of paints

Bronekor - heavy-duty polyurethane-based paint for car protection

During active use, the car body constantly experiences the action of aggressive factors: moisture, dirt, salts, chemicals, temperature changes, and also suffers from stones, scratching by branches.

Even on the highest quality coating, small cracks, chips, stains gradually appear, which spoil the appearance and lead to increased wear on the machine. Paint “Bronekor” will help to protect the body - a new development of the Russian company NPO Krasko LLC.

Special car body coating

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Description and advantages of paint

Bronekor paint is a heavy-duty polyurethane protective coating for cars and other equipment, intended for professional or independent use. A mixture based on urethane resins and targeted additives allows you to create real body armor that protects parts for at least 15 years from all damaging factors.

Bronekor painting is especially recommended for difficult operating conditions, because the formed shockproof layer guarantees the prevention of body “injuries” from:

  • scratches by branches;
  • mechanical impact;
  • UV rays;
  • solutions of alkalis and acids;
  • salts, oils and petrochemicals;
  • road reagents;
  • water and other liquids;
  • sand and stones.

Obtaining a coating with such high strength characteristics became possible not only due to the unique composition based on a polymer matrix. The thickness of the film also plays a large role: it is 200 microns or more, which increases the barrier protection of the metal from any aggressive influence. "Bronecor" prevents the appearance of foci of corrosion, because it contains anti-corrosion additives. LKM easily withstands temperature extremes within -40 ... + 120 degrees, without losing integrity, and also does not respond to vibration, has sufficient elasticity.

Two-component composition Bronekor

In addition to excellent technical properties, the paint boasts excellent decorative qualities. It forms an original layer of shagreen, looking stylish and unusual. It helps visually hide small creases, dents that form on the body during impacts. The semi-gloss texture is easily cleaned, almost no pollution is retained on it, and existing spots are quickly washed off with a stream of water.

According to the reviews of the owners and masters, working with Bronecor is not difficult, so you can create your own protective coating. To paint the car, you do not need a special camera, a set of expensive tools. If you want to do this, you can even in the garage and on the street, acquiring an air gun. The price of paint in comparison with analogues is also low. So, comparing “Bronekor” or “Raptor” - which is better, you need to pay attention to a significant difference in cost (1100 and 1600 rubles per liter, respectively) with similar technical characteristics.

On sale there is a kit for painting the body, including paint (750 ml) and hardener (250 ml), as well as the finished "Bronekomplekt". It includes a full range of materials, consumables for work and 4 kg of polyurethane paint, which is enough for a medium-sized car. Here are the other components of the kit:

  • solvent and degreaser;
  • covering film;
  • sandpaper;
  • Scotch;
  • napkins;
  • gloves and overalls;
  • respirators.

Set for car painting

How much does a kit cost? The price of a set without color is 7500 rubles. To work, you will have to additionally buy pigment based on plasticizers or polyurethane at a price of 150-300 rubles.

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Application area

The paint can be applied to any coating that is compatible with it, which was previously matted or to a body completely cleaned from paintwork. It is especially recommended to use the Bronekor for heavily worn parts that are always exposed to the most aggressive external influences (bumpers, hood, fenders).

Paint is suitable for all types of car bodies:

  • sedans;
  • generalists;
  • hatchbacks;
  • compartment;
  • pickups;
  • vans etc.

Drivers use paint to protect other equipment. Among the reviews you can find “I put Bronekor on a quad bike” or “paint Bronekor trailers”. After painting, the vehicle can be used in conditions of harsh operation and high mechanical stresses. It is also permissible to apply this paintwork on motorcycle and bicycle parts, if necessary.

Bronekor suitable for painting ATVs

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Paint Specifications

Bronecor has a high solids content of 63-38%, which makes the coating very strong, wear-resistant. Other characteristics of the paint are as follows:

  • resistance to water at a temperature of +20 degrees - 72 hours;
  • adhesion - 1 point;
  • bending elasticity - 2 mm;
  • impact strength on the device U-2M - 50 cm;
  • drying time to the third degree - 4 hours;
  • resistance to gasoline at a temperature of +20 degrees - 72 hours;
  • the hardness of the device TML-A - 0.5 relative units;
  • consumption - 330-380 g / sq. m with a film thickness of 200 microns.
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The use of "Armored"

During operation, the ambient temperature should not be lower than + 18 ... + 20 degrees. Bronekor paint can be applied over the factory coating of the car even without the use of special primers, it is only necessary to carry out preliminary matting. If the surface is not matted, the adhesion of the paint to the base is seriously reduced, and subsequently it can be peeled off by layers.

If necessary, to eliminate rust, it is necessary to clean the surface of the body to metal. After these areas should be treated with special acid primer, and only then matting. Preparatory activities include the following:

  • thoroughly grind the body, not even missing a centimeter, using sandpaper with large and medium grains (do not wet the surface, the process is dry);
  • treat the body with a degreaser, taking napkins from the kit or clean soft rags without lint;
  • glue unpainted surfaces with a covering film, fix with masking tape.

Paint "Bronekor", like all two-component compositions, must be prepared immediately before use. The instructions indicate that first you need to shake component "A" for 5 minutes, and then pour component "B" into the first container ("A"). After combining the paint and hardener, the mass must be mixed manually until uniform, acting more intensively in the area of ​​the bottom and walls (there paint can stagnate).

After that, color in a volume of 50 ml is introduced into the finished material. For tinting, Bronecor branded paste or acrylic enamel in an amount of less than 10% of the total weight is used. Then you can start applying paint.

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The first way - "smooth shagreen leather"

This method is ideal for cars and small equipment. For work, prepare a pneumatic gun with the ability to adjust the pressure. Set a pressure indicator within 2-4 bar.A part of the paint is separated from the total mass and approximately 5% of the Bronekor thinner is introduced into it (a more liquid material is better suited for the first layer).

Smooth Shagreen Coating

After the composition is sprayed onto the surface of the part from a distance of 20-30 cm and allowed to dry for 20 minutes. After drying, the 2nd and 3rd layers are applied with undiluted paint with intermediate drying for 15 minutes. The car should dry for at least 4 hours - so much coverage is needed to stop sticking. Nevertheless, before operating at low speed (up to 40 km / h), you must wait 24 hours, and before driving in extreme conditions and at a higher speed - 21 days. Only within the specified period the paintwork gains its final strength, although low temperatures during application and drying contribute to the lengthening of this period.

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The second method, combined - "aggressive shagreen leather"

For this method of application, you need to prepare an anti-gravel gun with a nozzle of 4 mm and a pneumatic gun with a nozzle of 1.7-2.5 mm. The order of execution of the layers is as follows:

  1. First layer. Paint dilution - by 5% with a special thinner, application with a pneumatic gun from a distance of 20-30 cm, drying - 20 minutes.
  2. Second layer. Dilution of paint - by 5% with a special thinner, application with a pneumatic gun from a distance of 30 cm, drying - 20 minutes.
  3. Third to fifth layers. Dilution of paint - no, application with an anti-gravel gun from a distance of 45-60 cm under a pressure of 6-8 bar. Intermediate drying - 30 minutes.

Protective coating aggressive shagreen leather

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Precautions and storage

Before and after work, the room must be well ventilated. It should be painted using personal protective equipment: respirator, gloves, overalls.

The composition is stored and transported at -20 ... + 40 degrees for 12 hours from the date of manufacture. It should be far from sources of fire, heat, sunlight. Before applying the paint is kept at +20 degrees for a day.

One comment added
  1. Maksim

    I painted in 3 layers 1.5 nozzles with the addition of car paint 100ml per 1 liter of armored car .. body in soil body 992., After treatment with sandpaper 220 and a degreaser and into battle .. the result is sad .. not lasting at all .. 2 months old body - can be damaged with a screwdriver, right down to the ground .. with ease, 90 sandpaper is removed !!! when contacting the manufacturer - they can’t give an answer what went wrong and why such an effect ... disappointed in this coverage!

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