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Overview of tools for degreasing surfaces from different materials

Any surface must be degreased before painting or other repair work. Degreasing means the process of removing any contaminants - dust, glue, grease, emulsions, old paint residues, ordinary dirt. The methods and means of degreasing the surface are diverse, most of them are easy to use at home.

The need for surface degreasing

Surface contamination varies greatly in degree - with a weak amount of impurities is 1 g / square meter, with a strong one - more than 5 g. Whatever the degree, degreasing is required before repair work. If it is not done, grease and dirt will reduce the adhesion of the material to the surface, therefore, the quality of work will be low.

Degreasing improves adhesion to the coated surface.

You should not count on the duration of use of the product - it will be small. For this reason, the use of degreasers for processing glass, wood, metal, plastic, and other coatings is mandatory.

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Means for degreasing

If a person has decided to paint the surface in a house, apartment, in the country, any suitable product is used for degreasing, which is applied to a lint-free napkin made of microfiber, another suitable material.

This method is not suitable if preparation for painting the car body is required. Of course, it is better to entrust the cleaning and painting of the car to a professional who will perform the job efficiently. In some cases, you can remove the grease film, protect the car body from corrosion with your own hands.

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White Spirit

Almost every motorist has an organic solvent White Spirit, and it is regularly used in repair shops. White spirit is intended for the primary treatment of the body, after which they practice the application of alcohol in a mixture with phosphoric acid to remove residual pollution. The solution is prepared by combining substances in a certain proportion.

Using white spirit to degrease the surface

With the help of White Spirit, you can safely clean the details of the car, the composition will not harm the metal surface. Low cost is another plus. The minus is a pungent smell. Some car owners replace the solvent with trichlorethylene, but should not be used on aluminum alloys - there is a risk of fire.

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Gasoline, acetone, other analogues

All of these products are good solvents for grease, mastics, and paints. Diesel, kerosene have a fairly dense structure, it is difficult to clean off, but their composition is suitable for degreasing.

After applying kerosene, gasoline, solvent, you will have to use an enhanced sink to eliminate all traces. Acetone for car processing is undesirable - some of its types can cause harm to metal.

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Antisilicone is a colorless liquid, a remover for removing silicone, fat, oil. This substance is intended to remove contaminants from steel, aluminum, stainless steel, plastic, galvanizing, varnish coatings.

Antisilicon for degreasing the surface

It is applied to the surface, then wiped with a dry cloth and a paper towel. You need to work in a mask, gloves, the room should be ventilated.

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Degreasing the surface before painting can be done with an antistatic agent. It is especially effective to do this on plastic, which attracts dust due to the ability to electrify. It will be difficult to remove the fat film, and after treating the plane with an antistatic agent, it will be much easier.


As part of the preparations of this group - washing chemicals with an alkaline effect. They can wash off any dirt, including grease. Commonly used in everyday life.

A roller is used for cleaning plastic and concrete. Before painting the car, alkalis must be used with great care, after which the surface should be thoroughly washed with water and the parts dried. A large amount of the product and strong foaming should not be allowed.

Alkaline degreasing agent Chistomet

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Ultrasound and other methods

A new method of surface cleaning is the use of solutions coupled with bathtubs with an ultrasonic field. The method is suitable for degreasing small parts in which the surface is uneven, has complex bends and includes various mechanisms (for example, watches). Due to the high cost of large products, the method is not suitable.

There is a method of electrochemical degreasing. It is also carried out in bathtubs, where gas is supplied from the electrodes. Surfaces are cleaned with chemical solutions with the participation of current. Typically, this treatment is used in production, in industry.

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How to degrease plastic

Plastics - one of the largest groups of materials, accommodating a variety of types of plastic. For a number of plastics, gasoline, acetone, vinegar are perfect — other materials from such substances will immediately become worthless. Universal compounds are also not always suitable for plastic.

For plastic car parts, only special products are used, which are sold in the respective stores and are suitable for plastic and rubber. In domestic conditions, you can try to apply White Spirit to the material. The antistatic will be 100% safe, most products are well degreased with vodka.

The procedure for degreasing plastic before gluing it is as follows:

  1. Brush off the dust with a rag (dry), wash if necessary from clear dirt, and dry.
  2. Soak rags with solvent.
  3. Gently wipe the surface.
  4. If in doubt, first try to wipe off a small area of ​​the product.

Degreasing a plastic surface

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Degrease metal

In addition to grease and dirt, metal often contains rust, paint, and sealant residues. For metal processing, you should choose White Spirit, acetone, gasoline.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Remove rust, paint, sealing residues with a grinder, manually, grinder, sandpaper - in any convenient way (the bath in the house is treated with a sponge with soda). Large areas should be cleaned with a power tool.
  2. Moisten a cloth with solvent, treat the product until completely cleaned. If the parts are small, you can just immerse them in a solvent.
  3. After complete drying, primers, paints can be used. Those areas that are not to be painted should be closed with double-sided tape.
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Wood Products

Wooden products must be cleaned from varnish and paint before painting. At the first stage, you need to thoroughly clean the tree with a metal brush, sandpaper, a plane. The latter is used to remove the top layer, if the paint is deeply ingrained - with high-quality work, you can not even degrease the surface.

For wood, special tools and universal solvents are used, they are applied with a roller. It makes no sense to use gasoline.After applying the composition, you can easily clean the surface, then proceed with staining.

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Glass degreasers

Alcohol, acetone, any other solvent is suitable for glass products. Such chemicals will not cause harm to this material. Before gluing the glass, you can take any universal solvent.

Any solvents are suitable for degreasing glass.

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Tools before gluing

The choice of degreaser for the materials to be bonded will depend on which materials are used. It can be ordinary household chemicals, alkali, alcohol, an organic solvent. Isopropyl alcohol is suitable for rubber. The main thing is not to apply funds on wet surfaces - in contact with water, many substances give an unpredictable reaction or become ineffective.

In degreasing and subsequent gluing, staining products there is nothing complicated. It is important to get acquainted with the necessary information, to purchase a suitable solvent - then all the work will be performed efficiently and without consequences.

After degreasing is complete, you need to drop a couple of drops of water on the surface: if the liquid becomes flat and spreads, the cleaning is done perfectly.

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