of paints

Garden protective paint for trees - application features

Without exception, all garden plantings need constant care, regardless of the time of year. It is especially necessary to carefully approach the processing of trees in spring and autumn. In addition to the usual procedures, which include watering, loosening the soil and fertilizing fertilizers, it is important to whitewash the trunk. Protecting the bark is very important, because it undergoes a lot of negative influences.

Coloring garden trees with protective paint

The importance of the procedure

Work in the garden begins as soon as the snow melts - this is the most favorable moment for processing garden trees. About half a century ago, a whitewash in the form of a mortar was applied to each trunk. Now this composition has been replaced by a garden type of paint, more effective and practical. Painting of trees should be done twice a year - in spring and autumn. Thus, they provide reliable protection against external influences.

In early spring, it is important not to miss the moment when the snow has already melted and the soil has not yet warmed up. The need to comply with this condition is caused by the fact that insects wintering in the ground did not come out of hibernation. If you whitewash the trunk in time, then they will not be able to climb it and harm the plant. Those pests that wait for cold time in the folds of the bark, thanks to the paint, are firmly sealed in it and soon die.

Composition of whitewash for trees

In autumn, it is also very important to process garden trees. The composition of whitewash serves to protect the surface of the trunk from icing, and with the onset of thaw - from overheating under the spring sun. Usually, painting is carried out when the air temperature drops to + 2 ... + 5 ° C.

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Lime or paint?

In the recent past, all gardeners processed their plantings exclusively with hydrated lime based compound. There is an opinion that, using this method of protection, there is a risk of harming trees, especially young ones. A less concentrated solution can be made, thereby reducing the possibility of damage. Refuse painting is not worth it, as this is a very important part of caring for the garden.

Lime whitewash can be purchased ready-made or made yourself. It is important not to forget to add an adhesive component - otherwise the composition will be washed off the trunk after the first rain. To make the mixture you need:

  • dilute slaked lime in a ratio of 2 kg per bucket of water (10 l);
  • add 250 g of copper sulfate;
  • add 1 kg of oily clay to the resulting mixture.

Lime for whitewashing a tree

Sometimes cow manure is also added to the solution. The finished composition should turn out in consistency similar to liquid sour cream so that it does not flow down the tree trunk during whitewashing. If this did happen, then you need to add some more clay.

However, with all its simplicity and accessibility, lime has the property of quickly rinsing off, moreover, it does not provide absolute protection against pests.

As an alternative to this method, a special garden paint has been developed.

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Paint advantages

Modern tools have a number of advantages in relation to even proven, but rather outdated types of processing:

  1. They guarantee protection not only from insects, but also from rodents.
  2. Reliably protect the tree trunk from possible sunburn.
  3. Paint is suitable for absolutely any plant.
  4. Significantly increases moisture resistance.
  5. No need to worry about trees in extreme cold.
  6. Whitening with paint can be used in places of cuts or broken branches instead of special tools.
  7. Protects the trunk from harmful insects settling in the folds of the bark.
  8. After processing, you can forget about diseases such as fruit rot, rust, scab and many others. There is an option, in addition to standard whitewashing, to treat the entire crown of the plant with a sprayer diluted with water (1:10). This will not only prevent diseases, but also protect against acid precipitation and the appearance of lichen on branches.

Protective paint for garden trees

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The most effective formulations

The most popular among gardeners is ordinary water-based acrylic paint. Due to its composition, it adheres perfectly to the surface of the trunk and at the same time allows the cortex to breathe. It should be applied in warm weather, when the temperature rises above + 5 ° C. It is also important to carry out processing in the absence of precipitation and strong wind.

In addition to the basic protective properties, whitewashing with water-based paint protects plants from harmful microorganisms. To improve the effectiveness of repelling pests, you can add substances containing copper to the composition. Before applying, the acrylic paint must be thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, slightly diluted with water (maximum 10% of the paint volume). The trunk is processed in one layer, and for damaged areas it is important to use the composition in undiluted form.

Almira paint for trees

The second fairly common form is “Luck” paint. It is characterized by moisture resistance and maximum safety for plants. This composition can be used to treat young trees once a year, and older trees once every two years. It is easily applied using a brush or an ordinary roller. It is important to paint only in dry weather.

The widespread water-based Almira paint is applied under the same conditions as the types listed above. Before painting the tree, it is worth preparing the surface of the trunk: remove the old bark and treat the damage.

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Preparation for work

Whitewashing can be done only on those plants that have already begun to bear fruit. Young seedlings purchased last season may not tolerate this procedure and die. They are usually wrapped for protection with any covering material other than plastic wrap.

Before proceeding with the processing, it is important to properly prepare the trees. They must be carefully cleaned from the sick and old bark, moss and lichen. To remove lichen, you can use a special solution. It is prepared as follows: 1 kg of salt, 2.5 kg of ash and two pieces of pre-ground laundry soap are mixed in one container. Then you need to pour a bucket of hot water and boil. With a chilled composition, all moss is washed off the trunks. The old bark is best separated by hand, as the use of scrapers, brushes and spatulas can injure the plant.

Airbrush for whitewashing trees

If fresh damage is found on the tree, then they are necessarily treated with garden var. Instead, they often use a mixture of clay and manure, oil paint or beeswax with rosin.

Before you start whitening, you can additionally cover the trunks with a disinfectant.

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Painting tools

When whitewashing plants with lime mortar, bast brushes were usually used before. Nowadays, they have practically been abandoned, using tools with artificial bristles of a similar shape for applying the compositions. They are in no way inferior to their predecessors, allowing you to quickly and accurately paint any surface.Particularly resourceful gardeners process immediately with several brushes connected together.

If you have to whitewash a large number of trees, especially old ones, then it would be wise to use a spray gun for this. In this case, it is necessary to apply the composition in two layers instead of the usual one.

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Other applications

Garden paint can be used not only to protect plants. It is perfect for painting farm buildings and outdoor furniture. Garden benches and tables will last much longer due to such a coating, as it provides protection against pests, bacteria and the penetration of excess moisture.

Timely whitewashing of fruit trees will not only preserve their health, but also achieve a plentiful harvest. Therefore, do not neglect this type of prevention.

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