of paints

Method of application and technical characteristics of the enamel PF-115

Enamel PF 115 is an alkyd paintwork material (LKM), developed back in Soviet times. Even the appearance on the market of more technologically advanced and environmentally friendly acrylic paints did not shake the position of alkyd enamels. They are still popular due to their high working qualities.

Scope of application

Most often, PF-115 enamel is used for painting central heating radiators, doors and windows. PF-115 is weatherproof, therefore it is often used for painting all kinds of wooden and metal structures on the street: arbors, benches, verandas, fences, utility structures. Resistance to moisture avoids peeling and the appearance of bubbles on the coating (this is prevented by a protective film that holds the enamel on the painted surface).

Painting of slate roof with PF-115 enamel

Another important argument in favor of this enamel is its ability to withstand ultraviolet radiation. Due to this quality, the coating does not fade or fade. PF-115 is used for coloring not only wood and metal, but also drywall sheets, brick and concrete surfaces.

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Composition and labeling

PF-115 enamel is a suspension in which there are pigments and special fillers in an alkyd mixture. The main component is the semi-finished product of pentaphthalic varnish - PF-060, as well as titanium dioxide. As a solvent, white spirit or another desiccant is used. Modifiers are used to give PF-115 additional properties. PF-115 includes finely dispersed dye.

Enamels are available in different colors, with the appropriate additives. For example, white paint, which contains zinc white. Carbon black is added to the gray paint. In blue, iron azure is used as a modifier.

The color assortment is quite diverse, although mostly limited to basic colors. Various shades are available, but their list is limited (five dozen options). The fact is that in the case of shades (like with cherry) it is difficult to ensure the proper quality of enamel manufacturing. Therefore, such paints are assigned not the highest, but only the first grade in quality.

Color range of enamel PF-115

The marking of this paint material indicates its composition (PF - pentaphthalic base) and color palette (115 - number of the corresponding series). The production standard is GOST 6465-76, which was amended in 2001 to improve product specifications.

Manufacturers produce two varieties of paint produced for different consumers - industrial and retail. The differences between the modifications are in production technology. Industrial dyes are offered in concentrated form. Such enamels need to be diluted with solvents. But products for the retail buyer are available in a diluted form. However, even a retail product must be diluted further.

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Enamel Technical Features

For the PF-115 enamel, the following technical characteristics are characteristic:

  • the formation of a glossy coating (gloss level is 50%);
  • adhesion level - up to 1 point (there are also oil options with lower adhesion);
  • the proportion of non-volatile components ranges from 49% to 70%;
  • bending elasticity index - not more than 1 millimeter;
  • the drying rate of the coating at room temperature is up to 24 hours;
  • specific hardness - from 0.15 to 0.25 conventional units;
  • conditional viscosity index - from 60 to 120 conventional units;
  • ability to resist moisture - up to 2 hours, fuels and lubricants - up to 24 hours, aggressive detergents - up to 15 minutes.

The paint is characterized by high hiding power. On average, the surface service life at low temperatures is 4–5 years, but in hot climates it does not exceed 1 year.

PF-115 enamel coating retains its properties for 4-5 years

The disadvantage of PF-115 is the fire hazard of the coatings and a fairly high level of toxicity. When applying such enamel indoors, safety precautions (protective clothing and goggles, a respirator) should be observed.

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State standards

The production technology of PF-115 is regulated by GOST 6465-76. This standard was created by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR in 1976.

There are other standards established by the state that regulate certain aspects of the production process.

The list of GOSTs, which contain information about this enamel:

9980.1 - the acceptance rules are laid down;

9980.2 - the order of sampling is determined;

9980.3 - painted the rules for the use of packaging and labeling;

12.1.005 - the hazard classes of the components in the paint are listed;

12.1.044 - fire hazard is characterized;

12.3.005b 12.1.004 - sets out the requirements for production and testing processes, as well as for the use of enamel.

GOSTs also regulate the use of protective clothing and devices that ensure the safety of workers.

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The universal qualities of PF-115 make it possible to paint the surface at an air temperature of 5 to 35 degrees Celsius. For applying paint use brushes, brushes, rollers or spray guns. Immersion staining is also used.

Painting on wood with PF-115 enamel

Metal structures are painted with at least two layers of enamel after preliminary priming. For high-quality painting of wood, brick, concrete or plaster, you need two or three layers of a thickness of 18-23 microns each. The variation in thickness is associated with differences in the structure of the material being painted and the color of the paint.

After applying a layer of enamel, the surface should dry. Drying at 20 degrees takes up to 24 hours. When faster drying is required, the use of high temperatures (100-110 degrees) is allowed.

After the enamel dries, the surface becomes glossy, uniform, smooth. It is resistant to abrasion, weather and chemical influences. PF-115 is compatible with almost any type of paintwork.

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Surface preparation

Before applying the enamel, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures so that the paint layer is laid down in a high quality.

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. Remove traces of grease, dirt, old paint from the surface. To do this, you can use washing powder, soap or soda solution. Sand wooden materials. Remove traces of rust from metal structures.
  2. Dry the surface thoroughly (especially when it comes to plaster or concrete).
  3. If you have to paint the metal, treat it with a degreasing compound and apply a corrosion-resistant primer.
  4. If the tree will be enameled, apply drying oil, Biotex primer or universal varnish.
  5. For porous surfaces, an alkyd primer is preferred.

Preparation of surfaces for painting with PF-115 enamel

Primer application rules:

  1. Dilute the composition with a solvent (if necessary according to the instructions).
  2. Stir the composition with a wooden stick.
  3. Apply a thin coat of primer using a brush or roller.
  4. Allow the surface to dry.

Note! Pentaphthal primers can be applied over old paint. However, then you need to sand its layer.

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Security measures

Painting should only be carried out using personal protective equipment (glasses, gloves, respirator). In case of contact with the paint and varnish material, wash the affected area with a warm soapy solution.When carrying out work, it is necessary to provide good natural or artificial ventilation. There should be no sources of fire near the area to be painted.

When applying enamel PF-115, a respirator must be used

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Enamel consumption

One of the advantages of the PF-115 is its economical consumption. Specific indicators depend on many circumstances:

  1. Application Method. When working with a sprayer, the paintwork material is spent less economically compared to using a brush.
  2. Manufacturing technology. PF-115 is produced not only in accordance with GOST, but also in accordance with TU. In the latter case, the consumption is approximately 50% higher.
  3. The degree of preparation of the base. A well-primed surface reduces the consumption of paints and varnishes.
  4. Consumption per 1 m2 even depends on the color of the enamel. The most economical option is black paint, and the most wasteful is white. Other colors are intermediate.
  5. Type of material to be painted. Consumption per 1 m2 for metal will be less than when painting wood, which absorbs part of the paintwork.

Enamel consumption - from 100 to 180 grams per square meter of one layer.

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Paint manufacturers

Enamel PF 115 is produced by many Russian enterprises. The Yaroslavsky Color company produces it in a wide range of colors (several dozen colors and shades). Also, the products of such brands as Norma, Host, Profilyuks have proven themselves well.

Enamel PF-115 universal Yaroslavl flavor

Note! A quality product must have a certificate of conformity.

Products from different manufacturers are distinguished by their consumer properties. So, Lacra enamel is very decorative, has good adhesive qualities. A wide selection of shades is offered. Most of the options for this enamel give a glossy effect. The maximum shelf life of the paint material is 2 years.

Varnish-and-paint material from Tex Optimum is fast drying (5-8 hours). However, each subsequent coat is recommended to be applied no earlier than 24 hours later. The shelf life of the paint is shorter than some competitors - 1.5 years. PF 115 from this manufacturer fits well on drywall, fiberboard and particleboard.

Paint from Tex Fazenda differs in a semi-matte tone of coating, increased resistance to external influences and is well cleaned from pollution. The painted area is able to withstand even the solvent.

Enamel PF-115 Fazenda from TEKS

Enamel of the Bio trademark is intended for use in medical and educational institutions, since LKM has a special bioadditive with bactericidal and virucidal properties. Technical standards governing the production of enamels with such properties are contained in GOST 10.03.76.

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Storage conditions

Since PF 115 enamel is flammable, it is forbidden to store cans in the immediate vicinity of an open flame. It is also unacceptable to find the composition in direct sunlight or in a humid environment. The paintwork composition retains its working qualities at air temperatures from 40 degrees below zero to 40 degrees above zero.

Manufacturers usually give a one-year warranty on their products. However, warranties are retained only if the enamel is stored in unopened packaging. Otherwise, the composition dries very quickly.

One comment added
  1. Andrew

    This enamel lasts for many years on the window frames of the southern region.

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