
How to choose a plaster for decorative plaster

Add to the room a stylish design and make it unusual will help the rollers for decorative plaster. It is amazing that such an affordable and familiar to everyone tool for leveling the walls has become a full-fledged tool for decorative decoration. The secret of the transformation is hidden in the textured rollers, which allow you to create a figured print on the wall, imitating various types of surfaces, for example, the texture of stone, wood, leather, "fur coat", etc.

Rollers for decorative plaster
Using curly rollers, you can easily create a picture on the wall
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Varieties of Rollers

For a long time, craftsmen worked on walls with improvised means: sponges, a comb, a stiff brush. Today, an assortment of construction tools for decoration allows you to find a roller with a ready-made relief suitable for the design, which, after processing the plastered wall, turns it into real three-dimensional images. Variations of the cylinder coverings:

  • rubber;
  • foam rubber;
  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • silicone;
  • the cloth;
  • fur;
  • leather.
Rollers made of various materials
Before choosing a roller, you need to decide on the desired pattern on the wall

Tools with a soft surface, such as fur, create a “fur coat” effect on the plaster. We get a marble finish with a fabric roller with pressed fabric, and a leather surface gives a finish like a natural stone. As a rule, they work with such rollers when it is necessary to process a painted surface. Standard foam cylinders can be modernized by winding twine, threads, pieces of foam to create natural patterns, for example, the structure of the tree bark.

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Features of structural plaster rollers

If you are interested in a more pronounced decor, then you can not do without hard-coated rollers. Their cost is an order of magnitude higher than conventional clamps, but this is due to their high aesthetic value. In addition, you can use them several times. The most productive will be rubber rollers, which can have a convex pattern to get a depressed pattern or a welt pattern to form volumetric textures.

Since such an innovation for decorative plaster came from Western countries, it is in their stores that a variety of textures and patterns reigns: leaves, flowers, animals, birds, geometric shapes.

Structural work is carried out in two ways: first, put the plaster, wait for some fixing, then finish the work on a layer or apply to the wall (already putty putty in one layer) plaster, dipping into the composition of the roller. But, basically, the second method is used to carry out pattern painting with color by creating prints with this rubber product.

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Stages of wall plastering

Plastering with a roller
Before applying decorative plaster, the wall must be carefully prepared

To keep the plaster longer and not crack, it is necessary to do preliminary processing. To do this, the surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt, old wallpaper, dust and a primer is applied to it. Then they are putty for leveling. For puttying, use spatulas with a size of 300 mm, 450 mm, 600 mm. Putty should be uniform. And do not push hard.

After the first layer of putty has dried, it is necessary to apply the second, using a spatula of 600 mm. Apply and smooth the putty in two mutually perpendicular directions. Next, you can proceed to the decoration process, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Dry plaster is mixed with water, bringing to a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Then they are engaged in applying the mixture to the wall with a layer of 2-4 mm in order to proceed to create a decor, or more dense if it is also necessary to level the surface. Smooth with a spatula.
  3. They give ten minutes to thicken the composition, and begin to pass with a textured roller from top to bottom, forming a pattern. It is more convenient to work in pairs when the first person is engaged in applying plaster, and the second creates a relief, for example, a "fur coat".
  4. Subsequent processing of the wall with paint is done after 48 hours, when the plaster finally dries. If it is necessary to paint over the entire wall, then a roller with a long pile is bought, and to add color only to the protruding parts take a tool with a short pile.

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Principles for Accurate Drawing

Using rollers for decorative plaster, you must follow a few rules:

  1. The roller is not pressed strongly against the wall, the movement should be smooth and unhurried.
  2. The application of the second track of paint begins where the border of the first drawing passes, without overlap.
  3. At the ceiling, the roller needs to be pressed a little upward, but to maintain a low pressure force further.
  4. If the pattern is too embossed, it can be smoothed out with a wet sanding mesh.
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How to create a "fur coat" surface

The wall under the "fur coat" implies that the plaster is sprayed onto the surface with a broom, brush or a special machine. “Fur coat” is especially popular for a facade surface, but it will be interesting to look in the room as well. The modern version of creating a fur coat includes the use of a textured roller, which allows you to make the layer uniform and presentable.

Facade processing under the "coat" is carried out as in the room. First putty is applied, it is plastered, and a platen roller is applied along the plastered layer. If an error occurs or you see that the plaster is uneven, remove the excess with a spatula. It is impossible to take breaks in the process of creating a “fur coat”, otherwise the composition will have time to dry, and there will be a too noticeable joint at the edges.

The use of structural rollers will allow you to design a wall no worse than any specialist repair. Decorative plaster has long outgrown its main purpose (wall alignment) and is a great way to create exclusive interiors, and even in ethnic style.

Comments and reviews (3)
  1. Ruslan

    tell me how and where you can buy rubber rollers, I would buy

    1. Toma

      I saw such ali

    2. Marina

      0505602092 bought from them

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