with paints

The choice and features of working with a wash for paint from wood

One of the most effective ways to remove old paint from wood is to use a chemical wash. The cleaning agent reacts with the paint material, resulting in softening and foaming of the coating. The main advantage of chemical washes over other methods (mechanical, thermal) is that their action is more gentle with respect to wood.

Washing off paint from a wooden surface

Varieties of washes

All types of washes are divided into two large groups: universal and specialized. Universal compositions are designed to remove any paints and varnishes from wooden surfaces. They are able to dissolve paints and varnishes (LKM) both on the basis of water, and containing organic solvents.

The purpose of specialized washes is to soften only certain types of paints. For example, there are separate washing compositions for removing invoiced, oil and other types of paintwork. Specialized washes are considered more effective, as their design takes into account the characteristics of specific types of coloring substances. At the same time, specialized formulations are more expensive.

Rinses are made in the form of liquids, jellies and solids for further dissolution. When choosing a flushing composition, it is necessary to proceed from the circumstances: for example, a jelly-like paste adheres well to wood, and therefore will not drain from vertical surfaces.

Liquid flushing compounds for wood

But liquid flushing compounds are the best choice if you have to clean the surface on which there are small parts or fine threads. If we are talking about expensive furniture (especially veneered), you need to choose a liquid that can be removed using white spirit, since if this is not done on time, the wood fibers of the product will swell.

Before buying a wash, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions (usually it is set out directly on the packaging) or consult with a sales assistant. It should also be noted that not every drug is suitable for working with wood. Therefore, it is important that the washing composition was designed specifically (or including) for wooden products.

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Washing Instructions

The work consists of two stages: preparation and application of washing.

Preparatory Activities

Before starting the removal of paint, you need to prepare the surface. To do this, you need to carry out such actions:

  1. We remove dust and dirt from the surface.
  2. We cover the floor with plastic wrap and all non-wooden parts on the product.
  3. Wipe the wood thoroughly - it should become dry.

Application of flushing compound

The work is performed in the following order:

Application of flushing compound on wood

  1. Wet the brush in the preparation and treat it with a surface.
  2. We are waiting for 30-45 minutes for the composition to soak wood well.
  3. We are trying to use a scraper to remove paint in any area. If it works out, we continue to clean the surface mechanically.
  4. If the coating does not lend itself, we stop attempts and apply another layer of the washing composition.
  5. Usually two soaks are enough. We separate the paintwork with a suitable tool: a scraper - for flat surfaces, a scraper - for shaped profiles, a wire sponge - for carved parts. In the case of carved oak, we use a nylon sponge with abrasive material, since the metal stains on this type of wood.
  6. Separate the paint along the fibers, but not across. To neutralize the flushing compound, we wet the wood with white spirit.
  7. We complete the removal of the coating by wiping the surface with a damp rag.
  8. We wash the wood with a warm soapy solution. Thus, we degrease the material.
  9. Let the product dry, after which it can be applied a primer and paint.
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Wash Composition Example

As an example, let’s take a look at the possibilities of washing paint from wood popular among consumers - “Docker Wood”. The composition is fast-acting: the effect occurs within 5-15 minutes. Possible high-quality removal of many types of coatings, including water-dispersion, oil. For example, Docker Wood copes well with pentaphthalic enamels of such markings as 115,133 and 126. The composition of the preparation includes special components that protect the wood from damage during cleaning from paint.

Advantages of Docker Wood:

  • universality in relation to paints and varnishes;
  • economical consumption (about 200 grams per square meter);
  • sparing effect on wood;
  • deep penetration, which is of great importance when removing a multilayer coating;
  • performance;
  • lack of toxicity;
  • fire safety;
  • the drug retains its qualities even after repeated thawing;
  • complete absence of smell;
  • washing is effective even at subzero temperatures (up to -7 degrees Celsius).

Note! Before use, as well as in the case of defrosting, the drug must be well mixed.

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Application methods

Before applying the composition, prepare the surface. Remove dirt and dust with water and cleaning products. It is possible to apply washing-up material manually (by brush, roller) or by immersion.

Docker Wood Wash


If the manual method is selected, apply the wash with a brush or other tool with a layer of 1-2 mm. After some time (5-15 minutes), remove the exfoliating paint with a stream of water or a spatula. We apply one more (control) wash layer and, after waiting a while, we clean the surface again. If the paint does not lend itself, it is possible to apply more than two layers of flushing composition, however, it should be remembered that the maximum contact time of wood with the preparation is 2 hours.

Note! Do not leave the wood to dry if the flushing compound has not been removed from it.

You can remove the coating by immersion. To do this, “Docker Wood” is poured into a suitable-sized dish and immersed there a wooden part. After 5-15 minutes, remove the paint layer in the same way as described above. In case of dipping, the total time spent by the wood in the wash should not exceed half an hour.

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Safety precautions

When working with Docker Wood, the following precautions should be observed:

  1. Do not forget about the use of means of protection against acid damage (goggles, apron, respirator, gloves).
  2. In case of contact with the skin or eyes, immediately flush the affected surface with plenty of water and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Storage Features

Docker Wood can be stored in holistic packaging at temperatures ranging from 0 to 30 degrees Celsius. The drug retains its qualities for a year from the date of manufacture. If the packaging is opened, the wash should be used within 24 hours.

Alternative methods

In the absence of a branded flushing composition, other drugs can be used. Below are some instructions for using various washing at home.

Caustic Soda Solution

You can use either ordinary caustic soda or a solution, which in addition to soda includes oatmeal and water. When using this chemical, one should not forget about precautionary measures (goggles, gloves).

Caustic soda solution to remove paint from wood

Instructions for use caustic soda:

  1. We dilute soda in a container of water.
  2. Apply the solution with a wide brush. It is necessary to distribute the wash sequentially, without gaps on the surface.
  3. We wait until the soda impregnates the tree. After a while, the soda will begin to corrode the paint, and the coating will be covered with bubbles.
  4. We remove the paint layer with a metal spatula. If there are pits on the surface, you can use a chisel, a small spatula or a piece of sandpaper.
  5. We wash the wood first with a soap solution, and then with a stream of warm water.
  6. We dry the material well before priming or painting it.

If the paint layer is thick or hard to reach places on the surface, it is more efficient to use a thick composition. Density can be achieved by mixing soda with oatmeal in water. The waiting time after applying the solution to the tree is about 1-2 hours.

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Bleaching powder

Chlorine can be used both as an independent tool for removing paintwork and as an addition to washing off. In the latter case, bleach acts as a bleach. The fact is that after removing the paint, rot or fungus infection will be detected. In such cases, stains are inevitable, which bleach helps bleach.

Chlorine lime to remove paint from wood

The paint is removed as follows:

  1. We dilute bleach in a container of water.
  2. Apply the chemical to the surface using a stiff brush or metal washcloth.
  3. As the bleach evaporates, the wood will gradually dry.

Note! You can work with bleach only in conditions of good air circulation and using personal protective equipment.

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Other cleaning methods

When choosing a paint removal method, the principle of “like remove like” should be considered:

  1. Water-based paints can be removed with warm water, a stiff brush and rags.
  2. Oil coatings (paints based on fir or linseed oil) can be softened with turpentine. However, if the layer is thick, it will not be so easy. The most difficult to remove oil paints.
  3. Enamel paints begin to peel off after surface treatment with acetone or another solvent.

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Precautionary measures

As already mentioned above, when working with chemicals, safety rules must be observed. These rules include not only the use of a respirator, goggles and gloves, but also other recommendations, including:

  1. Good lighting in the workplace helps to avoid injuries.
  2. To process dimensional products, you need to use a durable table or other flat surface.
  3. Small parts (bars, slats, etc.) are more convenient and safer to process if they are motionless, for example, clamped in a vice.
  4. Safety glasses are needed not only to avoid droplets of paint in the eyes. When working with powder coatings, pieces of dry paint that have bounced off the surface to be cleaned may get into the eyes. These pieces are very sharp and can injure the organs of vision.
  5. Also, do not forget about the right choice of shoes. It is better if it is old unnecessary shoes. Its material should be strong enough.
  6. Some types of washes can be flammable. Therefore, work away from open sources of fire or heating equipment. Fire extinguishing equipment should be located in the immediate vicinity of the workplace.
  7. The best place for cleaning is the street. If this is not possible, it is necessary to ensure good air circulation in the room.

Note! Wash solutions of a new generation are characterized by a high level of safety, they do not emit harmful substances. It should be understood that the effect on the paintwork of such washes is milder.

A proprietary flushing compound is the most effective way to remove the paintwork from a wood surface. Working with such a drug does not require any special skills, but you must strictly adhere to safety rules to avoid damage to the skin and eyes.

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