a bitumen primer near an open flame source;
  • to carry out all work on the application is necessary in the canvas gloves;
  • do not allow the emulsion to come in contact with eyes or skin: if the composition gets on the skin, wash off the soil mixture with a suitable solvent, if it gets into your eyes, rinse with water and consult a doctor;
  • When working indoors, good ventilation must be provided.

When working on the street, apply the composition only in warm, dry weather, in the first day, protect the area covered by it from moisture.

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Which tool to use for application

  1. Airbrush. If the technical characteristics (viscosity indicated in the certificate) of the preparation allow its application by spraying, then it will ensure uniform distribution of the bitumen emulsion over the entire area and its low consumption per 1 m².
  2. The use of the brush is suitable for small areas, but on large surfaces its use is ineffective.
  3. Foam or fur rollers are not suitable. Liquid bitumen sticks to them, causing adhesion, because of this, the quality of application decreases and the consumption of material increases.
  4. Spill method.It is used when using high viscosity formulations. The solution is poured onto the base and evenly distributed over it with a rubber mop. It is rarely used, when it is used, the material consumption per 1 m² is very increased.

Bitumen spray gun

The use of bitumen primers is not difficult, even a novice builder will cope with this. Their use helps to obtain advantages in construction and repair work:

  • able to significantly strengthen the base;
  • provide waterproofing;
  • accelerate the pace of construction work (dries 1-6 hours, then you can apply a subsequent coating).

The consumption of bitumen primers is 100-500 grams per square meter, depending on the type of substrate (metal, concrete, wood).

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