with paints

How to paint a metal gate with your own hands?

Today, painting gates made of metal is carried out quite often. Often we are talking about painting an iron garage door with your own hands. Paint will increase the service life of the gate and make them more attractive. Today it is the most economical and effective way to protect metal doors from corrosion.

Painting metal gates

When carrying out such work, you need to follow certain rules in order to get a durable and presentable surface. First of all, you need to choose the right paint so that it meets all the requirements. Next, step by step to perform all manipulations with a metal surface.

The necessary tool for painting garage doors with your own hands:

  • paint for metal (approximately 1 l.);
  • garden hose;
  • liquid detergent;
  • medium or rough sandpaper;
  • primer (1 l.);
  • brush;
  • roller;
  • contour brush;
  • stairs.

Read more about how to paint a garage entirely.

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Stages of painting forged or metal gates

The procedure for painting a metal gate includes the following steps:

  • surface preparation for painting;
  • fat elimination;
  • primer;
  • applying enamel.

Surface preparation

First of all, the color of the metal structure provides for the most complete cleaning of the painted coating. This must be done in order to ensure the highest quality adhesion of metal to enamel. When working with old worn surfaces, you need to pay special attention to the preparatory work, otherwise a fresh coating will not last long.

If moisture gets on a poorly machined metal surface, internal corrosion will occur. As a result, under the influence of temperature changes, the paintwork begins to peel off.
Coarse and middle grade sandpaper
To prevent this, at the preparatory stage, thoroughly clean the metal surface using abrasive materials. In particular, for metal garage doors, sandpaper of a coarse and middle class is best suited.

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Degreasing and washing the gates

Next, clean the surface of dirt and grease. This will improve the adhesion of the surface to the primer. To clean the door of dirt, it is recommended to take a hose with maximum spraying, which will easily wash away any dirt, debris or dust. With its help, it is necessary to spray a liquid detergent solution onto the gate and rub it with an abrasive sponge. It is better to wash a metal surface in circular motions.

Degreasing and washing the surface allows you to get a uniform layer.

Therefore, you need to make sure that you carefully washed all the gates, from the base to the corners. Thorough cleaning will help to remove old stubborn dirt and surface defects, so that the paint will better adhere to the metal surface.

After this stage is completed, you need to rinse the gate again with a garden hose, which will help to wash off the remnants of chemicals and detergent. Next, let the surface dry well.

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The primer of metal doors can significantly improve the adhesion of the paintwork material to the surface. So that primer stains do not get on the gate and other facade elements, they can be covered with newspaper or paper.

The primer solution can be applied using a spray or brush. The priming process should cover not only the surface of the gate, but also other metal elements, such as handles, bolts and so on. After coating the surface with a primer, the paint can be applied only 10 hours after it dries.

Primer metal gate

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Paint application

Before you paint the gate, you need to take a liter can of paint of your choice of color. Next, paint should be applied to the surface of the gate with a roller. You need to start from the top edge, moving down in a straight line. To completely cover the area of ​​the gate, it is desirable to apply the paint in parallel layers, which should overlap each other for a couple of centimeters.

After painting, you should step back a few steps to see the whole picture. This will help to find those places that were missed during staining. Subsequently, they can be painted over with a brush.

Particular attention should be paid to the ends and corners of the goal. To paint them, it is recommended to use a contour brush, which is convenient to work even in places with limited access. After painting, you need to let the garage door dry well, which usually takes at least a day. If you do not like the color of the surface after drying, then you can apply the paint in several layers until the desired color is achieved.

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Choosing paint for metal gates

Today, the market has a large assortment of varnish and varnish options of this type. Each of them has certain unique characteristics and a corresponding scope.

Choosing paint for gates

The main types of compositions for gates:

  1. Oil paint composition is developed on the basis of drying oil. Previously, this material was often used for painting metal products that are outdoors. However, today oil paint is used less and less, despite its low price. This is due to its low resistance to long-term adverse effects of moisture.
  2. Acrylic based paint is a more common option. However, acrylic paintwork material is not very suitable for external surface treatment, since it quickly loses its presentable appearance. In addition, acrylic paint does not tolerate abrupt temperature fluctuations quite well.
  3. Alkyd compounds are distinguished by pronounced resistance to the aggressive influence of the surrounding space. Also, such a paint and varnish material provides maximum adhesion to the painted coating. However, alkyd paintwork material is quite toxic, therefore, when applying it, all safety rules must be provided.
  4. Hammer paint differs in pronounced anti-corrosion characteristics that distinguish it from other compounds. The material is used for both internal and external decoration of metal gates. Hammer paint contains metal pigments and silicone resins, which make the coating more resistant to external influences. Due to this, the paint fits perfectly on the coating. Hammer paint got its name because of the unique texture, which in its appearance is very similar to the surface repelled by the hammer.

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The advantages of hammer paint

This paint has gained great popularity in the decoration of garage doors, which such a composition is best suited for. In addition, hammer paints and varnishes have such positive qualities:

  1. No need for preparatory work.Before applying the hammer paint, it will not be necessary to clean the surface of rust, and primer it.
  2. Provides protection against corrosion, ultraviolet rays and moisture.
  3. Dirt-resistant effect, which reduces the clogging of the paint.
  4. Gives the surface an attractive appearance.

Thus, various types of painting are used for gates, among which one of the most modern options is the use of hammer paint. When applying any type of paint, you need to follow all the recommendations at each stage.

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