of paints

Use of transparent paint for room decoration

Sometimes it happens that the base of the product has such a beautiful texture that you don’t want to hide it under the paint. This can be an unusual texture of a tree, the natural beauty of the roughness of a stone, and much more. But you can’t leave the material unprotected - it will quickly undergo the damaging effects of environmental factors. Here, transparent paints are suitable as a finish.

Colorless Deluxe

They can be colorless, have a shiny or matte effect, emphasize or accentuate the noble structure of the base. Due to the wide range of shades of color, they are used not only for protection, but also for artistic and decorative works on wood, glass, stone, metal. Combining the properties of different densities of pastes, you can create amazing stained-glass windows on window glass, paint the walls.

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What are the protective mixtures

Transparent paints are a variety of stains, colorless, tint varnishes, mastics, impregnations that can provide deep protection to the surfaces of the product. They may have a water-dispersed, organic base; produced by ready-made solution, concentrate, powder mixture.

  1. Organic form a dense protective film that prevents the penetration of moisture, have high protective properties. Dry for a long time, have a sharp unpleasant odor. For the decoration of residential premises, it is undesirable to use them, but only for external work.
  2. Water soluble, more commonly used acrylic. They do not interfere with the evaporation of the vagi, but they also do not allow liquids to penetrate inside. Quickly dry, non-toxic, suitable for decorating the walls of residential premises, especially for wooden walls.

Often, to improve the properties, solutions that increase wear resistance and antiseptics are introduced into the solution.

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Wood decoration

Transparent paint will emphasize the color, the natural beauty of the wood texture, it is beneficial to shade the natural fiber pattern, to give shine. For wood, water-soluble (acrylic) paints with an organic base are used.

Paint the tree with paint

As a rule, ultraviolet filters, chemicals that increase wear resistance, antiseptics are added to solutions for outdoor work. A wooden facade covered with such a mixture will retain its original appearance for a long time. Transparent paint, remaining invisible or giving a tint color, will prevent drying, aging, rot, mold for a long time.

The main advantages of using these compounds for woodwork are:

  • large color gamut of tinting shades;
  • good absorption, uniform distribution over the surface;
  • ability to repel dirt, moisture, while maintaining a fresh surface appearance;
  • paint and varnish compositions have high wear resistance, are suitable for floor painting.

After such decoration, the tree will delight for a long time with its natural color and fresh look. Repeated restoration work will be needed only after three years, and the removal of the old coating is not necessary.

It is better to use acrylic colorless or tint mixes for wood for floors and walls in rooms - they will create a reliable protective coating, dry quickly, and are harmless to health.

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Creating stained glass, decorating dishes

Water-dispersed acrylic paint allows you to make amazing stained-glass windows on a window glass, create unique dishes, paint a picture on a piece of glass. Acrylic varnish and paints will be required (it is better to take powder - it is easier to achieve the necessary consistency). Before applying mixtures, degrease the glass surface with alcohol or acetone, then proceed to decorating with acrylic paste.

  1. If further heat treatment follows, then a heat-resistant powder composition should be taken. Under the influence of high temperatures, the color can change, disappear, giving the glass a silver, golden shine, forcing it to play in the rays of light.Paint the glass with paint
  2. Painting without further heat treatment allows you to most fully select a palette of the desired color. For work, use brushes, sponge, hard cloth, pen. Combining the thickness of the application, matte and shiny colors, you can create amazing, unique artwork. Window glass and dishes painted in this way will give the home’s interior a unique charm.

The main feature of this paint is its light transmission, the product remains able to transmit light, the properties of the glass are not violated. For glass pattern used acrylic paints.

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Wall decoration

Good wallpapers can give a style to the room, but wall painting creates a unique highlight in the design of the interior.

  1. You can paint with an art roller, applying a stencil drawing, or, if you have artistic abilities, you can create your own picture on the wall. The most popular for this purpose are dispersion acrylic paints having a huge palette of colors. It’s easy to work with them, you just need to apply a drawing, let it dry, and then cover it with a protective transparent fixing composition.
  2. A unique effect can be made by changing the texture of the paint. To this end, put a piece of ordinary polyethylene on a freshly painted, slightly dried up wall, smooth it with your hand, remove it. On the surface there will be streaks similar to a crumpled paper sheet. After drying, re-coat the wall with colorless or tint paint. To give the wall a unique silver or golden hue, you can add powder. You can attach cellophane to the wall with the paint applied on it, similar in tone or contrasting - this will also give an excellent expressive effect.
  3. The disadvantages of uneven walls during repairs can easily be turned into advantages. Make it easy. It is enough to paint the wall, paste the wallpaper of a suitable pattern, and then cover everything with a transparent composition with the addition of shine. After this treatment, the irregularities will gain luster, create an optical effect, the wall will “play” in the light.
  4. If you do this: apply a decorative coating to a rough concrete wall, and then cover it with a colorless composition with marbled granules, the result will be very pleased.

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Features of the choice of paints for decoration

For the decoration of rooms it is better to take powder paints, where acrylates serve as a binding substance. Compared to other compounds, they have several advantages:

  • less toxic, often water-dispersible, lie on the surface with soft strokes;
  • you can independently choose the viscosity of the composition, to avoid sagging, splashing;
  • durable, have high adhesive ability, do not fade, long delight with brightness;
  • A wide selection of decorative textures and colors.

The use of transparent coatings of various color shades or without colors allows you to turn the repair into an art, to give a unique charm. Carrying out work in compliance with technology will provide complete protection of the material and preserve its beauty for a long time.

Comments and reviews (2)
  1. Dmitriy

    Hello! Tell me, what can cover a bare concrete wall in an apartment to preserve the texture of concrete? Some kind of transparent varnish?

  2. Victor

    Hello! What translucent paint can cover the glass? It is necessary that it is possible to pick up RAL, and not just "as is" from a spray can or jar. Any such solutions?

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