of paints

Types and features of paints that can change their color

Many car owners dream of changing their equipment, giving it an original look, so they turn to workshops for tuning. Along with the usual staining of the machine in a different shade, there is now the opportunity to do airbrushing, chrome coating, stickers. There is even a paint that changes color - a new way to change the appearance of a car beyond recognition.

Color changing paint - myth or reality

Developers of the highest quality paints and varnishes (e.g. Candy) and representatives of the global automotive industry claim that a real miracle has been created - a tool with the ability to change colors. The developments of scientists in this field cause a lot of conflicting opinions. The most discussed is the so-called paramagnetic paint - a polymer composition that changes color under the influence of electric current due to a change in the distance between metal particles.

The use of paramagnetic paint allows you to change the color of the car

Paramagnetic paint can acquire a different color only when the engine of the machine is turned on. It is alleged that the owner will be able to change the color to a completely new one in a second from the remote control. Unfortunately, attempts to purchase such material in stores or on the Internet fail. The bodies of the most expensive cars are painted with similar materials, and they are also used for marking airplanes and helicopters. At the same time, the properties of the paints are greatly exaggerated - they can really change the shade, but to a similar, lighter or darker, or gain a metallic glow. There are also heat-sensitive paints, which are expensive and are used only in industrial conditions.

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Types of changing car enamels

Among the materials for painting cars that can change externally, there are several groups. Some of them take on a different look from the temperature, others from the operation of the magnet, and in the third pigments change from the action of water.

Thermochromic paint

Heat-sensitive enamel is a paint and varnish material, which is based on especially strong polymers, as well as microscopic particles in the form of granules (leuco-dyes), which can change color when exposed to temperature. Usually, when the environment cools, the thermal paint darkens, and when warming, it brightens. The material allows you to create a beautiful decor on the body or completely paint it in a spectacular color.

Thermochromic paint Available in different basic colors:

  • black
  • red
  • yellow
  • blue
  • green
  • purple.

Color changing paint when exposed to temperature

Also, the material is white, it is used to create new shades. Thermo-indicator paint has excellent hiding power, it is non-toxic, and after application, it allows you to get incredible overflow of color on the body. Also, the advantages of the tool include the improvement of interior temperature control due to reflection and absorption of heat when the temperature changes.

Such materials have several drawbacks:

  • high price;
  • difficulties with repainting the car in the future;
  • the need to repair the entire part in the presence of even a minimal scratch, the impossibility of partial painting;
  • difficulties in registering a car with regulatory authorities;
  • high sensitivity to ultraviolet, the need for special varnishes.
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Hydrochrome paint

Hydro auto enamel, or hydrochromic paint - a tool that can change the shade when moisture enters its surface. The main effect is to obtain a transparent coating after getting wet, while in dry form the car is ordinary, white.

More often, hydrochromic paint is applied only to individual parts or in the form of drawings, and part of the body is painted in a different material. In the rain, the car will acquire an unusual appearance, because the decor will appear on the base. Hydroenamels are based on special dyes in the form of crystals that are sensitive to moisture.

Change in color when exposed to moisture

Among the disadvantages of the use of paint should include the following:

  • significant price;
  • the complexity of the work when performing drawings;
  • a small amount of flowers.
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Paramagnetic Paint

Electro-enamel, or paramagnetic paint - the most “advanced version of materials that change color. For many years, the paint was developed by the Nissan brand, which widely introduces innovative technologies into production. Before painting, a special polymer is added to the body with the addition of iron oxide, due to which certain areas of the machine can slightly change the shade.

Paramagnetic painted car

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Staining Features

Preparation of the car for painting should be thorough, because after applying unique auto enamels, all defects, pits and bulges will be perfectly noticeable. Therefore, the previous layer of paintwork material is completely removed from the parts, the surface is well grinded. Use solvents, degreasers, and, if necessary, corrosion converters. The latter will be required to completely remove rust and corrosion zones, which are then refinished. To do this, use a grinder with adjustable rotation speed and with a small weight (for ease of operation).

Staining is carried out with a roller, brush, but professionals use only a spray gun. The device will allow you to distribute the paint layer evenly. The material can be applied using different shades, creating patterns, graffiti, the play of light and shadow - at the request of the car owner.

At the end of the work, a durable lacquer coating is provided, which provides protection against mechanical damage and reduces the risk of quick burnout. After polishing the surface of the body with special nozzles of the grinder. In a day, the car will be ready for operation, allowing the owner to fully enjoy its uniqueness!

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