Russian Railways in Irkutsk named the paint supplier
The tender created to search for an enamel supplier was closed, and the company announced the winner. The winner of the tender, the bidder offered a price significantly lower than that which was named by the organizers: the difference was 16 million rubles.
The auction documents show that four companies participated: Kamet from Chelyabinsk, two Novosibirsk firms Ansver Group and MPS Innovation, as well as one from Moscow, Amfika. The specialization of all participating companies is the sale of chemical products. It is also known that none of the firms has an official page on the Internet.
During the bidding, the cost of the consignment of 276 tons was reduced to 57 million rubles (-10.3 million rubles from the originally named price). It is also known that the Chelyabinsk company Kamet was not allowed in the tender.
As a result, the tender was won by a company from Novosibirsk, MPS Innovation, offering the lowest price per batch of enamel - 51.380 million rubles. The closest competitor was a company near Moscow, which called the price of 51.665 million rubles, which took second place.
The company “RJ” announced a tender at the end of September, intending to acquire 276 tons of enamels.