of paints

What is better to paint the iron stove in the bath?

A fairly common option is a sauna stove, laid out of brick. But metal products are also popular because they are more affordable. They can be purchased ready-made or welded yourself. In any case, the question arises rather sharply, how can paint metal stove and a tank for hot water in the bath.

Painted Bath Oven

Factors that adversely affect paint

The main problem that arises when choosing a coating is the high surface temperature. Therefore, standard options for solving this issue are not suitable. Conventional paints cannot withstand operation on metal heated up to three hundred degrees; they simply peel off or burn out. But this is not the only thing to think about when choosing a composition. There are other conditions, namely:

  1. Any metal tends to expand as it heats up. Material for furnaces is selected in such a way that this figure is minimal, but it is still impossible to reduce it to zero. Therefore, there is a considerable risk of paint cracking during use.
  2. In the bath during its operation for its intended purpose, a considerable amount of steam is formed. High humidity leads to the fact that the coating begins to peel off, so you need to consider this factor when choosing the type of paint.

The choice of paint for the sauna

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Why do I need to paint

The main task of the paint is to protect the surface from rust. No matter how high-quality the material from which the furnace was made in the bathhouse, the consequences of negative influences can occur over time. Hot water tank most at risk of rust, and due to the fact that it is formed from the inside, it is quite difficult to avoid this.

The second reason that the bath stove is to be painted is the aesthetic component. An object made entirely of metal is difficult to harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the room. Some finished products are sold already painted, otherwise you must do it yourself.

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Varieties of colors

As already noted, not every paint can stand the test of a hot surface and high humidity. Therefore, intending to paint the oven and water tank, it is worth very carefully approaching the choice of the coloring composition. The basis of special products is silicone or other substances containing silicon. With sufficient heating (up to approximately + 150 ° C), polymerization occurs, as a result of which the paint fuses into a strong film that can withstand all kinds of external influences and prevents rust. The most famous formulations include the following types:

Paint KO-8101
Advantages of KO-8101 paint
  1. Paint KO-8101. The most affordable option, guaranteeing a service life of up to 15 years.
  2. Varnish KO-85 based on organosilicon. It shows excellent results in conditions of high humidity, is not afraid of rust, but the maximum withstand temperature is only 250 degrees, and this may not be enough.
  3. Enamel KO-8111.A high-quality composition that not only provides the necessary level of protection meets environmental requirements, but also pleases with a wide range of shades.
  4. Heat-resistant paint "Tserta". Quite popular in the CIS countries, has the additional name OS-82-03T.
  5. Enamel KO-8222. Coating with the best heat resistance up to 800 ° C. Due to this advantageous property, it has a high price.

In addition to painting the bath stove, you need to take care of the hot water tank, special attention should be paid to processing it from the inside. There are several "grandfather" methods for this:

  1. The application of aluminum powder provides not only protection against rust, but also environmental safety.
  2. A solution of lime with cement in equal proportions. The water tank is coated with this mixture inside and dried.
  3. Processing with iron minium, which can be easily purchased in stores.

Heat resistant Certa paint

A number of modern tools have been developed with which you can forget about the problem of the occurrence of rust forever:

  1. Corrosion-resistant composition of CVEC No. 2, containing zinc powder and ethyl silicate.
  2. The already mentioned heat-resistant "Certa". The service life of the coating in a bath is 7 years or more.
  3. Zinc-containing enamel "Ecocin". It additionally protects against mechanical damage, which is a considerable plus: the tank walls will not be scratched when you try to get rid of scale.
  4. Enamel KO-422. Processing with this composition is called "cold galvanizing."
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Alternative option

To protect the iron stove in the bath is possible not only by painting. The method of metal burnishing, based on the creation of a chemical reaction, is also popular.

Before processing, the surface is thoroughly cleaned with a five percent solution of sulfuric acid.

The acid is applied with a brush, and then washed off with diluted laundry soap (approximately 50 g per 1 liter of water). Next, the oven must be heated to 150-180 ° C and treated with sodium hydroxide, more precisely, its aqueous solution in the calculation of 50 ml per 1 liter. The composition is applied exclusively by spraying, in order to avoid its spraying.

Thanks to the competent processing of a metal furnace and a tank for hot water, the bathhouse on the personal plot will last a long time even with constant use. Therefore, it is important to approach the choice of paints and varnishes very responsibly. It should be understood that the bathhouse is not the object on the arrangement of which you can save.

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