
Is it possible to stick ceiling tiles on whitewash - user manual

If you decide to do the repair yourself, everyone is trying to reduce the cost of time and materials. Many are interested in whether it is possible to glue ceiling tiles on whitewash? This option is acceptable, but you must follow the instructions and features.

Gluing tiles to whitewash - the rules

Experts say that for a high quality result, the ceiling should be as clean as possible from the coating. The ability to stick material on a whitewashed ceiling depends on the specifics of the whitewash and the type of tile. If many layers of lime are already applied to the ceiling surface, the polystyrene foam tile will not hold firmly. Also, do not mount the plates if the whitewashing is done in chalk. Even a primed surface several times will gradually crumble under the weight of the tile.

Thick whitewash or chalk should be removed

The only possible situation in which it is possible to glue the material on whitewashing is the presence of a thin layer of lime. The coating should be very firmly attached to the base, and the tile should be light, not thick, made of extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene.

You can check the adhesion of lime with concrete using a spatula. It is necessary to scrape in the zones of swelling, cracks - if the coating easily crumbles, it is better to abandon the venture. Another situation in which you can’t stick the tile is to use frozen lime for whitewashing. Whitewashing is like chalky, adhesion to glue will be bad.

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The right tools

To work on gluing boards, you need to prepare a number of tools. To cut the slabs you will need a clerical or sharp construction knife, marking is done with a masking cord. To stick the plates, you need high-quality tile glue (“Moment”, “Liquid Nails”, “Titanium” and others). Other tools needed:

  • hard spatula or a set of spatulas of different calibers;
  • scissors;
  • a simple pencil;
  • roulette;
  • roller;
  • sponge, rag;
  • construction level.

To dilute the glue, if it is not sold ready-made, you will need containers and water.

Ceiling Cleaning Tools & Tile Stickers

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Ceiling preparation

Before gluing the material, you need to conduct some preparation. This will help improve the quality of adhesion. First of all, you should find all the places for possible peeling of whitewash. You also need to run your hand along the ceiling, if there are few traces left, this serves as a favorable sign. Otherwise, remove the coating.

Whitening and cleaning

After carefully searching for flaking whitewash, it is carefully removed with a spatula. This is done until the spatula touches the firmly held lime. The rest of the whitewash must be crushed, after brushing the area with a brush, a rag from fine dust. To improve adhesion to the tiles, the ceiling must be washed - wipe with a damp sponge.

When the coating begins to crumble, you will have to remove it completely. This is done by washing and sanding:

  • draw water into a bucket;
  • moistened roller to walk on the surface;
  • after 20 minutes the whitewash will get wet;
  • remove the upper ceiling layer with a metal spatula;
  • with fine whitewashing, sand the surface.

The ceiling cleared of old whitewash

On a single-layer coating, you can walk well with a wet rag, brush, roller. Washing will help to remove all poorly fixed zones, and lime from the pits is removed by the angle of a spatula.

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It is impossible to glue tiles on whitewash without priming, only the primer will ensure proper adhesion. It is required to buy deep absorption soil. Before use, it is thoroughly shaken, poured into a pallet. It is necessary to apply with a roller, squeezing so that the soil does not drain, with a thin layer, evenly. In the corners moisten the ceiling with a paint brush. After complete drying, be sure to make a second layer. The roller, brush quickly become clogged with lime, so the soil must be poured into the pallet in small portions.

The people have another way of priming. For it laundry soap is used. It glues together particles of lime that will hold firmly and will not peel off. In 4 liters of boiling water dissolve a piece of dark soap. This tool is held with a brush, roller on the ceiling. Strongly wet the coating is not necessary.

Before gluing tiles, the ceiling must be primed

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Before gluing the ceiling tile, it is important to align the ceiling. This is required for surfaces that have severe changes, pits, chips. Expanded polystyrene will hide small irregularities, but significant ones will cause a violation of the pattern and the ugly appearance of the coating. The alignment rules are as follows:

  • putty is put into holes from 5 mm deep;
  • putty and building mesh are placed in defects more than 1 cm deep;
  • a significant difference in ceiling heights will have to be leveled with drywall.

Ceiling measurement is done by level. With its help, the lowest angle is revealed, a mark is put. According to this indicator, you need to align the entire ceiling.

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Glue the tiles on the selected pattern. If you decide to use the classic way, you can start from the corner. The markup is done in straight straight lines. Then stick strips of material.

Tile gluing diagonally

The diagonal method involves gluing the plates from the center. It should be noted the middle of each side, pull the twine to the opposite wall. The point of intersection of the cords is the center of the room. It will house the first tile diagonally. Pre-draw the diagonal lines with a pencil in order to glue the plates evenly.

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Gluing ceiling tiles

Tiles before work should be sorted by size - often come across specimens of a larger or smaller size. Excess pieces should be carefully cut with a knife so that the entire tile is the same. The selected adhesive is applied on 4 sides of the tile and in the center with droplets.

Then they follow the instructions - they are immediately applied to the intended place or they are held for 20-60 seconds until the product first dries up. The excess glue that has come out around the edges must be removed with a rag, sponge. It is necessary to press the material to the ceiling until it grips securely. Thus, all the material is glued according to the marking. After a day, the joints between the tiles can be covered with white putty.

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It is possible to glue foam plates on the ceiling directly on whitewashing, if it has a thin layer, is firmly bonded to a concrete base. In case the whitewash fortress is in doubt, it is worth spending more time to completely clean the ceiling before pasting. This will help maintain the repair result for several years without losing aesthetic appeal.

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