of paints

Choose a material for painting the furnace

If you inherited an old grandmother’s house in the village, or you bought it in order to escape from the bustle of the city for a while, it probably has a Russian stove in it, which means you already had a question: how to paint the stove? To do this, in Russian villages, they have long used simple and reliable whitewashing, and the owners richer laid out ornate tiles with their own hands, turning stoves into masterpieces of art.

How to paint the oven
Painting the furnace requires special conditions and materials of work, be careful

Some people still prefer the finish, but you can just paint it. Such work does not require great physical effort and special skills, so you can do it yourself. Consider the most convenient and acceptable methods of painting.

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Chalk or lime

The easiest way to perform lime whitewash. To do this, lime is diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Before painting, special preparatory measures are carried out: dust, dirt, exfoliated old clay are removed with a brush, scraper or spatula. It is recommended to add salt to the solution, this will increase its wear resistance, and will prevent from the appearance of stains.

In the case of painting the brick furnace with chalk, it should be sieved through a sieve in advance, diluted with water or milk, and stirred until a homogeneous consistency. If the mixture acquires a yellowish tint, it is recommended to add blue to it.

It is better to wet the stove dyed with lime, then whitewashing will be more effective. It is enough to apply two or three times, but each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Despite its indisputable advantage - safety for human health, such a painting has an important drawback - fragility. Heating and cooling the furnace leads to chips, cracks and damage on its surface.

This painting must be repeated every year. Therefore, more modern paint products, for example, paints, are used more often.

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Types of paints for the oven

Correct masonry of a Russian stove with sufficient thickness of the hearth walls is a guarantee of uniform heating of the room. But it's not only that. The air temperature in it also depends on what the stove is covered with. It is necessary to take into account the fact that a rough surface has a greater heat transfer than smooth, despite the fact that the temperature of the outer part of the furnace can rise to 80 ° C.

For these purposes, many prefer to use enamel and oil formulations. Such a paint does not interfere with the generation of heat, while it is recommended to give preference to a saturated dark color. Aluminum and other shiny compositions will not be effective due to their low heat-conducting properties.

Synthetic paints are widely used, but it is better not to use oil formulations. Due to the natural drying oil included in them, the hot spots painted by them darken noticeably with time. The paint and varnish industry offers a large selection of special, designed for stoves and fireplaces, paints with high heat resistance.

The color palette of the listed options is not rich, and if it does not satisfy your taste preferences, you can use the latex coating. In this case, the painting of the furnace will be effective only after a rough primer.

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What to look for when choosing a paint

Often, many home owners, choosing paint for the stove, pay great attention to taste preferences, forgetting about its quality characteristics. The paint must necessarily be heat-resistant, only in this case it will satisfy all the needs and wishes of consumers. These properties are, for example, silicone enamel. She saves them even when heating the surface to 600C. Turpentine or 646 solvent may serve as its solvent. Apply it 2 to 3 times after complete drying of the previous layer.

Advantages of heat-resistant paint:

  • It has excellent wear resistance and heat resistance;
  • such a coating has electrical insulating properties;
  • with its help, masonry is protected from oxidation, which increases its strength and endurance;
  • the painting process is simple, does not require a preliminary primer;
  • the shelf life of its operational characteristics is large - about 10 years.

Disadvantages of heat-resistant paint:

  • the composition has quite aggressive properties, which can be dangerous to human health and domestic animals;
  • the paint has an unpleasant odor, which makes it impossible to use it in the house where people with respiratory problems live;
  • the compositions have a long drying period, which may be associated with certain inconveniences;
  • the presence of toxic substances in their composition makes it mandatory to use respiratory protective equipment and skin surfaces during work.
Heat resistant paint is toxic
Heat-resistant paint is toxic and very harmful to health.
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Water-based paint - the right choice

Emulsion paint deserves special attention, so I want to draw your attention to it. The application of water-based paint will enable the furnace to work efficiently, and the surfaces look like new. Therefore, many homeowners today prefer it. Material with a dispersive nature is becoming increasingly popular in painting walls, ceilings and other surfaces. Paint has many positive reviews from owners of home stoves. It is also possible to opt for a water-based paint because with such a coating the brick “breathes” and provides good heat dissipation.

The advantages of its use for painting the furnace:

  1. The paint dries very quickly, but subject to constant high temperature.
  2. The composition is absolutely safe for human and animal health.
  3. Unlike other products, this paint has no unpleasant odor.
  4. The ability to create your own, individual palette using various pigments, while with other paints this is not possible.
  5. The painting process does not require much effort and time. You can use a brush, sponges, a special roller, or other convenient attributes, which greatly simplifies the work.
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Recommendations for stylish design of the furnace

Today, there is a clear tendency towards the naturalization of elements and interior details. You can not ignore such a bright and imaginative component of the design as a stove. She emphasizes the color, the Russian style, since it has long been considered an integral part of Russian life and culture. The growing interest in rural styles (country, Provence, etc.) every year makes it possible to turn it into a spectacular and colorful, emphasizing the refined taste of the owner, element of the home with a competent approach to painting the stove.

Stylish stove
Beautifully designed stove will add its own zest to the interior design

Even covering the oven with transparent paint can make it a work of art. But, before painting the brick oven, you need to give it an appropriate, natural look. Having cleaned it from dust and debris using putty, first eliminate all possible defects (cracks, damage, etc.). Putty can be done with your own hands by adding brick flour to the latex paint.

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Furnace surface painting

Before painting the oven, make sure that it is not necessary to reanimate it? Do-it-yourself restoration work on the furnace surface will not take much effort and time, but will protect it from cracks, damage and the negative effects of time.

Recommendations for the implementation of the work:

  1. The outside of a warm oven is treated with a brush using a special environmentally friendly varnish that is resistant to prolonged high temperature and mechanical damage. To do this, you can use the mixture - varnish, prepared by yourself. Make a mixture of flour obtained from crane brick, milk and 10 egg whites. It should be thick and viscous, then the surface will be uniform red.
  2. To give the surface a dark red matte shade, you can apply drying oil.
  3. If you want to get a gloss effect, you can cover the oven with oil or synthetic varnish.
  4. To satisfy color preferences, shades of latex coloring composition will help.

A mixture of turpentine and varnish PF - 283 can also be used as paint for the oven. Taking equal proportions of these substances, they get a transparent, slightly dull substance. She can give the desired color. To do this, dried gouache, ground into powder, is first carefully sieved, then added to the mixture, achieving the desired result.

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Painting other elements of the furnace

In addition to the surface, the furnace still has other elements: a door, a lid, etc. Since they are iron or cast iron, it is quite possible for them to appear rust, soot, or stains after whitewashing. For their painting, heat-resistant and heat-resistant enamel in the form of aerosols is recommended. The prepared surface is not primed, but painted immediately. Your stove should be the most beautiful, remember that!

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