of paints

Varieties and application of two-component paints

Two-component paints are paints and varnishes (LKM), the constituent elements of which are supplied separately for further mixing before use. Compared to single-component, two-component paints are characterized by high quality: usually one layer is enough to create a high-quality coating.

Two-component paint


Types of compounds

Most often, two-component compositions are made on the basis of acrylic, polyurethane, epoxy. Thixotropic and urethane-alkyd paints are also available. The differences between the species relate not only to the chemical composition and mixing proportions, but also to consumer characteristics, and hence the scope.

Acrylic Compounds

Scopes of application:

  • automobile transport;
  • industrial mechanisms (prevent external negative effects on the treated surface);
  • aluminum and its alloys (increase the adhesive quality of materials);
  • galvanized surfaces (e.g. galvanized steel);
  • synthetic materials (polyesters, composites, etc.).

Most often, acrylic coatings paint metal products, since such paints are distinguished by reliability, durability, bright tonality, and resistance to ultraviolet radiation (which is especially valuable for surfaces located in the open air).

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Epoxy compounds

Two-component epoxy-based paints are the preferred option if you want to get a durable coating that is resistant to chemical influences (including resistance to acids and alkalis). Such compositions are resistant to difficult climatic conditions (high and low temperatures, heavy rainfall).

Epoxy resin

Epoxy coatings are used for painting tanks with chemical compositions. Paint and varnish material is perfect for painting surfaces and metal and concrete.

It is convenient to use such a paint from a technological point of view, since the epoxy compounds are universal and they can treat all surfaces of the room.

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Polyurethane Compounds

Two-component coatings based on polyurethane are the best solution for painting wood surfaces. At the same time, polyurethane is also suitable for other materials, especially metal: steel, cast iron, aluminum, etc.

Advantages of polyurethane two-component paints:

  • easily mixed with other components;
  • high hiding power and for a high-quality coating, most often a single layer is enough;
  • characterized by stability, as a result of which smudges do not occur after staining;
  • resistant to mechanical stress (shock, scratches, etc.);
  • the surface has an aesthetic appearance (brightness, luster, etc.).
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Other formulation options

Another option for two-component paint is thixotropic solutions. They are widely used for painting wood products, including in the furniture industry.The paint is usually based on an alkydamine composite material, due to which the surface is transferred with increased strength and high resistance to external influences.

For surfaces subject to increased friction and wear, urethane-alkyd coatings are used. Such paints, in particular, are used for painting concrete and wood structures.

Note! There are much more two-component compositions than listed in the article, but here we are talking about the most time-tested.

It is sometimes quite difficult to judge new paints and varnishes due to the lack of a long practice of their application. Two-component paints are not in vain used at industrial facilities. This fact indicates their reliability, safety and durability. However, the cost of such paints and varnishes is high, so their use is justified on large surfaces. Small parts can be painted with ordinary paint, for example, from an aerosol can.

One comment added
  1. Anal

    Please tell me how you can paint a ceramic sink.

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