of paints

Paint for air conditioning - how to find a leak

When repairing refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and other equipment, freon leakage often occurs. The refrigerant circulates in a closed system, and without removing the crack, the performance of the equipment can be reduced. Freon leak detection paint, UV additives and leak detectors are modern ways to fix the problem without complicated repairs and replacing system elements.

Refrigeration Leak Detection Methods

Various climatic equipment and refrigeration equipment, despite their reliability, are subject to wear during operation. Among the most common malfunctions should be called a leak of freon - the main refrigerant. This working composition must be present in a certain concentration, and with a decrease in the latter, serious equipment breakdowns can occur:

  • overheating of devices, failure of various nodes;
  • water entering the system, as a result - the development of a chemical reaction with the formation of acid and damage to the windings;
  • failure of the most important component of the equipment - the compressor.

Air conditioner malfunction

Situations when freon emerges quickly and in large quantities are quite rare. Usually there is a small crack through which a little refrigerant seeps, and you can detect a problem even before serious consequences occur, and on your own. To detect a leak, it is important that a number of conditions are met:

  • the circuit is under pressure;
  • indicators work properly;
  • fasteners are firmly tightened.

There are several ways how to find the place where leakage of freon at home. The simplest are a pressure test, immersion in water, the use of a soap solution. The introduction of a UV dye and the use of a special flashlight become a more modern method for finding leaks.

Freon Leak Detection

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The simplest ways to detect freon leakage

You can find the problem even visually - for example, when there are oil leaks on the valve, pipes of the system. If external defects are not noticeable, it is allowed to use the following methods:

  1. Pressure. In the system, the pressure indicator is increased to a maximum, after a short period of time, the figure is checked. If it falls, there is a leak of freon. Next, a nitrogen pressure testing system is used to search for the problem area.
  2. Water. This method is suitable for equipment, some of which is removable. The site must be removed, filled with dry nitrogen, sealed and immersed in water. Bubbles will appear at the crack site.
  3. Soap solution. If you pour a soap solution on the damaged area on the basis of any household detergent, then large bubbles will begin to form on it. After identifying the problem, the solution must be thoroughly washed off so that it does not enter the system.

Soap solution leak detection

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UV dye for Freon

Initially, such a pigment was used only to troubleshoot a car air conditioning system. Now it is used everywhere and is considered one of the most convenient tools for professionals.A UV additive makes it much easier to diagnose freon leakage. It is a concentrate (additive) based on phosphors - fluorescent pigments. Such substances release the energy obtained with ultraviolet light by a glow visible to the human eye.

To search for refrigerant leakage in its circulation system, an additive must be introduced by injection into the circuit. After that, you should wait until the freon passes several circles, and then examine all the elements using an ultraviolet lamp. You don’t have to disassemble the equipment at all, or you will have to easily remove a couple of parts, which is available even without special knowledge.

The benefits of using UV additives are:

  • low cost of work;
  • quick result;
  • the ability to enter into any refrigerant;
  • safety for humans;
  • no change in refrigerant composition;
  • accuracy and efficiency.

If the house has a regular LED, you don’t have to buy a special ultraviolet lamp - dyes will be visible even with such a glow. To optimize the work, it is worthwhile to act in the dark or wear special UV glasses, although even without them and in daylight, the leak can be easily found.

Instead of UV dye, it is not recommended to use pharmacy substances, for example, potassium permanganate, zelenka, and other pigments. Only a special indicator is safe for the system, and solutions not intended for this can damage the equipment.

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How to inject dye

A special injector is used to add a UV indicator. It is similar to an injector for filling air conditioners, refrigerators with refrigerants. After the introduction of the substance, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the circuit and wait for the uniform distribution of the dye.

Using UV dyes to search for leaks in water and other liquids

Dyes with phosphors are not only suitable for finding the crack into which freon enters. They can be used for domestic purposes, for example, to detect the leakage of water, oil, other liquids. Car enthusiasts use such substances to add to antifreeze. Some dyes can be easily distributed not only in the liquid, but also in the gas to detect leakage. In any case, further work will require a UV lamp, as well as a liquid to remove traces of ultraviolet additives.
Antifreeze Leak Detection Kit

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Ultraviolet Flashlight Leak Detection (Leak Detector)

Experienced craftsmen have been using ultraviolet leak detectors for a long time - in fact, they are advanced models of UV flashlights. It’s easy to apply, and the result will be accurate and fast. The following types of leak detectors are implemented:

  1. Halide. Only suitable for refrigerants containing chlorine. Identify even the smallest leakage, but require the utmost care during operation. Otherwise, there is a risk of exposure to harmful fumes. Halide leak detectors are more suitable for industrial applications.
  2. Electronic. Very accurate devices, but are quite expensive. Most often used in conjunction with other methods for detecting leaks - pressure testing with nitrogen, applying a soap solution.
  3. Ultrasonic Scan the place of the hole with ultrasound, give the most detailed information, but have a high price. They require complete silence during the check.

GTI-6 halide leak detector.

After the dye (marker, indicator) is introduced into the system, a UV leak detector can be used. Leaks of freon will be visible as glowing spots on different elements of the system.

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What substances is the ultraviolet leak detector suitable for?

Some types of freon already have a UV dye, so you do not need to inject a new portion of the pigment into them - just inspect the system with a leak detector right away. Typically, streaks of green appear in the affected area.You can use this device when searching for leaks of any refrigerants that are in closed circulation systems. Pigments and flashlights that detect them do not harm the system and the fluids inside it, are absolutely safe for humans.

UV leak detector suitable for finding any fluid

If there is a problem with the operation of refrigeration equipment or an air conditioner, it is worth using modern methods for troubleshooting, and then you can get rid of trouble quickly and at minimal cost.

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