
Movil anti-rust - timeless classic

Rust on a car body occurs at different speeds, but any cars, even new and expensive ones, are subject to it. The reason is the effect of aggressive factors - water, salts, reagents, acids. To prevent serious problems, you can use Movil for auto - a tool based on rust converters and protective components.

Composition, characteristics and principle of action of Movil

The abbreviation "MoVille" was formed from the name of the cities (Moscow and Vilnius) in which this anti-corrosion compound was first created. Now Movil is not a specific product, but a whole direction in the release of anti-rust products, which are produced by various companies in Russia and the CIS countries.

Movil from the USSR

Movil is understood as a universal anticorrosive in the form of a liquid, spray, paste of black or dark brown color, designed to process the body and hidden cavities of the car. Also, the tool will help to preserve the elements of the machine in integrity and protect them from rust, if it has to be put on conservation.

The composition of the tool is quite complicated. It is represented by such ingredients:

  • white spirit solvent;
  • paraffin;
  • zinc;
  • machine oil;
  • calcium sulfonate;
  • kerosene;
  • drying oil;
  • modifying additives;
  • corrosion inhibitors;
  • thixotropic substances;
  • moisture displacement additives;
  • deodorizing components.

Movil is suitable for any base materials, it fits well on painted and unpainted surfaces, does not require preliminary removal of bitumen or mastic insulation. The product is incompatible only with synthetic mastics - the latter become loose, exfoliate from the base. Rubber products also react poorly to Movil's hit - the composition can damage them.

Variety of Movil assortment

Due to thixotropy, the agent quickly flows into the smallest gaps, microscopic chips, fills them and creates an active anticorrosive film. A thin oily layer prevents rust formation, isolating the metal from moisture, air, aggressive chemicals - the culprits of corrosion. Movil works as a rust converter, eliminating already formed foci due to the presence of special additives.

Movil of different brands can vary in density, freezing point, other indicators, but for most products, technical specifications come close to the following:

  • metal spreadability - up to 10 mm;
  • the proportion of volatile substances - up to 57%;
  • density - 840-860 kg / sq. m;
  • time to complete drying - about 120 minutes;
  • corrosion resistance in sea water - 99%.
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What surfaces is anticorrosive Movil intended for

Movil with a rust converter can be used on any metal base. They are allowed to work on corrosion, as well as on intact metal, painted and varnished surfaces.Most often, car owners prefer to use the composition for processing closed cavities and complex elements:

  • front pillars of the roof - condensation accumulates on them, which eventually causes the appearance of rust;
  • thresholds - the presence of holes on the parts provokes the penetration of moisture;
  • hidden cavities in the trunk - felt can accumulate water, which increases the risk of corrosion;
  • the inner surface of the doors - condensation, dirt here constantly appear;
  • seal fastening zones - moisture regularly accumulates under the sealing elements and causes metal rusting.

Car processing

There is no point in applying Movil to the bottom, wheel arches, open body parts - it cannot boast of high mechanical strength (with the exception of special Movil with increased strength). Also, due to the strong chemical smell associated with the presence of a solvent, the product must not be used in the passenger compartment. It is forbidden to spray Movil on rubberized parts, as well as surfaces on which there is a layer of synthetic mastic.

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How to choose a tool

The choice of Movile on the market is extensive, there are means in the spray can and pasty, liquid in cans and draft. The shape of the product is selected depending on the area of ​​application. If you plan to handle hard-to-reach spots, you should buy an aerosol with a special long nozzle (flexible tube). A special gun for Movil is needed for the bottling agent - the composition is refueled in a similar device, after which it will be convenient for them to handle even large-sized surfaces.

The highest quality, according to motorists, is distinguished by Movili produced in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and products from Lithuania usually have less efficiency in action.

Also in stores there are so-called long-drying Movily, which have higher elasticity, are thick, create a strong protective layer that does not respond to mechanical damage.

Movil from the company ElTrans

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Movile Manufacturers

Most often on the shelves of automobile stores you can see the funds of the following brands:

  • Astrochem;
  • Agat-Auto;
  • "Altrans";
  • "Development of the PCF."

All of these compositions are of excellent quality and are appreciated by car owners and craftsmen. Typically, the preparation in the canister in terms of is much more expensive than liquid Movil, which is applied with a brush.

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How to use Movil

The composition can be applied to metal, cleaned to a "bare" appearance, as well as on a painted and primed base. In the cold season, it is better not to use the product - the processing efficiency drops already at +10 degrees. If the weather is too hot (above +40 degrees), Movil is also not used, so the best time to work with it is the end of summer, spring, early autumn. To avoid damage to the rubber parts, they must be removed in advance or securely closed.

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Car preparation

Zones for future Movil processing should be well prepared. They are cleaned of dust, dirt, and a portable car wash with a water jet pressure of 60-100 atmospheres is best suited for this purpose. If you have to apply the product on the bottom, then washing the machine is carried out on a lift. In order to remove oil stains and deposits of petrochemicals, special detergents are used.

When the car part is already covered with a thick layer of rust, the latter must be cleaned with sandpaper or a grinding machine. This item is especially true for loose rust, which, after processing with Movil, will immediately begin to exfoliate. The same rule applies to cracked paint. Immediately before work, the surface is dried in the open air or forced method (for example, by connecting a compressor). Deep chips, pits on the metal are sealed with car putty before applying anticorrosive.

Movil Horse

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How to dilute Movil

The composition with zinc and corrosion inhibitors in the form of an aerosol is sold in finished form, and it cannot be diluted, and it should not be. The same rule applies to liquids in banks, cans: the addition of solvents and other substances will enhance the fluidity of the composition, while reducing its quality.Of course, when injecting white spirit, solvent, the agent will dry even faster, but the strength characteristics of the film will greatly decrease. At the slightest impact, the formed coating will tear due to poor surface tension.

Pasty Movili sometimes thicken too much and require dilution, otherwise it is quite difficult to apply them. Do not use solvents: it is better to slightly warm the composition in a water bath to make it more liquid. Gentle heating is allowed as many times as required.

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How to apply Movil

It is important to apply the product in a uniform layer, the thickness of which after drying will be 40-60 microns. Movil consumption in this case will be approximately 400 g per square meter of surface. The agent is most effective when applied in several layers (usually 2-3).

Drawing Movil

Movil is sprayed onto the base from a cylinder with a long thin nozzle or work using a gun. Since the application is carried out under pressure, the active composition penetrates into all cracks, cracks and inaccessible places. On open areas and large areas it is better to apply Movil with a brush. Observe the time for intermediate drying of the layers (20-30 minutes), and also withstand the period until the Movil completely dries out (2 hours or according to the manufacturer's recommendations).

Tips for working with anticorrosive are as follows:

  • before starting, it is worth putting the product on the trunk, the door, to see how it spreads - in the future it will be possible to navigate the most comfortable spray method and approximate flow rate;
  • if the composition got on the paintwork, it must immediately be wiped off with a soft cloth - then it will be difficult to do it;
  • after applying Movil, a sharp smell often remains in the car, which can be removed only by leaving the car windows open for at least a couple of hours a day (for the first time);
  • if airing a car does not help in getting rid of the “aroma”, you can use carbon odor absorbers;
  • the ideal option is not to use the machine for 2-4 days after coating, and only then allow it to operate.
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Hidden cavity processing

To process the internal cavities of the machine, all the elements that are removable and can interfere with the work process are first dismantled. If possible, and there are drainage holes, they are washed and dried with a stream of warm air. In the presence of long-standing rust, it is removed by a converter and washed with an alkaline solution. Next, attach the nozzle tube to the spray can, enter the cavity and spray Movil.

Hidden Spaces Processing

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Movil bottom processing

The bottom should be treated with especially strong compounds, because it is subject to strong mechanical stresses. Usually this element of the body undergoes anticorrosion treatment at the factory, but the protection weakens as aggressive factors influence it. In this case, the work should be repeated, choosing the long-drying Movil.

The procedure is as follows:

  • wash the car, put it on a pit or overpass;
  • to clean the metal to shine in places where there is already rust;
  • remove bloating, deposits, rotten holes to brew, pre-cutting all damaged areas with a grinder;
  • primer metal;
  • dismantle interfering elements;
  • turn off the fuel supply valve to the system, acting especially carefully in the presence of gas equipment;
  • dry the bottom well with warm air;
  • apply Movil in 2-3 layers with a brush, by airless spraying;
  • dry for 2 hours;
  • assemble the machine by attaching all removed parts.

Processing the bottom with a pneumatic gun

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Threshold Processing

Putting anticorrosive on the thresholds is a laborious task, but it is necessary to prevent the development of corrosion.To begin with, a partial disassembly of the cabin is performed, removing all plastic elements. When removing the pads, you need to be careful with the clips and latches - if they are broken, the elements will rattle strongly when driving. After you need to do the following:

  • to turn off sound insulation;
  • find ready-made holes or drill them along the outer part of the thresholds (the second method is undesirable to perform);
  • apply Movil from the spray can, putting a thin nozzle directly into the hole;
  • press the sprayer, fill the walls of the thresholds with Movil (for each use at least 1/3 of the spray can);
  • Allow the product to dry completely;
  • close drilled holes with rubber inserts (buy them separately in the car shop).

Corrosion Threshold Processing

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Door processing

Typically, doors begin to rust on the underside. If corrosion elements appear on them, it is necessary to clean the area, prime, paint, and only then treat with Movil. Holes are brewed or sealed with car putty, although the second method is short-lived. After they remove the window handles, unscrew the mounting screws and bolts, remove the latches, remove the door cards. If wires come into them, they are carefully disconnected, recording the correct connection. After you can wash the door, dry and apply Movil. As it dries, you should return all the removed items to their place.

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Arch processing

To apply the tool on the arches, the wing flaps are first removed by unscrewing the screws with a Phillips screwdriver. Then the arches are washed and cleaned well, dried, and anticorrosive are applied in a standard manner. In order to easily unscrew the screws in the future, it is possible to treat the place of screwing in the bolts with machine oil.

Movil Kerry

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How much Movil dries

At a temperature of about +20 degrees, the composition dries for about 2 hours. If the temperature is close to the lower limit allowed for work (+10 degrees), the drying time will increase to 3-5 hours, and if the air is hot, it will be reduced to 1.5 hours. During this period, Movil will form a ductile film that will continue to thicken for another 10-15 days.

How to wash Movil

Since aggressive solvents cannot be used on the paintwork of a car, removing dried Movil will not be easy. It is acceptable to use aviation kerosene, isopropyl alcohol, a mixture of turpentine and laundry soap (50:50). You can also wipe Movil with gasoline, but after removing the stain, immediately rinse the part with water and car shampoo.

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Precautionary measures

Movil is worth working outdoors because its fumes are toxic. If it is applied in a garage, it is important to ensure good ventilation, otherwise the health consequences will be serious. Be sure to wear a respirator, goggles, gloves and avoid contact of Movil with the skin. The product is flammable, and you need to work with it away from sources of heat, fire!

If you regularly inspect the car, assess its condition and perform anti-corrosion treatments, the details will last an order of magnitude longer. To combat rust, you should use Movil, which boasts affordable price and excellent quality.

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