of primers

Scope and order of drawing a primer Cerezit ST 16

In order for the walls of the house to reliably protect from cold, damp, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of designing the facade and carrying out internal work. An obligatory component of the wall coating is the primer: its use provides the necessary operational characteristics. Professionals appreciate Ceresit ST 16 - priming with this tool is very popular in construction and repair.

Material properties

Primer Ceresit CT 16 - a type of finishing materials on a water-dispersion basis, which is intended to prepare the base for subsequent finishing. The soil of this brand is universal - it is ideally suited for use under facade paints, decorative plasters, and is useful for indoor and outdoor use. The application of the primer guarantees the durability and reliability of the coating service in the future.

Ceresit CT 16 is used for surface preparation for facade paints and decorative plasters

The properties and characteristics of the material are as follows:

  • improvement of adhesion indicators - adhesion to other coatings;
  • optimization of the process of applying the finish coating;
  • providing protection against moisture - the surface acquires moisture repellent qualities;
  • deep penetration into previous layers during finishing works.

Adhesion due to coating with the material improves due to the inclusion of mineral (quartz) sand, which gives the surface roughness. Soil does not cause a decrease in breathability, is environmentally friendly, does not contain solvents and does not have an unpleasant, pungent odor. It is completely ready for use, which is very convenient for the user. The package contains 5 or 10 kg of soil, the cost of a smaller capacity is about 500 rubles.

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Primer Characteristics

The base color of the product is white, but it is possible to add tinting pigments according to the manufacturer’s map (colored primers are made to order). You can also tint the primer Ceresit ST 16 yourself, which is sometimes required when carrying out plastering work with colored plaster.

Description of the technical characteristics of the material is given below:

  1. The structure is dense, homogeneous, without impurities.
  2. Temperature when applying the product + 5 ... + 30 degrees, relative humidity - no more than 80%.
  3. Drying of one layer - 3 hours.
  4. The density of the product is 1.5 kg / cu. dm.
  5. The speed at which the surface will absorb the primer is less than 0.5 kg / sq. m / hour * 0.5.

Ceresit CT 16 has a dense, uniform structure

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Expense of funds

Before you process the surfaces in the house or outside, you should clarify the consumption rate per 1 m2. This will help to get the right amount of primer. Consumption strongly depends on the ability of the surface to water absorption and will range from 200 ml to 500 ml per square meter.

Scope of application of a primer

Most often, the material is used to primer various substrates made of concrete, mineral coatings, cement walls and floors, gypsum, drywall products.It is also suitable for the treatment of lime and other types of plaster, cellular concrete, chipboards.

Since the soil does not allow the translucent color of the base to be exposed through a thin layer of plaster, it is often used in finishing finishing works. Its use in bathrooms is shown, since it protects the base from dampness. Similarly, protection against the effects of precipitation on the street is provided.

In addition to the specified areas of operation of this material, it can be used for:

  • arrangement of facade insulation systems;
  • priming the reinforced layer before laying decorative plaster;
  • application to the coating before staining with acrylic, water-based, oil paints.

Soil significantly improves adhesion and application quality of silicone and wallpaper adhesives. Such a wide range of possible works makes Ceresit ST 16 popular among ordinary users and professional builders.

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Surface preparation

Be sure to carefully prepare the base - this will guarantee the quality of the future coating. The base must be dry, not crumble. The surface is leveled, well cleared of:

  • fat and oils;
  • dust and dirt;
  • the rest of the mastic;
  • old paintwork.

Before applying the primer, the surface should be checked for strength. To do this, they feel and tap it, if necessary, fragile areas are cleaned and swept. Subsequently, the holes and cracks are plastered and leveled. Before priming, you also need to eliminate mold, moss, fungus and other defects of the external and internal walls. The floor with the device of the screed, which is located in humid rooms, as well as the walls should be treated with special fungicidal mixtures.

Ground preparation

In preparation, you must also do the following:

  1. Strongly absorbent substrates (particle boards) should be treated with special primers on one layer (you can take Ceresit ST 17), then let it dry for 4-6 hours.
  2. Paste doors and windows around the edges with paper tape to protect them from soil contamination.
  3. When applied to waterproofing, after installation of the latter, 3 days should pass.
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According to the instructions, the soil does not need to be bred, it is sold in finished form. It is enough to stir the material or shake directly in the package. Primed with a brush, rollers for this purpose are not used. Apply the product in an even layer, not exceeding the flow rate, preventing drips and puddles. Usually one layer of soil is enough to improve the surface properties.

Drying time is 3 hours, but it is better to withstand 6 hours before decorating. The period will depend on air temperature and its humidity. Full compliance with technical specifications is achievable at a temperature of 20 degrees heat and humidity 60%.

Wall application Ceresit CT 16

After the final drying of the soil layer, it becomes resistant to mechanical damage, which is checked by rubbing with an edge of an iron grater. Tools are cleaned immediately - before drying, the product is easily washed off with water. Compliance with all recommendations will allow you to get high quality coating both on the outside of the house, and indoors.

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