of putties

Performance characteristics and use of EP-0010 putty

Putty EP-0010 is widely used in shipbuilding and a number of other industries. It is necessary to level the surface and create a coating that makes it easy to apply subsequent layers.

The main properties of the material

Filling mixture, or EP-0010 epoxy putty, is made in accordance with GOST 28379-89, has all the necessary certificates. Its use is justified for creating even coatings on which a primer has been previously applied, or without primer.

According to the description, the tool is prepared from two components:

  • putty paste;
  • hardener.

Two-component putty EP-0010

Both semi-finished products are sold as a set. The hardener is DETA or hardener No. 1 - a solution of ethyl or isopropyl alcohol with hexamethylenediamine. Putty is of high quality, its main properties are as follows:

  1. Resistance to various temperatures and precipitation.
  2. Gas resistance.
  3. Resistance to mechanical wear, friction.
  4. Exposure to water.

The composition of the product includes pigments, fillers, plasticizers, epoxy resin and solvents. The color of the putty is red-brown, but black or another shade is possible.

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Application area

After dilution with organic solvents, the product is used as a primer. Standard use includes application to various surfaces before further coating with paints and varnishes - enamels, varnishes, paints. It is possible to pre-ground or not to prime surfaces - EP-0010 putty will not lose operational properties.

Most often, the product is treated with:

  • hardware;
  • ship surfaces;
  • hatches;
  • gangways;
  • ventilation pipes;
  • propeller shafts.

EP-0010 can be used as a primer

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Putty EP-0020

In addition to the widespread use of the product, the use of its modification, EP-0020 putty, is no less often recommended. It is a universal paint material and is applied to metal and other surfaces. This putty can also act as a primer - after preliminary dilution. The differences between the two means are the greater resistance of EP-0020 to the effect of precipitation, therefore it is most often used in construction. The use of a material for protecting ceramic coatings from water and other liquids is also shown.

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Product Features

Technical characteristics of the material are indicated in GOST. Here are the main options:

  1. The nominal viscosity of the paste diluted with diluent, according to the VZ-4 viscometer at a temperature of 20 degrees, is 30-60 ˚С.
  2. The proportion of solids (non-volatile substances) is 90%.
  3. The drying period to the fourth degree at a temperature of 20 degrees is 20 hours, at a temperature of 70 degrees - 7 hours.
  4. The bending elasticity of the coating is 50 mm.
  5. Impact resistance using the U-1 device - 40 b.
  6. Consumption, g / sq. m- 600–700 when using a spatula, 100–150 when using pneumatic spraying.
  7. Resistance to temperature - from -60 to +140 degrees.
  8. The appearance of the coating is even, smooth, without cracks, inclusions.

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Preparation before work

According to the instructions for use, a prerequisite is to prepare the surface to be treated. It should be cleaned from scale, degreased - remove all possible spots of grease, oil, remove dirt, dust. Degreasing is carried out as the final stage of preparation with the help of white spirit, after which they are wiped with a rag.

To prepare the product you need:

  1. Stir the paste.
  2. For 100 g of paste, add 12 g of hardener.
  3. Mix for 10-15 minutes.

For mixing, you can use a low-speed drill, then it is enough to carry out manipulations for 2-5 minutes.

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Apply varnish with a spatula, brush, pneumatic spray. Usually, when applying with a spatula, one coat is sufficient, with a spray or brush, 2-3 applications are made. After complete drying, sand the surface with sandpaper. After coating is ready for subsequent layers of paints and varnishes. Tools are cleaned immediately after work with solvents, acetone.

EP-0010 is applied mainly with a spatula.

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Security measures

Work is carried out in workshops where there is normal supply ventilation. People should wear gloves, respirators, and special clothing. Indoor fire protection equipment is mandatory - sand, fire extinguishers.

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