with paints

Overview of methods for cleaning windows from old paint

Not every owner can afford to change all the windows in the house. Restoring window frames by painting them is much cheaper. Sometimes you just need to remove stale paint in unwanted areas. In order to clean the window of old paint, there are several methods.

Cleaning the window from old paint

Mechanical cleansing

This method is quite suitable for use at home: it does not require sophisticated equipment and special skills. To clean the glass you will need:

  • hot water;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • a piece of clean cloth;
  • blade or sharpened thin knife.

You can use a clerical knife, as well as a special scraper of the required size. If nothing was at hand, then a hard metal washcloth will do.

To begin with, the detergent is dissolved in a container of hot water and wet with this solution the old paint on the glass. In order to prevent moisture from getting on freshly painted wooden window sills, they must be covered with a film.

Scraping the paint should be done at an optimal angle of 45 degrees. This will prevent the formation of cracks and scratches.

Drops of paint are removed from the glass with unsharp movements and in one direction, periodically removing dirt from the blade. If the drop is wet enough, then the stain will be removed easily. Do not constantly move the tool from side to side - the glass of the window will just be scratched.

Removing paint from windows with a scraper

The sound that the blade should make cannot be like a rattle or creak. This may indicate a blunt instrument. In this case, it is worth changing.

After the plastic window has been completely cleaned of paint, the glass is washed using a special spray tool.

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Scraping the paintwork

If there is a need to update wooden frames, then before painting it is worth preparing the surface. The tree needs to be cleaned so that it becomes even, without pieces of peeling paint. Then the new window covering does not come off after a short time.

The most common construction tool used for these purposes is a spatula.

Sometimes they use a metal sponge for dishes. It allows you to clean the surface of the window upon completion of the main work.

When wooden frames are painted for the first time, it is likely that the factory coating was a polyurethane paint. In this case, before cleaning the frame, wipe with soapy water and treat with sandpaper. Then you can apply a special primer so that the paint adheres better to the window.

Sandpaper for window treatment

A rather interesting method is the burning of old paint from the window frame. Using a special balloon, the coating layer is heated with a flame.Next, the wooden frames are cleaned with a spatula, and the remaining irregularities are removed with a large emery cloth. Before painting, cracks in the tree are putty and cleaned with a grinder.

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Chemical cleaning

The chemical method of cleaning plastic windows has several advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • achievement of high results;
  • the ability to remove stubborn or stubborn stains.

The main tool of this method is the so-called flushing. It can be purchased at any hardware store. You can familiarize yourself with the use of such a chemical agent on the label, but the principle of use is almost the same:

  1. Before removing the old paint from the window, it is worthwhile to carry out preparatory work: clean the surface of the glass from visible dirt and dust.
  2. Washing agent is applied to the spots of paint. The solution must be contaminated for a while so that the coating can swell.
  3. After exposure, exfoliate paint from the glass with a construction spatula or scraper and wipe the surface with a solvent.
  4. Finally, plastic windows are washed with a solution prepared using water and vinegar.

Cleaning the glass surface from white spirit

The most convenient form of washing off old paint is paste - it does not drip from the glass.

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Solutions prepared at home

Available funds are not always available to purchase special chemicals for cleaning paint. Savvy and skillful hands will come to the rescue. Homemade solution make up:

  • caustic soda;
  • slaked lime;
  • crushed chalk.

To begin with, lime is mixed with chalk until smooth, and then soda is added. Perfect consistency should look like thick sour cream.

The finished paste is greased with stains and the mixture is left for several hours. After the specified time has passed, use a spatula to clean the dirt effortlessly. The method is considered not expensive compared to thermal and chemical.

Slaked lime for window cleaning

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Thermal method

This method is usually used if:

  1. The spots are pretty old.
  2. Window contamination has dried up very much or is difficult to remove.
  3. The surface to be cleaned is large.
  4. The paint layer is quite thick.

The tool used for this method is a conventional building hair dryer. But in the absence of such a device, you can use an iron.

Thermal method for removing paint from a window

Naturally, before applying high temperature, the glass must be cleaned and degreased.

The building hair dryer is brought at a slight angle to the surface of the spot and wait until bubbles form. After that, the exfoliated paint from the windows is carefully removed with a spatula.

If a conventional iron is used, then a piece of foil is applied to the pollution and only then the stain is heated by an electric device.

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Useful Tips

To achieve maximum efficiency when cleaning paint from plastic windows, it is worth using some rules:

  1. Surfaces on which it is undesirable to get paint should be lubricated with a thick layer of laundry soap before painting - it will be much easier to wash off smudges.
  2. When heating the paintwork, the main thing is not to overdo it, because the glass can crack.
  3. Before using flushing solutions, it is necessary to ensure good air circulation: a pungent odor must disappear during operation.
  4. Old acrylic-based paint is easily removed with alcohol, and enamel is dissolved by acetone-containing substances.

The presented methods are quite effective in use. The main thing is to remember that the result depends on the correct use of the tool or chemical agent.

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