of paints

What are the advantages of Akterm thermal insulation?

The liquid heater "Akterm" is developed and produced in Russia. It is hard to imagine, but the thinnest layer of heat-insulating paint (1 mm) can replace as much as 5 cm of mineral wool. Such properties are given to the material by modern components and a special production technology.


The advantages of paints are obvious:

  • protect surfaces from cold, wind, moisture, corrosion, freezing;
  • due to thin application they do not require reduction of the useful area of ​​premises;
  • keep access to pipes and other designs;
  • do not allow condensation to form, prevent the appearance of mold;
  • easy to apply - like regular paint, dry quickly;
  • penetrate even in inaccessible places and the smallest cracks;
  • seriously reduce energy consumption and heating costs;
  • work as sound insulation;
  • after coloring, they can serve as a finishing coating for buildings;
  • non-toxic, safe for humans.

Liquid insulation holds the leading position in the market due to the variety of species. A range of products are available that are suitable for all operating conditions.

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Actorm Anti-Condensate

The material prevents the formation of condensation on all types of surfaces, including concrete, brick, metal. Scope is wide:

  • internal work in the room (walls, ceiling, floor);
  • containers, reservoirs;
  • pipelines;
  • metal structures;
  • outbuildings - garages, cellars, cellars.

Application of 2 mm paint for 100% guarantees the absence of condensation during operation of surfaces in the temperature range of -60 ... + 150 degrees. Indoors, this helps to create a comfortable microclimate, provide protection against fungus and mold.

Actorm Anti-Condensate

The material is diluted with water, easy to apply with a brush, airless spray. Drying time is one day.

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Akterm Standard

It is a universal liquid heat-insulating material, the most popular in everyday life and in production. Paint is suitable for all types of surfaces, even plastered. It can be used for:

  • insulation of internal and external surfaces in apartments, houses, on balconies and in loggias;
  • hydro and sound insulation of any structures;
  • protection against UV radiation, other atmospheric factors;
  • processing vehicles, containers, pipes, metal structures.

“Akterm Standard” is sold in convenient packages of 5.10.20 l, its consumption does not exceed 1 l / sq. m surface. Standard paint application - spray or brush.

Akterm Standard

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Akterm Metal

The liquid ultrafine heater "Akterm Metal" is specially designed for thermal insulation of metal substrates. perfectly protects surfaces from the action of aggressive factors - sunlight, wind, moisture. A unique property of the paint is protection against burns in contact with heated metal. Due to the environmental friendliness of the composition, the material is widely used inside production rooms and workshops. Other operational options:

  • steam lines;
  • hot and cold pipelines;
  • tanks and hangars;
  • storage and cold storage facilities;
  • air conditioning systems;
  • trailers and refrigerators.

Akterm Metal

In addition to metal, paint will help protect surfaces made of glass, plastic from damage and heat loss.The minimum layer of material is 1 mm, the peak temperature of application is +260 degrees for 2 hours.

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Actorm (Facade) Concrete

Liquid insulation is designed to insulate and decorate the facades of buildings, structures and premises from the inside. It is perfect for surfaces made of brick, concrete and other materials. Thanks to antifungal additives, you don’t have to worry about mold removal - its appearance is excluded. The antiseptic additives that are included eliminate harmful bacteria, which helps to improve the indoor climate.

Facade insulation

The thermal insulation layer will also protect against freezing and condensation of moisture on the walls. The product will retain an attractive appearance for a long time, because it is resistant to UV radiation. After drying, the paint does not require additional processing, it is used for:

  • insulation of rooms from the inside;
  • floor insulation under the screed;
  • insulation of loggias, balconies, basements;
  • as a vapor barrier for underfloor heating;
  • insulation of facades of residential and industrial buildings and structures;
  • eliminate condensate, fungus;
  • thermal insulation of surfaces of household and industrial facilities;
  • thermal insulation of children's rooms, schools, hospitals and other social services. institutions;
  • thermal insulation of interpanel seams, facades;
  • protection of walls, floors from freezing;
  • insulation and insulation of window slopes.

Insulation of the wall from the inside

The operating temperature of the finished coating is not as high as that of previous materials, up to +140 degrees. The color of the film is white, you can apply the paint manually and mechanically.

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Actorm Nord

Universal heat paint for application at negative temperatures up to -35 degrees, it is used on all types of substrates, and the addition of special components gives exceptional frost resistance and anti-corrosion properties. Acterm Nord is intended for outdoor use because it includes a number of solvents. The heat-insulating layer easily tolerates even the most severe winters, so the scope of the paint:

  • insulation of residential and non-residential buildings and structures;
  • insulation of the outer part of the construction object: facades, interpanel seams, roofs;
  • means of transport;
  • capacities, tanks, reservoirs;
  • domestic and industrial pipelines;
  • insulation and corrosion protection of metal structures;
  • hangars, garages, warehouses;
  • thermal protection of vehicles, containers.


The product has an excellent adhesion rate with concrete, wood, brick, with plastered surfaces. Its consumption is higher than that of other materials of the line - 1.2 l / sq. m. Applied by brush or airless spray.

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Akterm Volcano

Unlike the previous paint, the liquid ultra-thin insulation “Akterm Vulkan” is a high-temperature modification of insulation, including organosilicon additives. The paint is applied to the base of metal and brick. Its distinguishing feature is protection against burns on contact with a hot surface. The scope of use of the tool is as follows:

  • heat pipes in household and industry;
  • chimneys;
  • product pipelines;
  • engine parts;
  • hulls of transport and ships;
  • roofing and metalwork.

Coating protects against burns.

Thermal insulation can be used on any basis, subject to heating up to +450 degrees, as well as the influence of aggressive substances: petrochemicals, salts, oils. For a short time, temperatures up to +600 degrees are allowed. The paint is applied with a brush, foam rubber roller, pneumatic spraying. It is recommended to perform 2-3 coatings.

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Akterm NG - non-combustible paint

The “Akterm NG” liquid insulation possesses the qualities of the “Standard” modification paint and corresponds to the flammability class of NG (KM0). Recommended for use in facilities requiring enhanced fire safety measures.The paint has high adhesion with concrete, brick, wood, metal surfaces, can be used as a top coat for fire protection. "Akterm NG" is applied in a standard way - using a brush or air spray. It is sold in containers of 10-20 kg, increased consumption - 1.2 l / sq. m. After drying, the operating temperature is from -60 to +200 degrees.

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The products of the brand "Akterm" are in demand in various fields - primarily in the construction and repair of buildings and structures, very often heat-insulating materials are purchased for domestic needs. After all, their use provides protection against heat loss more efficiently than rolled and sheet heaters.

Applying paints, you can get rid of a lot of problems and seriously save on. AKTERM liquid thermal insulation is also in demand in the energy and oil and gas sectors, in the automotive industry and in transport, and in agriculture.

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One comment added
  1. Sergei

    I took this paint from their official dealer in Vladivostok. This paint heater really works. Covered inside the wall, so as not to condense. The result is just super.

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