Any owner of a summer cottage wants to attach a wooden veranda to the house. This cozy place becomes the most popular for all family members. After the construction of the main structure, it is necessary to paint it. What paint to choose for a terrace to reliably protect wood from external factors? Today we will try to consider this issue from all sides.
- The main destructive factors
- The choice of material for the veranda
- Acrylic Latex Paint
- Aqualaki
- Oil waxes
- Gender features
- Preparation of wood for processing
- Flooring
Before you start painting the veranda, you need to prepare the necessary material in advance. Disputes have been debated about what material is best used to cover wooden surfaces in the open. The fact is that open areas made of wood can be protected only for a while, since this is a natural material that is difficult to preserve.
to contents ↑The main destructive factors
Woodwork is constantly influenced by weather conditions. The structure of this material is able to easily pass any liquid. The moisture content in the tree allows the development of many pests. As a result, the product begins to rot and decay. In addition, fiber swollen from moisture can begin to destroy the tree from the inside, especially in the winter cold season.
Throughout the year, boards are exposed to extreme temperature changes. As a result, they change their shape. In this case, not every coating can become reliable protection against such deformation of the material.
Natural wood is the most nutritious environment for many molds. They quickly hit the material with a lot of moisture, destroying all the fibers inside with their juices.
Important! There are fungi that can destroy the entire building in a short period of time.
Ultraviolet rays emanating from the sun negatively affect some properties of wooden coatings. They can also spoil the painting, turning it into a faded look.
A variety of worms, larvae and other harmful insects are very fond of wood. Bark beetles gnaw through many moves, and eventually eat up the structure. In addition, wood is attacked by mice and rats who like to settle in their summer cottages.
Now we know that there are quite a few enemies on the veranda made of wood. As a result, there are difficulties in caring for this building. Therefore, it is necessary to find the best option for protecting the object from rain, sun, heat and frost.
to contents ↑The choice of material for the veranda
The best option for covering a wooden veranda is paint. However, when choosing this material, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that you should buy a special colorful composition for the floor. To paint the rest of the construction details, any paint intended for outdoor woodwork can be used.
Often in the construction of the veranda used coniferous wood.They are the most affordable material among tree species. In addition, they have natural protection against water - these are the resins used to impregnate wood.
A softwood terrace board will require significantly less paint to cover.
Acrylic Latex Paint
This coating has recently become increasingly popular among consumers. It has good performance reviews. In addition, it is easy to work with paint: it has no smell, and also does not harm health. Manufacturers produce this composition in a huge assortment of colors and shades.
Scuba diving today, too, are popular among summer residents. They are perfectly used for processing decking.
Oil waxes
Such a coating is used when they want to preserve the beautiful texture of wood. However, this composition has one minus - this is a big cost.
I would like to note that all of the above compositions are related to expensive types of coating of wooden surfaces. But, their advantage is that they look very beautiful, and they also have the longest life.
Now we can talk about covering the floor on the terrace. This is a separate topic and quite vulnerable. This building in the country carries a heavy load due to the constant influence of unfavorable factors from the outside. And for the floor, such a load increases at times, so they walk on it in shoes, which often happens in a swamp, and also the water on the floor does not dry out for a long time, etc.
Gender features
Every year, summer residents have to deal with such a problem as replacing a terrace floorboard. As mentioned earlier, atmospheric conditions can damage even a strong coating. Sometimes wooden floors can be saved by proper installation, which provides a gap between 2-4 mm boards.
But even with perfect installation, it is necessary to treat the wood with paints and varnishes in order to save the floor from destruction. They are selected depending on what kind of wood the flooring consists of.
Basically, they prefer to buy a floorboard from softwood, in particular, larch. Whoever has the opportunity, order a terrace board for this purpose.
It is very important before coating the veranda with paint, to properly prepare it for this process. For this, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the floor and other structural elements with a primer and antiseptic. In this case, it is possible to use the object as long as possible.
Any colorful coating intended for open-structure wood can last about three years.
Plain enamel paint or varnish is suitable only for indoor use. To cover the floors of open verandas, it is better to use terrace oil, which perfectly copes with its duties.
Preparation of wood for processing
- If the wooden floor was previously painted, be sure to clean it from old paint. In advanced cases, it is recommended to use any solvent for this purpose.
- Before painting wood, all kinds of knots and other defects should be removed. Sometimes, after a long contact with rain and sun, the material acquires an unsightly dark color. In order to get rid not only of defects, but also of mushrooms that have settled in the wood, it is necessary to remove the top layer using a special device.
- Boards that have become unusable must be replaced with new ones, otherwise they will simply crack.
- If during the period of use of the material, cracks, holes and other holes appeared in it, they must be repaired with putty, and then sanded.
- Before you start coating the boards with a protective substance, the floors must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and foreign objects.
- It is recommended that the floors be covered with more than one coat of primer so that the composition soaks the wood well.Complete drying of the material is achieved after three days. And only after that you can begin to cover the floor with paint or terrace oil.
to contents ↑
After completing the preparatory work, we begin the painting process, which should take place in several stages. The first coat of paint can be applied with a roller, and paint the gaps between the boards with a brush.
If the tree is painted for the first time, paint should be applied with a thin layer and wait until it dries completely, which can last up to 7 days. There should be at least two such layers, while all of them should be applied as thin as possible. After finishing work, the floor should be washed well with warm water.