If sports shoes from time to time began to look worn, do not rush to throw them away. Craftsmen have long learned to independently restore expensive things. For example, at home, you can paint soccer shoes and gloves with water with paint dissolved in it: the process is simple and quite exciting.
Materials and Tools
Before work, you need to determine the type of coloring matter and its shade. To paint the boots, any paint in cans, for example, acrylic automotive, is suitable. As for the shades, you can choose the right combination to your taste. Combinations such as orange and light green, black and gold, green and purple, red and blue are great. Especially beautiful will look all shades of the metallic shade and glitter paints.
Also, for work you will need a white matte primer with a spray (for example, universal Paint Touch aerosol primer). It is easy to apply, completely paints the base color and removes all bumps, scuffs, flaws.
Still need to prepare:
- a water tank suitable for immersion boot size;
- thick rubber gloves;
- durable adhesive tape.
Preparatory Activities
In order for the primer and paint to lie evenly, shoes and gloves are free from contamination in advance. Things are cleaned mechanically or washed with detergents, thoroughly dried. Holes, obvious damage are sutured. Shoelaces are removed. After covering the shoes and gloves with soil, spraying it from a distance of about 30 cm. Spray areas near the soles, seams, tongue well. The products are completely dried (usually within 6-12 hours).
to contents ↑If required, logos are sealed with tape: after removing it, you can save the original name of the product.
Staining technology
The painting process is quite simple. Warm water is poured into the container (temperature - about 35-38 degrees), the container is placed on a convenient table. It is advisable to work in the fresh air, otherwise you will have to use a respirator.
Further, the sequence of actions will be as follows:
- paint of the selected color is sprayed onto the surface of the water, creating multi-colored “clouds” one on top of the other, in layers;
- put on gloves, take the restored product in one hand;
- gently lower the item into water, starting from the outer side, or holding parallel to the surface of the water;
- after complete immersion, it is noted that a colored film was printed on the product, which formed a bizarre pattern;
- they take the thing out of the water, set it to dry for 8-12 hours (preferably for a day).
After staining, it is recommended to cover shoes or other items with protective varnish. Thanks to this treatment, they can be actively used for at least 2-3 months, until the paint begins to fade or peel off. With the help of simple manipulations, it will be easier to restore sports equipment, and it can be done with your own hands.