with paints

Did the children paint the wallpaper? There are simple ways to fix it.

Drawings on the wallpaper are clearly visible to the naked eye, the room becomes aesthetically unattractive. To return to the former appearance of the walls, it is not necessary to glue the paintings completely. You can use simple ways to cleanse and disguise children's art.

Paper wallpaper

The painted surface is cleaned by the following methods:

  1. Stationery Eraser. Small spots that do not occupy a large area are eliminated quickly and easily.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate and vinegar. Suitable for materials of any kind. Potassium permanganate is diluted in 1 tbsp. l essences to obtain a solution of a bright pink tint. The mixture is applied with a clean cloth, after which a dirty trace forms, which should be treated with peroxide.
  3. Ammonia. You need to breed 1 tbsp. l substances in a glass of water. A pen or felt-tip pen treated with this liquid will disappear from the wallpaper.

Wallpaper cleaning

  1. Whiteness or any other chlorine bleach. It is necessary to carefully apply the substance to the drawing and wait for its discoloration. It is not recommended to use such a tool for cleaning surfaces with factory images. It is important to handle the paper web very carefully, as caustic composition can damage it.
  2. Citric and oxalic acids. It is worth taking 20 g of each substance and mix with water (2 tbsp.). The solution is neatly distributed over the stain.
  3. Freshly squeezed lemon juice. You need to dampen a clean cloth and blot ink streaks. It is worth doing until they discolor.
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Vinyl wallpapers

This coating is much easier to wash than paper. The following tools are suitable:

  1. Wet wipes (for removing makeup, cleaning furniture, appliances).
  2. Soap shavings or shampoo. They must be mixed with water until completely dissolved. In the mixture obtained, moisten a soft sponge, and then gently rub the contaminated areas. When the composition dries a little, the surface should be wiped with a dry cloth.
  3. Whitening paste. The dentifrice is distributed over the painted area and, after complete drying, is carefully removed with a kitchen sponge slightly moistened with water.

Wallpaper cleaning

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How to clean wallpaper from felt-tip pen

The means by which you can get rid of traces of the handle on the wallpaper are not always applicable for felt-tip pens. It is deleted in the following ways:

  1. Alcohol-based felt-tip pens are cleaned with medical alcohol or a special composition to remove stains of this type. It is important to act very carefully and directly on the pollution, avoiding clean areas of wallpaper.
  2. A water-based felt-tip pen is removed using hydrogen peroxide.It is enough to apply it on the picture for half an hour and wipe the surface with a clean cloth.

Cope with pollution and oxygen composition for washing clothes.

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Removing ballpoint pen marks

Before you start cleaning the wallpaper from ink, you need to pay attention to what material they are made of. It is better not to rub the paper web and try to wet it as little as possible. Effective methods:

  1. Melamine sponge. If you gently rub the wallpaper, there will be no trace of the handle. However, this tool is only suitable for vinyl wallpapers that are resistant to abrasive materials.
  2. Temperature effect. If the stain is fresh, you can attach a clean sheet of paper to it and iron it with a hot iron without steaming on.
  3. Milk. The product should be slightly warmed up and then applied to ink. Over time, the wallpaper will dry out and the stain will fade.
  4. Hard boiled chicken egg. It should be cut in half, remove the yolk, then attach a slice to the contamination for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Redecorating. If you couldn’t remove the ballpoint pen in any of the ways, you need to re-glue the entire canvas or make a small patch, replacing the contaminated fragment with a clean one.
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How to mask children's drawings

It often happens that the strips from a ballpoint pen or felt-tip pen cannot be removed even by the most effective methods. Traces may be too deep, the surface of the product may be torn or soaked. In this case, creativity will help.

Child painting on wallpaper

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If the walls in the room were decorated with wallpaper for painting, it is enough to repaint them completely in a different shade. You can do this in part by choosing the same color or using a completely different one.

Ink stripes on vinyl wallpapers can also be painted with acrylic or silicone. It is important to pre-test the composition on the remains of the canvas, so as not to spoil the appearance of the room.

Interior sticker

On the modern market there are many special stickers that are designed for applying on wallpaper. They differ in size, workmanship, pattern, style and other features. Choose the perfect option is not difficult.

Interior sticker

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Poster, picture, calendar

If the child depicted something on the wallpaper, this can be hidden by a poster. The drawing may be large. An important point: a poster or a picture cannot be hung under the ceiling or directly above the baseboard, therefore, traces left in these places must be hidden in other ways.


Photowall-paper will help to hide huge drawings, which cannot be masked with the help of posters and stickers. By choosing an image that contrasts with the shade of the wall, you can refresh the room and give it a twist.

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Children's drawings as part of the interior

Not all parents strive to restore the walls to their former appearance as quickly as possible if the children painted on them. Someone likes such creativity, someone believes that it is worth waiting until the child grows up a bit and begins to understand the value of things that cannot be spoiled.

Creative Corner

Wallpaper manufacturers offer canvases designed specifically to be painted on. Often on such options there is a factory drawing that needs to be painted. A white self-adhesive film is also suitable, which is easy to clean with a damp kitchen sponge.

Girl draws on the wallpaper

In the nursery on the wall you can glue a large whatman paper, on which the child can draw without damage to the coating.

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Impromptu exhibition

It also happens that children's art is so beautiful and successful that it is a pity to delete them. In this case, photo frames with a glue base will help, which should frame the pictures.If there are unattractive scribbles on the wall, parents can add certain details to them and turn them into recognizable objects.

Drawings from the wallpaper are removed without much difficulty, if you start cleaning as soon as possible. Before applying any tool, it is important to pay attention to the material of manufacture, its quality and texture, as well as the area and depth of contamination. Before carrying out cleaning operations, it is necessary to test the compositions used on the remains of the wallpaper in order to prevent damage to the canvas.

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