of paints

Properties and application of organosilicate compositions OS 51-03 and OS-12-03

For a longer operation of the foundation of buildings, equipment and structures made of metal, reinforced concrete, protective priming should be used. For this purpose, materials such as the organosilicate composition OS-12-03 or OS-51-03 can be used. They provide the prevention of corrosion and surface destruction from moisture, precipitation, chemicals.

Composition of funds

Organosilicate compositions are produced according to TU 84-725-78. Both materials are single-component, they are a suspension of silicate components, various fillers on organosilicon varnishes. Targeted additives are introduced to provide heat-resistant properties. To give the desired color and decorative qualities, pigments are added to the composition.

Organosilicate composition OS-12-03

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Characteristics of materials

Specifications are determined by the above specifications, certificates, viscosity, film hiding power and a number of other parameters, are established by the relevant GOST standards.

The main characteristics of the material OS-12-03 are as follows:

  • the appearance of the coating is homogeneous, semi-matt, without impurities;
  • film color - white, green, blue, brown, pink, yellow;
  • viscosity on a VZ-246 viscometer at a temperature of +20 degrees - 20 s;
  • solids content - 55%;
  • milling degree - 60 microns;
  • the drying period to degree 3 at a temperature of +20 degrees - 4 hours;
  • impact strength according to the U-2 device - 35 cm;
  • adhesion of the coating layer - 2 b;
  • resistance of the coating to water at a temperature of +20 degrees - 24 hours;
  • bending elasticity - 3 mm;
  • film spreading rate - 60–110 g / sq. m, depending on the color;
  • temperature for work from –60 to +300 degrees.

The product goes well with enamels and primers such as HV, EP, FL, GF. After evaporation of the solvents, it forms an environmentally friendly coating.

Purpose and characteristics of OS-12-03

Composition OS-5103 has the following characteristics:

  • the appearance of the coating is homogeneous, semi-matt, without impurities;
  • film color - blue, brown, black, gray, yellow, red, green;
  • solids content - 50%;
  • viscosity on a VZ-246 viscometer at a temperature of +20 degrees - 20 s;
  • milling degree - 40 microns;
  • the drying period to degree 3 at a temperature of +20 degrees - 4 hours;
  • film spreading rate - 100 / sq. m;
  • impact strength according to U-2 device data - 25 cm;
  • film heat resistance - 3 hours at a temperature of +300 degrees.

Both materials are recommended to be applied in 2-3 layers, the thickness of one layer is 100-150 microns. Solvents, solvent, toluene, xylene can be used for the compositions.

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Differences between the two materials

Material marked OS-51-03 is used for corrosion treatment of various designs and objects of heating systems in which there is no influence of stray currents. Also, the purpose of the composition is to protect metal structures, the operation of which is carried out at high temperatures (up to +300 degrees).

OS-51-03 is used to protect heating mains from corrosion

In addition to these facilities, the application of paint is practiced for the protective painting of pipelines, agricultural machinery, vehicles in the construction industry, and hydraulic structures. This paint and varnish material helps to protect surfaces from high humidity and the action of aggressive chemicals.

Composition OS-1203 has a higher strength of the created coating, and this is its main difference from the previous tool. Other parameters are similar, therefore the scope is similar. But this material is intended for other purposes:

  • coating of mine drills, industrial tanks, technological equipment - autoclaves, boilers;
  • drawing on concrete products, on metal and reinforced concrete structures, brick structures (brick buildings);
  • application on concrete foundations, supports of tunnels and railway networks.

Protection of metal structures with OS-12-03 enamel

Enamel has higher corrosion protection on equipment that operates in high temperature and gas environments.

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Surface preparation

Before applying the funds, carefully prepare the surface. It must be cleaned of the remnants of salt, oil and other fats, dirt, dust, rust. Those areas of old enamel that are poorly adhered to the surface must also be cleaned. With a large surface area, sandblasting can be used. If this is difficult to do, a corrosion converter can be applied to rust spots (the temperature during operation of the product in the future should not be above +100 degrees). Processing is carried out until complete removal of rust.

Before applying the compositions also degrease using xylene, solvent. Staining after this should be done no later than after 6 hours in air, after 24 hours - indoors. Paints and varnishes are applied only on a completely dry surface. Additional application of a primer is not required.

To prepare the material you need to do the following:

  • mix well until the precipitate completely disappears;
  • allow the material to stand for 10 minutes to remove air bubbles;
  • bring the viscosity to working according to the characteristics, add solvent if necessary (not more than 10% solvent is used for OS-12-03 and up to 25% for OS 51-03);
  • if you have to take breaks in work, the composition must be tightly closed in a container, and then again knead for 10 minutes.

Preparation of a metal surface for painting OS 51-03

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Application Rules

Compositions OS-5103 or OS-1203 can be applied with a brush, roller, air spray, airless spray. Air temperature during operation is from –30 to +40 degrees, humidity is less than 80%. Application features are as follows:

  • for pneumatic spraying, keep the nozzle of the apparatus with a nozzle diameter of 1.8–2.5 mm 20-30 cm from the surface, while the pressure will be 1.5–2.5 kgf / sq. cm;
  • when processing weld seams, butt ends, edges, other problem areas, they are first painted over with a brush, then other application methods are applied;
  • metal products are painted on 2 or 3 layers, between the layers the surface should be dry, which is checked "for sticking" (at minus temperatures this time is much longer);
  • the coating will reach full hardness during operation at elevated temperatures, so you can also use hot drying - raise the temperature by 3 degrees per minute for an hour (you should start with the ambient temperature);
  • if it is supposed to use the coating in an aggressive environment, make it "harden" for 15 minutes at a temperature of + 250 ... + 400 degrees.

Application of an organosilicate composition using a pneumatic atomizer

Consumption per m2 of OS-51-03 material is 200–220 g / sq. m. The practical consumption of the composition OS-12-03 is usually higher (up to 430–550 g / sq. m).

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Funds storage

Organosilicate compositions should be stored at temperatures from minus 35 to plus 40 degrees. Do not allow exposure to sunlight, it is not recommended to put it in storage near heat sources. Shelf life is 12 months.

Security measures

Means are toxic due to the presence of solvents in them. The latter belong to the 3rd hazard class, for xylene and other MPC substances in the working area - 150/50 mg / cu. m of air. Even when used in an open area, care should be taken to protect the respiratory system from exposure to fumes. Among the personal protective equipment used:

  • gloves or special protective pastes;
  • respirators
  • tight clothes.

It is strictly forbidden to apply the product in enclosed spaces. Even with ventilation, the respiratory system should be protected with a gas mask. The presence of solvents also makes the compositions flammable. There should not be sources of fire, sparks, or smoking near the workplace. In case of fire, fire extinguishing is carried out using foam, water, sand.

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