of paints

Paint for leather seats and car interior - choice and rules of use

The internal elements of the car are often upholstered in leather. This material is convenient, practical, long-lasting. Nevertheless, the leather interior of the car wears out over time, defects and abrasions appear on it. You can update the skin of the leather seats, steering wheel, front panel, side trim in different ways.

Often use a constriction, but this method is laborious and very expensive. Faster and an order of magnitude cheaper will solve the problem of paint for the skin of a car, with the help of which they make a full or partial restoration of the interior.

Paints for restoration of a leather interior of a car

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Benefits of painting leather parts

Sewing new covers for car seats, as well as pulling them, will cost a serious amount. But there is technology that allows you to make a quality restoration of seats and other elements - painting. This will be the best solution for those who want to carry out partial repairs. The material for coloring is selected strictly in accordance with the skin tone, so the paint application areas will not be visible visually. It is also possible to completely update the skin, ensuring high quality repairs.

There are a number of other advantages of using paint for a leather interior:

  • high speed - even the restoration of all elements will take no more than 2 days, while the lining will take up to 14 days;
  • the ability to change the color of the upholstery - when applying a dense layer, you can block even the darkest shade;
  • maintaining the structure of the material - the quality of the skin will not be affected by the application of coatings;
  • convenience of work, the ability to do restoration with your own hands;
  • low costs, economy of paint consumption.
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Possible leather interior defects

In low-cost cars, the interior is usually trimmed with fabric or leather substitute. Elite cars have leather-wrapped seats, a steering wheel and other interior elements. Over time, due to regular use, even with a careful attitude, small abrasions, cracks, and peeling places of the paint from the base material remain on the skin.

Staining can eliminate defects in the leather parts of the car interior.

Also, more significant defects can be left by dropped cigarettes, scratches from pet claws, “abrasions” from the corners of sharp objects transported in a car. Some cracks are noticeable only upon closer examination, larger ones spoil the entire look of the cabin.

The paint will help fill small and serious defects with a polymer composition, eliminate all damage and significantly update the interior. Without resorting to specialists, you can even get rid of deep cuts and tears, remove burns from cigarettes.

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Types of skin paints

In stores you can find three basic types of paints - liquid based on acrylic, aerosol and in the form of a paste (cream). The selection of funds is based on color, structure, individual preferences.

Acrylic paints

They are considered universal - they can be used both for car repairs and for restoration of shoes, jackets, belts, bags, wallets. Most acrylics are suitable for leatherette, vinyl and polyurethane. With their help, you can quickly tint scratches and scuffs, restore the natural color of the skin or repaint the interior.

Acrylic paints for leather products

For work using a brush or spray gun. The composition usually contains waxes and oils that nourish and soften the material, giving it a more expensive look. The palette of acrylics is diverse, but beige, black and brown remain the most popular colors.

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Creamy paints

Cream paint is sold in specialized automotive stores and is presented in the form of a tube. It must be applied with a cotton swab in several layers, because absorbency is usually high. In use, this composition is not so convenient, it will require more time and labor.

Spray paints

Spraying from a spray can is the most convenient method of painting the interior. The product is applied in one layer, preventing drips, after drying, repeat the work. Aerosol paints dry very quickly, which only simplifies all actions. The quality of such coatings is usually high, but so is the price.

Spray paint for protecting and updating DECORIX smooth leather products

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Popular brands

According to consumer reviews, the following brands of paints with which you can update the skin on the car skin deserve attention:

  1. Salamander. Quickly dries, leaves no residue, glossy or matte - optional. A distinctive feature is durability.
  2. Liquid Leather. Suitable for all types of genuine and artificial leather, suede. You can apply with a brush, sponge or pour material into the spray. The service life of products coated with this paint is very long - up to 7 years.
  3. Saphir. This paint is also called "liquid skin", because it perfectly restores even large defects, completely restores the color of the interior, is suitable for painting surfaces of any size.
  4. Motip. It has a rich palette of shades, it is used for interior and coloring car wheels. All colors are mixed to obtain the desired shades.

Paints for smooth skin Saphir

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Painting process

To paint the seats and other elements no worse than professionals, you must strictly follow the technology. It is important not to apply a new coat of paint if the previous one has not yet dried out. It is also forbidden to spray too much paintwork, because streaks will appear on the skin, which will then stand out unaesthetically against the general background. If any flaws are formed, they are carefully removed with a microfiber cloth or other non-fluffy material.

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Necessary materials

The durability of the upholstery directly depends on the quality of the purchased dye. Therefore, do not save - it is better to immediately get a better product. Aerosols are especially popular, because it is very easy to apply them. If you purchased liquid paint, you should additionally buy a brush or small spray. Also it is necessary to prepare rags, solvent, masking tape.


You can only paint a completely clean interior. Therefore, it is pre-washed in car service enterprises or independently and thoroughly dried. Professional cleaning products suitable for the skin can also be used. Next, the seats, steering wheel, panel and other parts to be painted must be degreased. This is required for good adhesion of the paint to the base material. Degreasing is done with alcohol or special vehicles.

Preparation of the car interior for painting

Significant in depth and size defects should be removed in advance. To do this, putty is put on for the skin, the wounds are closed with a small spatula. After giving the putty to dry completely.

Before work, all unpainted joints must be pasted over with masking tape so as not to mess them up. The seats and all the parts that can be removed are removed from the passenger compartment.

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After the preparatory phase is completed, they begin painting. You should carefully read the instructions, as the rules for applying different brands of coatings may vary. Spray carefully, rubbed with a brush or sponge, first covering the most worn areas and allowing them to dry well.If spraying is carried out from the cylinder, it must be kept at a distance of about 15 cm. The spray can be moved smoothly so that all the parts are painted over and there are no drips.

Painting car interior elements from leather

Paint should be applied in several layers (usually 2–4), allowing each to dry for at least 15 minutes. This will help to make the color saturated, bright, and defects will not shine through. After completion of work, you cannot use the machine for 1-2 days (as indicated by a specific manufacturer). After final drying, it is necessary to polish the interior with special napkins or brushes.

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Tips for prolonging staining

Using paint for the interior gives excellent results. The integrity of the leather parts is restored, the material becomes soft, elastic, the effect of shrinkage and coarsening of the skin is eliminated. The original color returns, or the interior completely changes its color.

To preserve the results for a long time and to exclude the hauling of the skin, you need to follow important tips. Do not carry animals and animals in the car that tear, scratch the skin, and do not use aggressive chemicals during washing. It is advisable to have a cape in the driver's seat to protect the upholstery during heavy use. Compliance with the rules will allow up to 5-7 years to rejoice in the attractiveness of the car without disappointments.

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