of primers

Universal latex based primers: advantages and applications

In accordance with the technology, any painting and puttying is carried out using primers. Primer mixes can significantly improve and change the properties of the surface treated by them. Typically, the soil is selected in accordance with the base, which will be painted. There are mixtures intended only for coating wood or metal, but there are those that have universal properties. The latter include acrylic and latex primers.

Primer for interior use

Types of universal primers

Acrylic primer mix can be used to cover the surface:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • plastered;
  • putty;
  • drywall;
  • wooden.

Acrylic primers dry quickly, dissolve in water, have no toxic odors. Based on acrylic, surface and deep penetration soils are produced. They are not used for the treatment of metal surfaces, since the metal needs soils that can protect against corrosion.

Acrylic-latex primers are used for exterior decorating. Their beneficial properties include the fact that they can be applied to the treated surface at low ambient temperatures. Latex and acrylic based primer can be used before painting the surface:

  • Chipboard and wood;
  • brick;
  • aluminum;
  • brick;
  • plasters;
  • galvanized metals.

This primer is beneficial in that it can be applied to old paint and unprepared surfaces. It is very easy to choose the necessary color, since this primer mixture is available in a wide range of colors and comes in a wide variety of colors.

Primer for all kinds of surfaces

Latex primers are deep penetration mixtures. Latex based primers give an excellent result when applied to loose and uneven surfaces, which are:

  • plaster;
  • drywall;
  • concrete.
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Advantages of universal primers

Universal soils are advantageous, first of all, in that they are suitable for finishing work on many types of surfaces. That is, for repair work inside a small room, there is no need to purchase several types of soil - just buy one universal.

Primers based on latex and acrylic are good because they:

  • harmless to humans and animals, as they do not emit toxic odors when applied;
  • increase the quality of the processed surface, giving it the properties of resistance to moisture;
  • dry quickly;
  • increase surface and paint adhesion;
  • give surfaces the ability to withstand the damaging effects of decay, mold.

Universal latex-based primers can be used in rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, laundries, baths, saunas, pools). These mixtures are also indispensable for conducting external finishing work (facade, street), due to their resistance to low temperatures.

Universal primer for various types of work

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Application of primers

Following the technology of finishing work related to the need for priming surfaces, before applying paint you need:

  • it is necessary to prepare the surface, having cleaned it of old paint, traces of dirt, dust, various spots;
  • smooth and repair damaged areas if the surface is covered with cracks, dents and other defects;
  • allow the base to dry after preparatory work.

During surface preparation, a metal scraper and sandpaper can be used to remove flaky and lagging old paint. Stains can be removed by washing contaminated places with water and detergents. Oily, greasy contaminants are treated using white spirit and other solvents. When cleaning surfaces, it is worth changing rags more often.

Primer mixes are sold ready to use. In cases where the solution needs to be prepared in some way before use, you should act according to the instructions attached to the product.

In any case, the primer should be thoroughly mixed before use. This is done so that the particles settled to the bottom are evenly distributed within the composition.

Primer mixes are applied to the surface depending on its area using a roller or spray gun, airbrush. So that the composition can be sprayed with a spray gun, it is diluted to the required density.

To increase the quality of the film formed when the soil dries, it is applied in two or even three layers. The consumption of the deep penetration primer mixture depends on the porosity and the area of ​​the surface they process, the number of soil layers.

Each new layer of soil is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

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Masters Tips

Professional painters advise:

  1. Apply the paint to the soil layer only after it has completely dried.
  2. Primer should also be applied only to a dried surface.
  3. If the solution gets on the skin of the hands or eyes, it should immediately be washed off with water.
  4. Paint work only with goggles and gloves.
  5. Tools used for applying primers should be thoroughly washed immediately after use.
  6. Keep all formulations out of the reach of children.
  7. The surface should be primed immediately, without interruption, since these primers are quick-drying.

Besides the fact that primers based on latex and acrylic create an excellent substrate for paint, they are wonderful fillers for microcracks. Due to the ability of universal soils to penetrate deeply into the pores of inhomogeneous and loose surfaces, additional mechanical protection is provided for their colorful coating. Soils have a property that paint does not possess - it is good filling.

The fact that primers based on acrylic and latex are simple to use, do not require special storage conditions, dry quickly, made them popular and in demand among a wide range of consumers.

One comment added
  1. Victoria

    Hello! AngloBud has a product, Top Soil Latex, the description says nothing about use in wet rooms, as well as about antiseptic properties !!!

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