Before finishing the ceiling with any materials, you should carefully prepare it. First of all, the preparation includes the removal of residual old glue, which in the form of spots may remain from the previous coating. Only the subsequent use of suspended ceilings eliminates this problem, all other materials do not tolerate time savings. How to clean the ceiling of glue for ceiling tiles, what methods exist? It is worth sorting out in more detail.
- Tools for work
- Room preparation
- Power tool use
- Using a spatula
- Cleaning hard to reach areas
- Solvent wash
- Processing after glue removal
Tools for work
The better it is to clean the ceiling before wallpapering, painting or other types of repairs, the longer the new coating will last. To do the work without difficulty, you need to prepare the necessary tools in advance. Here is a sample list of fixtures:
- putty knife;
- a chisel (replacement - a metal brush);
- grinding machine (replacement - sandpaper);
- Bulgarian;
- staircase (stepladder).
To protect the face you will need a mask or respirator, glasses to protect the eyes. Gloves are put on hands before starting cleaning. Of the supplies, putty, solvent may be needed.
to contents ↑Room preparation
Before you begin to clean the ceiling of tile glue, it is important to prepare a room for work. To remove glue streaks, stains and dirt inevitably have to form a large amount of dust. To prevent damage to things, the latter must be taken out of the room - we are talking about bedding, carpets, bedspreads, pillows and other things. Further, it is important to remove or cover sofas, armchairs, and other upholstered furniture. Other stages of preparation:
- tightly close the cabinets and hang them with plastic wrap;
- tables also lay with oilcloth, film;
- the equipment should be moved to another room;
- sprinkle the ceiling with water to nail part of the dust, wet the adhesive;
- open windows for timely ventilation of the room.
to contents ↑The ceiling is usually wetted several times, as the coating dries quickly. You can spray only a certain area in 1 dose, then repeat the procedure. After completing the work, it is important to make a full cleaning of the room.
Power tool use
The easiest way to remove glue from the ceiling with a grinder. If the tile had to be glued using a large amount of glue, this method is better than others. A suitable emery cloth is installed on the machine, a stepladder is substituted to the desired section of the ceiling. Further, the top layer of the coating can be removed without difficulty, along with it it will be possible to remove stains of any glue.
What if the tile had to be glued using glue like "liquid nails"? This tool is very durable, has a high adhesion to the surface, it is not easy to remove from the ceiling. For this purpose, a grinder with a grinding wheel (hard wire disk) is ideal.Even persistent contaminants will be removed, after which a new coating can be properly glued.
to contents ↑Working with a power tool leads to the appearance of the largest amount of dust, you can’t work indoors! Gloves for hands should be very durable, thick to protect them from injury and vibration of devices.
Using a spatula
Mechanical cleaning of the ceiling will have to be done if there are no power tools. The easiest way to clean the ceiling is with a spatula. It is very inconvenient to use a spatula with a short handle, the work will be laborious. It is better to purchase a tool on a long handle, or attach an existing spatula to a stick. So you can work without a ladder, work will go faster.
The procedure is as follows:
- Wet the ceiling well with water.
- Wait 15-30 minutes.
- To clear a surface.
- If necessary, add water by spraying onto dry areas.
After using the putty knife, you should use putty, primer, after which you can glue a new tile or make another coating. You can also remove dried glue with a construction grater. It is held at an angle of 90 degrees to the ceiling, movements are made diagonally.
to contents ↑Cleaning hard to reach areas
Some areas are not easy to clean with a spatula and even a power tool. These are corners, seams, places along the wall, next to the baseboard. You will have to remove the glue from them manually, you will need a chisel, a construction brush. The chisel is poured off spots and streaks of adhesive on the corners. A brush is needed for better cleaning of glue that has penetrated deeper into the base. Such tools are not used to prepare the main area - it is too laborious.
to contents ↑Solvent wash
How to wash the ceiling if it has only separate spots of glue? For this purpose, a solvent with certain characteristics is suitable. Glue "Titan", other "strong" compounds are well removed with solvents for acrylic enamels, which also contain acrylic in the composition. Before work, put on gloves, moisten a rag, wipe the glue stain. The remains of undissolved substance must be removed with a spatula, they will easily move away.
As a solvent, some use vinegar. Wet the sponge with 9% vinegar, then apply to the stains. They will quickly move away. Another way to clean the ceiling:
- Pour hot water into the container.
- Add tile cleaner.
- Wet brush, sponge in liquid.
- Wipe the ceiling with a solution with pressure.
- After a while, wash off the spots with water along with glue.
to contents ↑
Processing after glue removal
After thorough cleaning of the surface, it is prepared for further processing. In the presence of craters, pits use putty. Then polish the coating, make the primer 2 times. This guarantees a good result - staining or sticker of the wallpaper will be successful, the coating will last a long time.