with paints

Painting fast and easy: the best life hacks

How to turn painting into an easy process with a successful result, even for a beginner? These simple tips will help you save money, time and nerves during the repair process.

How to replace masking tape

The easiest and most affordable way is a newspaper. This attribute is in every home. To protect the glass of the windows from paint, it is enough to moisten the newspaper strips with clean water and stick them on the protected surface. At the end of the work, the newspaper is easily removed and leaves no residue.

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How to get rid of bad smell

Often, paint and varnish products have a sharp toxic smell. It erodes for a long time and can cause poisoning in pairs with prolonged exposure. To quickly get rid of it, use onions. Cut the onion and leave it against the wall - its “aroma” will quickly disappear, neutralizing the smell of paint.

Chopped onion

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How to store a roller

If in one day you did not have time with painting and want to continue working after some time, then you can save the used roller using a cylindrical tube (for example, packaging from chips). Put it in a plastic bag, let it out and tie it. And then put in a tube or other object of a similar shape. The roller will not dry out and you can continue to work.

Storage of the roller in the packaging from chips


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How to wash brushes

Sometimes this process becomes a real test. Especially if you use different colors, and the tool is one. In such a situation, hot wine vinegar will help out. Put the brushes in it for half an hour, and they will easily wash off in running water, even when dried.

Paint brushes

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How to use spray paint

If you need to paint a small object with an aerosol, place it in a cardboard box. So the sprayed drops will remain inside, and nothing will get dirty. If possible, it is best to perform such work on the street or in the yard, in order to comply with safety rules.

Spray paints

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How to remove excess paint from a brush

Dipping a brush in a jar, we have to wipe off the excess paint on its edges. It drains, stains the table, floor and hands. An ordinary clerical gum will help to avoid this. Put it on the jar so that it passes along the diameter of the hole. Now you can leave the dripping paint on an elastic band and it will drip back into the bowl.

How to get rid of paint stains

You can wash paint stains off the skin with a simple sunflower (or olive) oil. Dampen a small cloth and rub the area of ​​contamination. Remember: oil is effective for fresh spots that do not have time to dry.

Leather sofa

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How to protect screws and hinges from paint

So that the paint does not flood the door mechanisms and does not interfere with their further work, you must first take care of their safety. An ordinary petroleum jelly will cope with this. Lubricate them with protected elements and boldly proceed to painting. After the door dries, the petroleum jelly is easily removed and leaves clean hinges and screws.

How to prepare a wall for painting

In order for the painted wall to have a perfectly smooth surface, it must first be cleaned well. Remove any dust and debris with a broom or vacuum cleaner and walk along the surface with a damp cloth. After drying, the wall can be easily primed and painted.

Priming an old painted wall

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How to protect your hands from paint

Performing painting work on the ceiling, masters often encounter unpleasant drops flowing from a brush to his hands, head and clothes.

You can protect yourself by putting a barrier on the handle of the tool: a sour cream cap, a cut-off bottle, a plastic cup - everything that fits in shape and size. Make a hole in the center and boldly put on the handle of the brush.

How to color a chair

To paint the chair well from all sides, without moving it, you need to screw half the screws into the legs. The remaining parts will raise the chair above the floor, and you can easily paint the legs. However, they will not stick to the floor when dry.

How to keep the pallet clean

When reusing the tray, there is a big risk that the colors will mix, the old coating will peel off and you will get a poor quality result. To prevent this from happening, the pallet can be wrapped in a bag, cling film or foil (several layers). After finishing work, wait until the paint remains dry, then remove the protection - the tray will remain clean for future use.

Red tray

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How to apply a uniform coat of paint

To paint evenly spread on the surface and its consumption was economical, perform the following procedure:

  1. Dip the roller in the tray with paint.
  2. Several times pass along the ribbed surface.
  3. Apply paint to the wall.
  4. When the roller has exhausted its supply, re-smear on the painted part to remove excess.

Repeat these steps until the end of staining.

Striped Wall Decor

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How to paint polka dot walls

To obtain such a pattern, a packaging bubble wrap is used. It is necessary to cut a piece across the width of the roller and secure on both ends with double-sided tape. Then paint according to standard methods. For the best effect, choose a contrasting color relative to the background.

Striped decor

An ordinary syringe will help to make colored vertical stripes. Dial a contrasting tone into it, press (without a needle) in the intended place at the top of the wall and release the paint. Under the action of attraction, it flows down in stripes (provided smooth walls).

Another way to make such a decor is to stick strips of masking tape, apply a contrasting color, then remove the tape. Fast and efficient.

Masking tape for strips

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"Combed" surface

Such a relief pattern is very simple to make. On a freshly painted surface they pass with a stiff brush, leaving stains from the bristles. So the bottom color is translucent, and the brush forms embossed stripes.

With the direction of the picture you can fantasize: straight lines, wavy, chaotic.

Geometric figures

Masking tape is also used to brighten the walls with geometric shapes. Glue the surface in strips, creating the necessary shapes. Paint the gaps with a roller (sponge). After drying, remove the adhesive tape. The result looks especially original if the figures are made in different colors.

Geometric figures

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Unusual drawing

To make a spectacular picture on the wall, use a piece of knitted fabric, an old T-shirt is also suitable. Wrap the roller with it so that creases and folds are on the surface. Do not dip it into the tray completely, but draw a little bit of paint, preferably from a plastic bag on a level plane. Then paint the wall, getting a beautiful “crumpled” pattern.

We hope that these tips will greatly simplify your repair, and painting from a boring and dirty process will turn into an easy and fun task.

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