with paints

Graffiti in the interior: street art in your apartment

Many of us are accustomed to perceive graffiti as a relic of the North American culture of street drawings. Decorated walls were very popular in the 80-90s of the last century and became part of the subculture.

However, the era of graffiti has not sunk into oblivion at all. It is developing rapidly, and today has moved from the streets to our homes, becoming an excellent solution for the design of living space. Graffiti in an apartment is a whole art, quite difficult to implement, but unusually beautiful.

Appearance story

If you dig a little deeper, you can draw a direct analogy between modern graffiti and petroglyphs. Such drawings have always been and will be a way of self-expression.

Graffiti on the wall

In our usual form, graffiti appeared relatively recently. They can often be seen in action movies of the 80s. They flash during dynamic chases and during street showdowns. However, it will be erroneous to claim that graffiti is an element of the gateway and the lower classes.

This is not about vulgar inscriptions and vulgar drawings, but about whole plots made by numerous colors. Their shape and palette are sometimes surprisingly complex, and professional street artists can recreate even three-dimensional ornaments with amazing accuracy.

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The specifics of using graffiti in modern interiors

These figures often express an entire era, its main trends, problems, difficulties and aspirations. There are many street artists who do not just drawings, but real works of art that go under the hammer for fabulous money. Banksy is an example of this.

Banksy drawing
Drawing of a street artist on the wall

As for interior painting, here you can also draw a parallel with self-expression, aspirations, hobbies and, of course, a passion for numerous subcultures.

Initially, interior drawings were the lot of modern cafeterias, who were not afraid to challenge the champions of restrained concepts and decided to decorate their monastery with stylish patterns. The public reacted positively to such a bold decision, and therefore graffiti in apartments has become a new fashion concept, and not just a trend, but a whole direction.

What did this lead to? Now there are a large number of craftsmen who paint floors, walls and ceilings in apartments with spray cans. There are innovative methods of creating drawings on large areas, but more on that later.

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Goals achieved with graffiti in the interior

The main goal of these drawings is to dilute the dull plain walls, making them bright, beautiful and expressive.

Graffiti has many features:

  • modest small patterns create a stylish accent in the room, and also complement the interior concept in an original way;
  • large drawings challenge the foundations, contribute to the zoning of large rooms and are ideal for decorating studio apartments with high windows.

Graffiti in the interior of the house

Flat with LOFT elements

Graffiti is suitable if there is a brick wall, and you do not know how and how to decorate it. In this case, the house will have its own work of popular street art, which will make the concept truly unique and discreet.

Such drawings are very often used as additional interior decoration in the loft style. This is due to the fact that they combine perfectly with:

  • brick and concrete masonry;
  • stucco;
  • glass and metal surfaces.

Graffiti in the bedroom

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Material used by graffiti artists in their work

We are used to perceiving street artists with the cheapest spray cans in their hands, however, this is not so. Modern interior graffiti uses high-quality acrylic paints that:

  • they are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, and therefore they do not fade even when exposed to direct sunlight, which is very important for studios;
  • do not contain toxins that can cause serious harm to human health;
  • resistant to abrasion, and therefore durable.

On sale you can find acrylic paints of various colors and shades, which allows you to realize any idea, regardless of how ambitious it is.

Yes, for the most part, paints are applied using aerosol cans. Professional artists use all kinds of nozzles to create various effects or to draw small details. Rollers are used to cover large fragments.

Acrylic paints
Acrylic Graffiti Paints

Masters work in respirators and wear gloves to protect the skin of the hands from paint. When painting walls with aerosol cans, it is recommended to use safety glasses.

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The main methods of interior decoration using graffiti

Here we are talking about two techniques.

  1. Hand painting. This is a classic graffiti in its most popular performance. Armed with spray cans and their own imagination, the artists put markings on the walls and then proceed to the gradual painting, using all kinds of transitions. This is painstaking work, but the result meets all expectations and costs.
  2. Sticking graffiti wallpaper. This is a modern method that allows you to put on the wall drawings that are almost indistinguishable from hand-painted. Wallpaper can be of any size and often they are glued with transitions from one plane to another (for example, from wall to ceiling). This technique is easier to implement, but significantly limits the flight of imagination.

Which method to choose is up to you. If in your city there are professional artists who are ready to take up the implementation of such an idea and at the same time guarantee high-quality painting, then it is better to turn to them. If there are no such masters, then special wallpapers will come to the rescue.

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The advantages of graffiti in the interior

As for the main advantages of such a painting, it is worth noting here:

  • spectacular and very unusual design;
  • creating a fashionable color accent, which allows you to complement and emphasize the stylistic solution;
  • the ability to break away from stereotypical and boring concepts, creating something new and bright;
  • saving on paintings, posters and other elements of decor, since your whole wall is one solid work of art;
  • distraction from a modest and inexpressive atmosphere and furniture in the room.

Graffiti in the interior of the room

Graffiti helps to effectively hide surface imperfections without spending a lot of time and money. For example, if there are numerous potholes in the walls, then you can simply paint over them, and you do not need to level the surface by applying several layers of putty.

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Application of graffiti in different rooms

Let's consider solutions for interior decoration with the help of such drawings. We will give examples on the type of premises so that you can get a complete picture of how graffiti can fit into a residential environment.

Living room

Here you can practically limit yourself to nothing.If a bedroom, a nursery, a kitchen and other rooms require a certain gamut and restrained tones, then a living room is a room where you can experiment with both style and palette.

Living room

Urban drawings and fantastic stories fit perfectly into the living room concept. Choose a large wall, preferably opposite the windows, and paint it with either a view of the surreal city skyscrapers, or unusual fonts. Do not forget to fill the picture with small, but still detailed fragments. So your guests will be able to look at the painting with interest for hours on end.

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You should be very careful here, because too bright and provocative patterns can cause irritation. Try to avoid red and acid colors. Use smooth transitions and gradients.

As for the topic, it can be very different. For example, a stylish drawing of your favorite music artist or animal. Landscapes will look beautiful: from the mountainous terrain and the sunlit meadows to the amusement parks. If you prefer natural motives, then boldly decorate the bedroom with flowers, and then you can enjoy them in the morning.


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The perfect solution would be comic book heroes! Spider-Man, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Batman, Superman - they are great for stylish graffiti, and the kid will surely be delighted with such a painting.

If you choose something more modest, then you can resort to the characters of children's cartoons. Even the famous Mickey Mouse is suitable as the protagonist of the mural in the nursery.

In this case, as in the bedroom, “flashy” flowers should be avoided. It is necessary to take into account the preferences of the baby himself and consult with him in advance so that the drawing does not scare him.

Children's room

You can resort to sports themes and recreate in a children's basketball court overlooking Chicago or New York. If a child is fond of robots or fantasy heroes, then you can choose these motives. There are many stylish and beautiful examples on the Internet.

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It is recommended to use a calm palette that awakens appetite. Graffiti, like in a cafeteria, will be an ideal design: the image of pastries, cups of coffee, etc. is allowed.

There is an option to go from the opposite and arrange the kitchen with bright colors and untidy wide strokes. This solution is suitable for the loft style and looks very impressive, but it is recommended to consider the concept of the interior.

Modern kitchen interior

Feel free to use the image of fruits, prepared dishes, spices, etc. You can even portray a cook or a wine cellar, which will make the original interior of the kitchen.

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Balcony and loggia

For the design of the balcony, you can use a variety of plots and patterns, but if your windows face the sunny side, it is better not to use bright colors: they will dazzle and glare when exposed to direct rays.

Here, large-scale large fonts look very useful. It can be all kinds of inscriptions and even quotes of great minds. If you have equipped a loggia under the rest room, then you can draw on the wall a joystick from a game console, billiard balls, cards, dice, etc.

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An ideal solution would be the marine theme. The stylized fauna of the ocean floor in combination with the image of the inhabitants of the underwater depths will help to design a bathroom with style.


If you want to save time and energy, you can buy a stylish tile with ready-made graffiti. Today on sale you can find a lot of interesting solutions that will help transform your interior.

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We draw with our own hands: the method of work

Creating graffiti is a creative and complex process.It requires careful planning and competent design of the sketch, but there are a few tricks that will help to decorate the walls in the apartment, even if you do not have the skills of a professional artist. To do this, you need the following tools at hand:

  • acrylic paints in a jar or spray can;
  • masking tape;
  • roller and brush.

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Drawing a picture on the wall: implementation of ideas and technological nuances

First, decide what exactly you want to get in the end. It can be both thematic drawings and inscriptions. Having come to the right decision, try to find a suitable sketch on the Internet.

On the open spaces of the network there are a huge number of drawings, templates and blanks from which you can make stencils. Just print them on sheets of A4 and A3 format, depending on the size (maybe more), and then cut the inner area with a clerical knife.

Graffiti on the wall

The stencil is ready! Apply it to the wall and paint it gently. To prevent the pattern from going out, glue the edges with masking tape. You can limit them to any areas to make additional strokes or various geometric shapes.

Stencils are good for even beginners. Superimposing one on the other, you can create a multilayer and surprisingly beautiful pattern, not at all different from those published on the Internet. The main thing is to wait until one layer has completely dried before proceeding to painting the next. Such a simple but surprisingly effective technique will help create amazing graffiti in the apartment on your own.

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