of primers

Characteristics and application of a primer Ceresit ST 19

Before performing the final processing of the walls, before the wallpaper sticker, it is always recommended to use primers. An example of high-quality soil for walls and other smooth surfaces can be called Ceresit ST 19. This material is intended only for internal work, it is not used outside buildings.

Material properties

Concrete contact primer Ceresit CT 19 is a specialized tool for processing smooth substrates in order to improve the adhesion (adhesion) of subsequent coatings to the base. According to the instructions, priming with this material should precede the application of:

  • plasters;
  • putties;
  • tile glue;
  • wallpaper glue, etc.

Ceresit CT 19 is designed for smooth surfaces.

Optimization of adhesion of concrete and other materials gives the basis to indicate “concrete contact” in the product description. Other useful properties of the primer are as follows:

  1. Preservation of the ability of surfaces to normal vapor permeability.
  2. The ability to carry out work even at low temperatures (the primer is also available in the "winter" version).
  3. Ready to use, no breeding needed.
  4. Environmental Safety.

The composition of water-dispersed soil contains mineral fillers, pigments, acrylic copolymers. The material is available in packs of 10 and 15 kg.

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Application area

The primer is used to treat surfaces with a not very porous and highly absorbent structure. Usually it is concrete, reinforced concrete products (floor, walls, slabs, etc.). The presence of fine quartz sand creates a special rough layer, so that subsequent layers of materials are firmly fixed to the surface.

Ceresit CT 19 is applied with a brush

It is permissible to use this soil only indoors. It is applied before plastering, facing, painting and puttying. If necessary, this can be done by:

  • ceramic tile;
  • lime;
  • paint;
  • less often - on drywall, particleboard.
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Primer Characteristics

Evaluation of technical characteristics is carried out before the acquisition of the product - so you can determine whether it is suitable for the properties. Here are the main options:

  1. Density - 1.5 kg / dm. cube
  2. The hue is pink.
  3. The structure is homogeneous, dense.
  4. Permissible temperature for work is + 5 ... + 35 degrees, for winter primers - 40 degrees.
  5. Drying time is 3 hours or more (depending on temperature).
  6. Consumption - 0.3-0.75 kg / sq. m surface.

Primer composition Ceresit CT 19

The winter primer can be frozen and thawed up to five times without loss of properties.

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Foundation preparation

Prior to priming, the surface should be cleaned of dirt, dust, oil, grease, paints and varnishes. Drops of paint, streaks of cement should be removed, loosely held areas to break off and cover with a brush. If there is a fungus, treat the surface with fungicidal agents, clean the places of accumulation of mold and fungus. Windows, doors covered with paper tape. Cracks, holes to close up with plasters.

Operating procedure

The tool is not applied with a roller, for this you need to purchase a brush with a diameter of 100-120 mm, you can replace it with a soft brush.During priming, the temperature should not exceed the numbers indicated in the technical specifications. The brush is dipped into the ground and spread it over a wall or other surface. After complete drying, another layer can be applied. There should be no gaps on the wall during inspection. Tools can be easily washed with water, but only immediately after completion of work.

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Safety precautions

Do not allow material to enter the body. When working with him, it is not necessary to wear personal protective equipment - the primer Ceresit ST 19 is not toxic, not hazardous to health.

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