of paints

How and with what to paint window slopes?

Probably, everyone who installed plastic windows is familiar with the situation when a beautiful freshly installed double-glazed window is framed by uneven slopes intended for the old frame. Of course, it is possible to carry out window decoration together with a double-glazed window, for an additional fee, or you can save a little. To do this, you just need to purchase material for leveling the surface and paint for slopes.

Painted window slopes in the interior

Leveling material

Every master, even a beginner, knows that the choice of paint depends on the material of which the base is made. To align the window opening indoors, it is customary to use:

  • drywall;
  • Chipboard;
  • plaster mixes.

External slopes are leveled only with cement mixtures, gypsum and chipboard for outdoor decoration are not used because of the vulnerability of materials to the influence of atmospheric phenomena.

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What paint to choose

The dye is selected based on where it will be used. The main requirements for the coloring agent are:

  1. An aesthetic appearance, because the main purpose of the chosen paint is to create a decent frame for a plastic window.
  2. Strength and resistance to abrasion (the film formed after drying should not be damaged during surface washing).
  3. Compliance with operating conditions (for example, for the bathroom it will be increased moisture resistance, and for outdoor works - the ability to withstand atmospheric phenomena and temperature extremes).
  4. Environmental friendliness (this requirement is mandatory for residential premises).

The choice of paint for window slopes

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For interior decoration

Based on these requirements, experienced craftsmen recommend using the following compounds for internal work:

  1. Acrylic water emulsion. Convenient to work, after drying form a durable beautiful film. They dry quickly, are easy to apply, have water repellent properties and are suitable for painting slopes on the windows of a bathroom or kitchen. Due to the fact that the solvent for such enamels is water, the compositions are non-toxic and almost odorless.
  2. Acrylic latex. They have the same properties as water emulsion, but the presence of latex additives in the composition increases their strength and moisture resistance. In addition, the addition of latex gives dyes a beautiful gloss. If desired, you can purchase a coloring solution from glossy, beautifully reflecting light, to matte, emphasizing the beauty of the window opening.

Acrylic latex paint for interior decoration

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For exterior decoration

For the street, it is recommended to select such paints:

  1. Acrylic latex with high protective and decorative properties. But it is worth considering an important rule: latex without additional additives is not sufficiently resistant to temperature extremes, and quickly collapses. If you purchase latex paint for slopes, then on the package should be indicated: "For outdoor use."
  2. Alkyd based on organic solvents, suitable for any base and able to withstand temperature extremes. Minus - high toxicity, you can work with them only with gloves or a respirator.
  3. Epoxy Durable, beautiful, but expensive, and for beginners it can be difficult to work with them. They are rarely used for window decoration due to the fact that there are more affordable coloring compounds with excellent protective and decorative qualities.

Epoxy paint for exterior decoration

It is not enough to select only the composition of the dye. To make the window look spectacular, you need to choose a color.

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Color selection

Manufacturers of paints and varnishes offer a wide color palette.

You can paint in any color, but it should be borne in mind that plastic double-glazed windows have a traditional white color, and too bright a color design of a window can add discord to a carefully thought-out interior.

Designers recommend using the following colors for interior decoration:

  1. The shade of white, which will be 1-2 tones different from the glass.
  2. Painting under light wood. This option will be an excellent solution for rooms with wooden panels.

Wood-based paint colors for windows

For external staining, it is recommended to choose a color so that it harmonizes with the facade.

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Necessary tools

Finally, the composition and color of the dye is determined, now it’s worth picking up the necessary tools, and you can start decorating the window. To make a quality finish, you will need:

  • tools for leveling the surface (if necessary);
  • masking tape;
  • bath for coloring agent;
  • gloves
  • painting tool.

The process of painting window slopes

Of painting tools, the use of a brush or roller is recommended. Wizards when choosing a tool recommend:

  1. Give preference to small and medium sized rollers.
  2. Choose a “fur coat” for the roller from a sponge or natural fur with a short pile. This is justified by the fact that long-nap rollers can spray paint compositions, and splashes can get on glass or plastic.
  3. It is better to use brushes only for painting joints, and paint the remaining areas with a roller. This will allow even staining and material savings.
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Preparation for painting

Preparing a window opening for painting plays a huge role, because in sunlight all the imperfections of the surfaces will be visible. Therefore, before painting, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base. To do this, you need:

  1. Carefully inspect the surface with a portable lamp and smooth out any irregularities and dents. Drywall does not need alignment, but unevenness can be found on chipboard or plaster. After eliminating all the shortcomings, it is advisable to conduct a second inspection with the lamp.
  2. Pour the primer into a container for dipping the roller, carefully primer the surface and allow to dry. Again inspect with the lamp. If there is a chance of uneven soil application, then repeat the procedure.

After the soil mixture has dried, you can begin to paint, evenly distributing the selected dye with a roller. It is recommended to paint in two layers, the first to be applied with uniform movements from wall to window, and the second up and down.

If the paint is selected in accordance with all the requirements, and the finishing work was carried out in compliance with all the necessary steps, then the result will be a beautiful window opening.

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