of paints

Features of the treatment of floors with PF-266 enamel

Enamel PF-266 allows you to create a fairly hard coating, which is characterized by a pleasant shine. The undoubted advantages of this product include resistance to mechanical stress, chemical influences, high adhesion (adhesion) to clean wooden, metal and previously painted substrates.


Alkyd varnish is present in the enamel - the base of the emulsion. In the manufacturing process, it is mixed with a solvent, fillers and pigments. Additives can give the coating not only decorative, but also protective properties. Thanks to them, the suspension applied in an even thin layer hides the unevenness of the material and successfully resists weathering.

Alkyd-based floor paint

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Properties and characteristics

To process 1 m2 of the surface with one layer, 150 - 180 g is necessary, depending on the color. After applying the composition, the surface becomes smooth, uniform and shiny, without impurities.

The main technical characteristics of enamel:

  1. Viscosity in the range from 70 to 100 seconds (at a temperature of 20 ° C).
  2. The degree of periter is not more than 40%. This is an indicator characterizing the size of the largest particles in pigmented paints and varnishes.
  3. Drying time - approximately 24 hours (provided that the temperature fluctuates within 20 ° C).
  4. Abrasion resistance - 0.25 kg / μm.
  5. Bending elasticity - 1 mm.
  6. Gloss coverage - 57%.
  7. The adhesion of the composition with other materials is 1 point.
  8. Preservation of properties at temperatures from -40 to +60 ° C.

The coating successfully resists moisture and can withstand significant mechanical stress.

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Appointment of enamel PF-266

The tool is used for painting wood and metal substrates. It can be used for processing both domestic and industrial premises. Wagon paint is suitable for all surfaces.

Enamel PF-266 is designed for interior use

Important! The composition (GOST 6465-76) processes exclusively internal surfaces; this enamel is not suitable for external work.

The emulsion is intended mainly for the processing of non-residential premises of a sufficiently large size. For this reason, manufacturers offer their products in large metal containers (30 - 50 l).

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Colors of paint

Enamel is available in the following colors:

  • golden brown;
  • tan;
  • red brown.

The composition does not differ in the variety of shades, which narrows the scope of its use.

Color gamut of paint PF-266

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Enamel and surface preparation

Before using the emulsion for the wooden floor, preliminary work is carried out. They need not only the paint itself, but also the material on which the composition will be applied. Enamel preparation procedure:

  1. After opening the cover, remove the film formed on the surface. This must be done carefully, without leaving solid pieces in the container, otherwise the appearance of the surface will be damaged.
  2. Mix the composition well, making it homogeneous. This operation is recommended to be performed using a drill with a special nozzle.
  3. Add solvent (if necessary and no more than 10%). As this tool can be RS-2, turpentine, white spirit.
  4. Filter the product using regular gauze.

Preparation of the base includes work on its cleaning:

  1. Wash the floor with detergents. Pay special attention to traces of old paint and rust - they must be removed using special tools.
  2. Wash the floor again with clean water.
  3. Sand the surface, then remove the dust.
  4. Rinse the floor with water and dry. Now you can apply the paint.
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Enamel application methods

For painting use a roller of medium hairiness or a brush for painting. Enamel spraying with a spray gun is allowed.

After preliminary preparation of PF-266 and the treated base, you can start painting. To apply the composition, use a paint brush or roller with a medium pile. You can apply the spray method. Generally two layers are applied. To obtain a more reliable coating in the places necessary for this, it is advisable to process the surface three times. In this case, the drying period may exceed one day.

After completing the work, the tools must be put in order. The roller or brush must be cleaned of enamel residues. To do this, use a solvent, vegetable oil, a dry rag. Containers with unspent composition should be tightly covered so that it retains its qualities. Moisture or penetration of sunlight is not allowed.

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Precautionary measures

Paints and varnishes emit vapors that pose a risk to human health. Given this fact, when working with them, you must remember to comply with safety rules. It is necessary to take care of personal protection - gloves and a respirator.

Sex paint is flammable, therefore it is forbidden to use it near open flame sources. Do not apply it in the immediate vicinity of food storage areas and in rooms where fresh air does not penetrate.

Important! The composition is toxic. After completing the paintwork, the room must be thoroughly ventilated to prevent poisoning with toxic substances. The duration depends on how much the enamel will dry.

When working with paint, use a respirator and protective gloves.

As a result of using PF-266, the processed materials will not only last much longer, but also please the eye, therefore enamel is quite popular among consumers.

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