with paints

How to work with acrylic paints when painting surfaces?

Acrylic paints are ideal for painting walls and ceilings in residential premises, for the artistic processing of wood and other surfaces. The product manufactured in spray cans is widely used in the automotive segment for painting not only metal, but also plastic parts.

Wall painting with acrylic paint

The technique of applying paint on an acrylic basis allows you to achieve perfect textures and give the painted object any shade. How to paint the surface with acrylic paint is very easy to figure out, so this repair is popular among creative people.

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Coating Tools

For any successful construction process, including for work using acrylic paints, you must use a quality tool. To paint a room or furniture quickly and smoothly, you need the following tools:

  1. Brushes of different sizes: they will stain hard-to-reach areas, corners, or paint, including wood.
  2. Rollers on a short and long handle (the latter is necessary when painting the ceiling, but it can be replaced by purchasing a removable telescopic handle), the pile of which should be of medium length.
  3. Paint bucket (you can save money and use the usual, but in a specialized inventory there is a grid for cleaning the roller from excess paint, which is unacceptable to be applied to the surface).
  4. Set of spatulas of various widths.
  5. Wide film.
  6. Masking tape for sealing joints and sockets.

Such a set of tools can be called basic, and its presence must be taken care of in advance before starting to apply paint.

Tools and materials for painting
List of basic painting tools

For a more technological process, they additionally purchase a tray, textured nozzles on the rollers, a roller with a bendable iron, and in rooms with a high ceiling, an additional staircase is needed.

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Coloring options

In the post-Soviet space, such a method of putting the room in order as the sticker on the wallpaper was used, now an alternative has appeared in the form of painting surfaces. The main place among the coloring matter is occupied by acrylic paints - they can be used in any room and on any surface, which ensures their great popularity.

The building materials market is rich in a variety of different acrylic paints, they can be:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • pearlescent.

In addition to the specified spectrum, one can also distinguish various textures of paints. Using this type of paint and varnish material, the application surface can be made velvet, embossed or painted (for which the material is used in tubes).

Acrylic paints selection

The choice of colors of acrylic paints is so great that it allows them to realize any design decision. So, for painting the walls of the living room, it is customary to use matte plain coatings, and with the help of pearl acrylic paints, additional decor in the form of painting can be applied to them.

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Safety Precautions

Acrylic paint, like other types of coatings, requires a number of precautions when working. This is especially true for aerosol release form.

Safety is important, even despite the fact that acrylic paint has a more gentle composition compared to other materials, does not have a strong chemical smell and is recommended for use indoors.

In order to protect yourself during use for painting acrylic composition, you must work in compliance with the following precautions:

  1. Protect the airways with a respirator.
  2. Wear trousers and a jacket with long sleeves, as well as gloves, to avoid getting the solution on the skin.
  3. Provide ventilation in the room.
  4. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and high temperatures on the painted surface.
  5. Special care should be taken with various solvents of dubious origin, since the combination of inconsistent components in the working substances can lead to poisoning or chemical burns.

Respirator and safety glasses when painting

When working with an aerosol form of acrylic paint, it is additionally necessary to control the cylinder and protect it from heating, because due to the pressure inside it can explode due to high temperature.

Compliance with basic safety standards is mandatory even when painting a small area of ​​furniture or other interior items.

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Stages of applying a coloring solution

Since painting work, as a rule, is carried out during repairs in an apartment, house or non-residential premises, as well as for updating old furniture or interior details, the division of work into stages will be relevant. They are similar to those that are present in other repairs.

In order to perform paintwork in a quality manner, the following technique must be followed, according to which all actions must be phased in one after another.

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Surface preparation

This stage includes measures to clean the surface of the previous coating. The procedure must be performed carefully, it is not allowed to leave even small pieces from hard-to-remove wallpapers. After everything is removed, if necessary, disinfection of the surface is performed (relevant in the presence of dampness and fungus).

Putty the walls before painting

At the final stage of surface preparation, if necessary, it is plastered, cracks are smeared and defects are puttied. The quality of the final result depends on the quality of work at this stage.

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As with any other coating, before applying acrylic paint, the surface must be primed, otherwise the coating will lie unevenly, and eventually begin to recede.

Staining itself

After the surface is fully prepared, you can begin the painting phase. If we are talking about painting walls and ceilings, then, first of all, paint is applied to the most inaccessible places with a brush (work is done in one layer), and then with the help of a roller paint the rest in 2 layers. In order for the coating texture to be uniform, all movements are carried out in one direction, unless otherwise provided by the design idea.

The process of painting with acrylic paint

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Finish coat

To consolidate the result, you can walk on the painted surface with another layer of paint, however, this is not necessary. If at the previous stages everything was done correctly and the result looks high-quality, additional layers are not needed. To give the surface more gloss (especially true on a metal surface), it is varnished on top, usually in 2 layers.

Features of art painting

Each stage in dyeing is of great importance, since an error on one of them or a violation of the working technique can lead to poor-quality results of the whole process.

Applying art painting to the surface using acrylic paints requires pre-treatment.

To do this, remove the coating from the area where the picture will be, process it from defects and put a layer of finishing putty, and painting is already underway on it. To protect the picture from the rapid loss of its original appearance, after drying the acrylic paints, it must be varnished.

Wall painting with acrylic paint

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Painting wood surfaces

Features of the use of acrylic paints on wood objects do not differ much from the use on other surfaces, with the exception of plastic and metal.

Acrylic paints are widely used for painting wood objects. The popularity is due to the fact that due to its features such a composition creates a kind of plastic film on top of the treated area. The dried coating does not fade over time, does not crack, is not afraid of humidity and temperature changes.

For tree art painting it is most convenient to use paint in tubes, which allows using a special solvent or water to achieve not only saturated patterns, but also the effect of watercolor.

The technique of using acrylic on wood has its own small feature. Before applying the composition, the surface must be ground, then ground is applied to it and ground again. This preparation allows you to better paint the surface of wood.

The use of acrylic paint for various surfaces and products is in demand due to the unique positive qualities of this material. And the harmlessness and ease of application allow you to independently perform the work not only a professional painter or artist, but also an amateur.

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