of paints

Appointment of enamel EP-572 and features of its application

Enamel EP-572 is a marking mixture consisting of epoxy resin E-40 and hardener. The material is characterized by sufficient strength and durability, withstands various temperature loads and does not lose its qualities when in contact with aggressive materials.

Description and purpose

EP-572 contains dyes and benzyl alcohol, which gives enamel strength. The suspension also includes polyethylene polyamine (PEPA), which acts as a hardener.

EP-572 contains PEPA hardener

Paint is used for marking products. The product can be applied to metal surfaces:

  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • silver;
  • steel;
  • titanium.

It adheres well to other materials. Enamel is applied to such coatings:

  • getinax;
  • ceramics;
  • plexiglass;
  • polished quartz glass;
  • polyamide;
  • polycarbonate;
  • polystyrene;
  • textolite.

It is permissible to coat with steel emulsion surfaces on which enamels have previously been applied:

  • ML-12;
  • ML-165;
  • PF-115;
  • EP-773.

EP-572 is intended for painting metal surfaces

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Properties and characteristics

The tool is resistant to mechanical stress and a good level of adhesion (adhesion to the surfaces of other materials). It has established itself well in various climatic conditions. Enamel prevents the growth of fungal mold.

Products coated with EP-572 are suitable for use in various temperature conditions: a minimum of –60 ° C, a maximum of +250 ° C.

Enamel is not susceptible to the negative effects of moisture, alcohol, gasoline and automobile oils. It is mainly available in the following colors:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • the black.

Some manufacturers offer products in other colors. There are enamels on sale in packagings with a capacity of 1 liter, 3 liter and 18 liter.

Technical characteristics of the paint material EP-572 are regulated by TU 6-10-1539-76. Enamel is stored in a sealed container for one year from the date of issue - in a dark and cool place.

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Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the surface - clean from dirt, dust and rust, and then thoroughly degrease.

Preparation of a metal surface for painting

Then apply hardener (PEPA). The amount of this product should not exceed 5% of the total volume of the emulsion.

Good to know! If the solution is too viscous, it can be diluted with acetone, toluene, cyclohexanone or ethyl cellosolve.

In the process of using:

  • brush;
  • pen;
  • drawing pen;
  • stamp.

It is recommended to apply one coat that dries from 30 minutes to 2 hours, provided that the method of hot drying is used. Drying time (up to degree 5 according to GOST 19007-73) depends on the temperature, which in this case ranges from +140 ° С to +60 ° С.

After this, wait 2-3 days. Then the coating can be washed with warm water, gasoline or alcohol.

Important! At room temperature, the composition will finally harden after 24 hours.

When working with EP-572, safety precautions should be observed. The composition is quite toxic, so you need to use protective clothing and a respirator.

It is not allowed to apply the emulsion in places where it can ignite. Also, you can not paint in the rooms where drinking water and food are stored. It is necessary to carefully ventilate the room both during operation and after it.

The use of enamel EP-572, resistant to various climatic influences, will preserve the integrity of the marking for a long time.

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