of paints

Classification and use of polyurethane paints

In order to reliably protect painted surfaces from external atmospheric influences, polyurethane paint is perfect. This is a mixture of a variety of polymers, which has excellent protective properties that no other paint can boast. Often, by the way, polyurethane enamel is used as a protective coating, since its film deposited on the surface has an incredible margin of safety.

Two-component polyurethane paints

Operating conditions and application

You can apply the coloring composition at temperatures from -10 to +30 degrees Celsius. Humidity when using this paint does not play a special role. Be in the air at least 95% humidity, you can apply polyurethane paint.

Before painting without fail, the painted surface must be primed. Otherwise, the adhesion of the paint to the surface may not be too good, which in the future will lead to certain difficulties and reduce the operational life.

Application of polyurethane paint on the surface

The operation of this coloring composition is not at all imaginable. It easily tolerates temperatures from -40 to +150 degrees Celsius. That is, even though boiling water on the painted surface of the lei, nothing will happen to the coating.

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Types of paints

Polyurethane compositions can be separated in the following ways: by type of application and by the material to be coated.

Type of application:

  • aerosol;
  • with a brush.

The first type is most often automotive paints, which are used to protect the body from rust. It is used as an alternative to other balloon paints, since it is much stronger than them.

Paint for application with a brush or roller is more common in interior decoration. Often it is used as a protective lacquer layer for wooden floors - so the pattern of the tree will be visible and the floors will not be erased.

Type of material:

  • metal;
  • tree;
  • a rock.

Gun for polyurethane paints

Most often it is necessary to protect precisely these surfaces from any external factors. And here you need to understand that when using polyurethane paint for coloring metal, it must necessarily be primed.

The tree must be well-dried. It does not need to be primed. But, due to the fact that the tree very well absorbs any compounds applied to it, several layers must be applied to it. Otherwise, you can stay with the product, the surface of which will have a nondescript color and tint. The more layers will be applied - the better the color will open.

In some cases, polyurethane enamel is used to open stone products. Then their surface is not exposed to such weather conditions as wind and rain, which favorably affects stone products located on the street.

If this is a room, then polyurethane enamel plays the role of protection against physical effects on the surface of the stone, thereby protecting it.

Quite often, polyurethane varnishes are used for outdoor work.In this case, varnishes are used in order to strengthen the structure of some rocks of rocks unstable to external influences. The varnish opens the stone with a thin film and no longer passes water to the last.

By the way, polyurethane paint differs in the place of application. For example, for the outer wall of the house - this is the usual composition. But if you want to achieve a pleasant "gloss", then you need to buy a two-component polyurethane paint. After drying, this second component gives the painted surface an interesting glossy texture, on which chips and sharp changes in surface level are completely invisible (provided that the latter was initially smooth).

Polyurethane varnish for painting

In addition to glossy polyurethane paints, there are also matte ones. This is the same two-component polyurethane enamel that incorporates a coloring pigment. Often, this is a polyurethane paint for metal. When applied to a metal surface, the paint gives a very interesting mat effect.

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Ease of application

If you don’t have time to bother with leveling the paint level, or if you just don’t want to do this, then you need to use self-leveling polyurethane paint when performing work. If it says on the bank that polyurethane enamel was bought, then it will definitely be like that. All of her “trick” is that immediately after applying it, it doesn’t matter if they were sprayed or with a roller, tension forms on its surface, which “stretches” all the bumps that arose as a result of applying more or less of the composition.

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Whose paint to buy

It doesn’t matter what is needed - paint, enamel or polyurethane varnish, you can safely support a domestic manufacturer. This type of paint is made on the basis of complex polymers. And the latter, in turn, are produced in Russia. And they are all of very decent quality.

It so happened that there are several brands on the market that are found most often. In order not to create ads, not a single one will be mentioned here. Talk about something else: the quality of their paints and varnishes on a polyurethane basis is practically the same.

Comments and reviews (3)
  1. Sergei

    Please tell me, what paint on metal will withstand the impact of the belt on the surface of the pulley and bearing race? (rough surface required)

    1. Nikolay

      Hello, I wanted to know what colors the paint is on a Priuletan basis. I need a khaki color, dark green. And the price

  2. Nikolay

    And can an aluminum boat be painted with it?

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