of primers

Varieties, properties and rules for applying primers PF series

Priming surfaces helps to improve their protection against damage and improves the quality of adhesion (adhesion) to subsequent layers. There is a whole series of primers that are suitable for most known materials. The primer PF is selected depending on the required properties and technical characteristics.

General information about PF brand primers

Pentaphthalic soil (PF) - a series of paints and varnishes, which is a combination of pigments, solvents, desiccants. Also in their composition - alkyd varnish, providing the necessary properties and texture. As diluents for primers of the PF series, xylene, white spirit, and solvent can be used. Such products are widely used in various fields of production and in construction along with glyptal primers (GF).

Primer for floors with pentaphthalic primer

The instructions for their use clearly specify the scope of use. Most often, they are recommended to be applied to wooden and metal surfaces to create a protective coating. Primers can be applied indoors and outdoors.

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Varieties of Pentaphthal Primers

The greatest demand among users is noted for soils PF-010m, PF-020 and PF-031. There are other types of materials in the series, all of which will be discussed in detail below.


This tool is a one-component primer containing alkyd varnish and rust modifiers. Special ingredients provide powerful anti-corrosion protection. Primer PF-0131 penetrates into metal, penetrates into micropores on its surface and inhibits corrosion. Even with existing rust spots, the product does not allow them to grow on the surface, forming special complexes. The latter are fixed on the upper layer of the product and reliably associated with it.

The primer is widely used to cover tanks, cisterns, metal containers, wagons and hulls of ships, pipelines, and other metal structures. It is environmentally friendly, has a favorable cost, significantly reduces the consumption of other materials. According to the certificate, the product has the following technical characteristics:

  • color - dark gray, dark brown, black;
  • consumption per square meter m. - 0.25-0.3 g;
  • the drying period of the paint at temperatures up to +220 degrees - 12 hours, at higher temperatures - up to 35 minutes.

Metal products coated with PF-0131

The product is packaged in cylinders of 300 g, in cans and barrels of 1-50 kg.

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Soil is used to provide rust protection for metal products, and also helps protect wooden products from damage. According to certificates, the product has the best adhesion to metal and wood. The coating created by this paintwork material is resistant to temperatures of –50 ... + 60 degrees. The main characteristics are as follows:

  • film structure - smooth, without inclusions, homogeneous;
  • viscosity according to the VZ-246 viscometer - 50-60 s;
  • dry residue - 40–55%;
  • the degree of grinding of the film is 50 microns;
  • drying time to the degree of 3 - 24 hours;
  • the consumption per layer is 0.08-0.12 g / sq. m

The manufacturer can make a primer with any color at the request of the customer.

Rust protection primer

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Primer PF-021 is also intended for the prevention and elimination of stains of corrosion of steel products and other metals, which are operated in conditions of increased aggressiveness of the environment, constant changes in climatic factors. Especially good tool protects products from the effects of acids, gases, alkalis. It can be used for exterior and interior use, it is resistant to temperature changes (can withstand from -45 to +60 degrees). The product must be diluted with white spirit and other solvents to achieve the desired viscosity.

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For the production of soil PF-0244, an alkyd-oil-polymer varnish is used, which is combined with desiccants and solvents. The material is used to protect ferrous metals and wood, after which a layer of paints and enamels is applied to create a decorative coating. The primer goes well with paints such as EF, GF, FL, HV, it is not affected by mineral oils, saline solutions.

Technical specifications are as follows:

  • shades - red-brown, gray, gray-blue;
  • the drying period at a temperature of +20 degrees - 6 hours, at a temperature of +105 degrees - 35 minutes;
  • consumption per layer - 70-120 g / sq. m .;
  • the thickness of one layer is 18–23 microns.

For diluting the agent, a solvent is used - xylene, solvent.

Primer PF-0244 manufactured by Himtek

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This primer is applied to improve the protective properties of the coating of bodies, automobile parts, and agricultural and industrial equipment, metal and wood products. It is used as an independent material or as a part of two-layer coatings.

Properties and characteristics of the material:

  • coating drying time at a temperature of +20 degrees - 6 hours, at a temperature of +50 degrees - 2 hours;
  • consumption per layer - 60-100 g / sq. m .;
  • dilution products - solvent, xylene, white spirit;
  • the coating will be resistant to the action of water, oils, durable, hard, elastic, has excellent adhesion.
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This type of primer is used to cover metal products - pipes, towers, garages, bodies and individual parts of equipment, gates, gratings, fences, etc. It is permissible to apply the product on wooden products before coating with alkyd enamels, oil paints.

The properties and characteristics of the material are as follows:

  • includes special components - rust modifiers, which transform corrosion products, can be applied directly to rust sections;
  • reduces the consumption of paints and other paints;
  • prolongs the period of the paintwork;
  • diluted with white spirit, solvent;
  • consumption per layer - 60-100 g / sq. m .;
  • drying time of one layer at a temperature of +20 degrees, air humidity 65–70% - 24 hours.

Garage covered with soil PF-010M

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The entire series is widely used to cover wood and metal products outdoors and inside. In addition to ferrous metals, it is possible to treat with primers surfaces made of non-ferrous metals, including aluminum. Funds are used in various industries - in production, in transport, in agriculture. The soils of this series are especially popular in machine tools and mechanical engineering. To achieve maximum efficiency, they are used in conjunction with pentaphthalic enamel.

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Any of these materials can be applied using a roller, brush, air or airless spray. Some primers are available in two versions - regular and marked “E”. The latter option can be applied by electrostatic spraying.

The application procedure is as follows:

  1. To clear a surface of dirt, dust, fat.Visible rust deposits should also be cleaned, the scale removed, old paintwork materials removed or well sanded.
  2. Dilute the soil to a working viscosity with a solvent, if necessary. Stir the product thoroughly for 3–10 minutes until smooth.
  3. Apply soil to the surface in any convenient way. The layer should be thin, uniform.
  4. Wait for the complete drying of the material - wait for the time according to the attached instructions. With incomplete drying, subsequent layers may peel off. If you plan to apply decorative coatings after the primer, it is better to wait at least 96 hours.

The product retains protective properties up to 7 years, this period may be reduced when used in an aggressive environment.

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Safety precautions

Due to the presence of solvents, almost all primers (except PF-0131) are considered toxic; care must be taken when working with them. The room should be well ventilated, there should be no open flame near the place of work. Work with the material is carried out only in protective gloves, overalls, with glasses on and a respirator. If the product gets on the skin, immediately rinse thoroughly with water.

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