with paints

How and how to paint the base of gypsum?

A mineral material such as gypsum is widely used not only in medicine and art, but also in construction. In particular, various materials for interior decoration are poured from gypsum mortar. Gypsum-based mixtures are used as plaster. What kind of material is this? What are its features, advantages and disadvantages? Is it also possible to color gypsum products and how to paint gypsum?

Gypsum stone
Finishing materials for gypsum interior decoration

Plaster in construction and repair

Building gypsum is obtained from gypsum stone, previously calcined and ground into powder. Then it is kneaded to obtain a pasty mass, better known as alabaster. It is widely used for construction and repair work, the manufacture of various decorative products, as well as binding materials at intermediate stages of construction and repair work.

It is gypsum mortar that is most often used for molding and stucco molding, the production of small architectural forms, pouring decorative tiles or artificial decorative stones (bricks).

The batch quickly sets and hardens. Therefore, you need to be able to work with him in order to have time to implement his plan. The working substance has a white shade of color.

The material is quite simple to prepare and use, affordable and has a wide range of applications. Another advantage is environmental safety (as it is made from natural raw materials). He is able to "breathe" while maintaining a certain level of humidity.

The use of gypsum materials in interior decoration is very, very popular. With it, you can create real interior masterpieces.

Decorative brick for interior decoration
The use of decorative gypsum bricks for interior cladding

It is not superfluous to mention such material properties:

  • ease of installation and handling;
  • ease;
  • incombustibility.

However, in operation, the gypsum base shows itself in different ways. Alabaster, unfortunately, is afraid of water (since gypsum powder dissolves with water), it is subject to abrasion and mechanical stress.

To increase the strength of gypsum materials, manufacturers use various reinforcing additives (plasticizers, acrylic, polyvinyl acetate glue).

So today there are several types of building gypsum on sale, differing in the degree of compression endurance. The highest brands are used in the production of decorative elements, even of the facade (exterior) decoration of buildings.


  • plastering walls and ceilings in rooms with different functionality, where humidity does not exceed 60%;
  • arrangement of various partitions;
  • production of stucco interior decoration;
  • production of dry gypsum, drywall and other building materials and solutions based on gypsum;
  • production of various architectural and facing products (including brick);
  • souvenirs and interior items (figurines, flowerpots, columns, coasters and so on).
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Gypsum painting

If desired, gypsum materials can be given a completely unimaginable look, including simulating naturalness (for example, wood). Here various technologies of tinting, coloring, aging are used.

Tinted marble. A well-dried gypsum product is impregnated with heated drying oil or shellac-rosin alcohol solution. The impregnation goes well, without streaks, creating protection against moisture. Gradually dried primed surface becomes similar to aged marble.

Gypsum tinting
Gypsum decor thanks to tinting easily imitates marble

Tinted wax. An impregnation is used, consisting of wax dissolved in turpentine (gasoline) with a slight addition of yellow oil paint. After drying, the surface is rubbed to obtain gloss.

Tinted in the manner of ivory. Soap, nitro-varnish and a little yellow oil paint are used. The surface is dull by rubbing with talc.

Patination. Various shades of brown or brown-green are selected, and mixed with other substances. It is recommended to stain in three layers, moreover, in the recesses, the processing usually takes place with a mixture more viscous in consistency. The technology of applying the coloring matter is also important here:

  • the first layer is lighter, after which the sela is cleaned with sandpaper and wiped with acetone;
  • the second layer - the coloring mixture is darker and thicker;
  • third layer - a little wax is dissolved in the paint to make it dull.

Such additives can help to shade or enhance imitation: bronze powder, talc and chromium oxide, graphite powder, sienna, ocher, umber, soot, green cobalt, lead or zinc white. These are all semi-professional methods for painting gypsum-based materials. Traditional gypsum paints are on sale.

The most used coloring mixtures for interior use are acrylic water emulsions or dispersions. After drying, they create a strong protective film that protects the base from moisture. In addition, all water-based paints are environmentally friendly, which means that they are applicable inside any premises, including residential ones.

In the manufacture of decorative brick or stone based on gypsum, tint working solution. For this, various pigment powders are used. Tinting the mortar makes it possible to obtain a finished brick, evenly colored throughout the structure (then operational defects will be less noticeable).

To create an imitation of texture (veins), paints of several shades of color are used. And to increase the surface protection of gypsum brick or stone (after all, gypsum is fragile in nature) will help finish varnish.

Experts advise not to delay the painting of gypsum finishes, as the adhesive properties of materials deteriorate over time. If this happens, then it is not superfluous to use a primer, and only after painting. The primer will also increase the strength of the gypsum base and provide some protection against moisture penetration.

Plaster of construction is unlimited possibilities for the original interior decoration. Widespread accessibility and easy use have made the material very popular. And having in the arsenal of paints, meerkats, varnishes, potal and other pigmented substances, you can achieve real palace luxury.

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