
40 unusual uses for the WD-40

WD-40 is a famous American-made aerosol preparation. Its main purpose is to protect all kinds of surfaces from the harmful effects of corrosion, however, consumers have found application for it in many areas, often very non-standard.

WD-40 entered mass use in 1958 (San Diego, California, USA). It is curious that this drug was originally developed for the space industry (to protect the lining of ships from icing). Its exact composition is still kept in the strictest confidence, but it is known that the WD-40 is 50% composed of white spirit. Now let's talk about where and for what purposes it can be used.

WD-40 uses

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Simple and quick digging

If you apply WD-40 to a shovel, you will notice how easily it enters even in dry and hard soil. Due to this property, many summer residents actively use the spray during the crop season, which helps them save both time and effort.

Wipe pencil marks off surfaces

Those who have children in the house will probably know this problem firsthand. Using an aerosol, you can easily wipe scribbles from walls, tables, doors, window frames and other surfaces.

Removing tea stains from the table

With the WD-40, you can forget that once upon a time there were ugly circles from cups of tea and glasses on a wooden surface. Spray should be applied with a soft non-abrasive sponge so as not to scratch the native coating.

Shine plastic products

It is curious that when dried on plastic surfaces, this spray acquires a beautiful glossy shine. You can take advantage of this property by “reviving” artificial flowers in the house and giving them a fresh look.

Cleaning plastic surfaces

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Remove Ink from Jeans

Soiled your favorite jeans? No problem! WD-40 will help with their cleaning. To do this, just apply a small amount of spray on the stain and wait a few minutes, then gently get wet with a sponge or rinse your jeans under running water.

Cleaning clothes from dirt that the dog stained

If your favorite dog just loves to jump on you while walking along the street, now there is an excellent tool that will help you quickly remove traces of dirty paws from your clothes! Just pat your jacket or sweatshirt, then rinse thoroughly with water.

Remove sticker and sticky price tag from CD or DVD

Torn off the paper price tag, but the glue from it remained on the CD? In this case, apply a little WD-40 to a cotton swab or soft cloth and gently wipe the surface of the disc without touching its back side.

Removing a sticker from a CD

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Chewing gum removal

Any housewife knows how hard the gum comes off from the sole of shoes, from clothes or furniture. This spray perfectly dissolves it, after which you can easily remove chewing gum without residue. This tool is useful during cleaning.

Cleaning hair combs

If each time you forget to clean the comb of hair, after which they roll into a tight lump, then spray WD-40 spray onto the teeth. It creates a slippery film that can easily remove even tangled tangles.

Protect shoes from moisture

Remember that this product has a water-repellent effect? So why not protect their favorite shoes? Having treated the surface of winter boots with WD-40 spray, you can make them impervious to rain and moisture.

Shoe protection against moisture

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Separate LEGO Designer Parts

Do you like to assemble the Lego plastic constructor with your children? Then you are probably aware of cases where small parts do not separate at all. A small amount of this product will help separate them without damaging the fragile surface.

Toothpaste removal

Toothpaste takes great care of the health of our teeth and gums, but once on clothing or on the carpet, it creates a hard to remove white stain. WD-40 will help to clean it in two counts! They also process the edges of the sink or bath.

Clean the ink cartridge for the inkjet printer

Many service centers serving office equipment resort to this life hack. The tool helps to quickly eliminate even old ink stains, so that printers produce clear and perfectly even prints without any blots.

Flushing the ink jet head

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Candle and glue wax removal from carpets

Wax marks are difficult to remove even from smooth surfaces, leaving greasy spots, what can we say about carpets, towels and any other textiles? However, you can use the "bucket" and eliminate smudges and drops of wax without a trace!

Protecting trees from beavers in the countryside

Amazingly, the remedy helps protect young seedlings and large plants from rodents! This property was discovered in a completely random way, but it is a real salvation for gardeners and farmers, who from year to year suffer from the invasion of beavers and other animals.

Removing insects from a car windshield

How often have you come across the fact that before your eyes there are dried up traces of insects that have crashed on the windshield? Now you can wipe it with a cloth with a small amount of WD-40 and make the surface completely transparent.

Car windshield cleaning

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The best fishing lures in the world

Fishermen very often joke that one of the secret components of this spray is fish oil. Spraying the hook and bait with aerosol, you can safely hunt large fish: for some reason, its smell is very attractive to it.

Prevent mold

If you suffer from allergies, then the WD-40 will be a real salvation! This tool will prevent the formation of mold and fungi on the balcony, loggia or in the garage. Just spray it before the rainy season and let it dry well.

Protecting the tree from mold and mildew

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Insect repellent

If WD-40 attracts fish, then it repels insects. The reason for this is not entirely explainable, but the fact remains. Summer residents and outdoor enthusiasts often use this spray, scaring off midges and mosquitoes.

Tile cleaning in the bathroom

On the tile or floor tile were ugly brown smudges or traces of limescale? You can remove them using this wonderful tool. Apply a small amount of spray and wipe the surface with it, then leave for a while. The result will be overwhelming!

Tile cleaning in the bathroom

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Bird feeder protection

The properties of Vedeshiki are truly unique! Active components scare away rodents, but at the same time do not affect birds. Thanks to the tool, you can protect feeders, nests and birdhouses from uninvited guests.

Removing Christmas decorations from the window

If after the New Year's celebration there were traces of paper snowflakes or scotch tape on the windows, the WD-40 will eliminate them too. The components of this spray dissolve the glue, and you just have to wipe it slightly with a soft rag or cotton swab. This method does not damage the surface of the glass.

Removing oil stains from asphalt

Noticed that your valve was leaking and oil dripped directly onto the asphalt, leaving a dark greasy mark? Treat it with a pail. Yes, to achieve the result you need to apply the product repeatedly, but each time you will notice how the stain gradually turns pale and dissolves.

Protect the lawnmower from sticking to grass

The special WD-40 film during hardening helps protect the mower knives from mowed grass. This greatly simplifies blade cleaning and saves a ton of time.

Lawn Mower Protection

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Remove shoe creak

Annoying creaking shoes on a smooth surface? Sprinkle on the sole several times from the spray can, and you will forget about this problem for a while. As soon as the creak reappears, you can repeat the procedure.

Protect plants from snails

WD-40 repels not only wasps, bees, locusts, midges and beetles, but also snails. This is a great and affordable alternative to protect your plantings and flowers from all kinds of pests.

Protecting rooms from spiders

Are you afraid of spiders? With the WD-40, you can safely forget about them. Drying, the spray forms a dense layer, which smokes even small cracks. This creates a double effect.

Insect treatment

Protect chalk on the pavement from flushing

If you made markings on the parking zone or drew beautiful classics for your daughter and her friends, then using this spray you can protect chalk on the asphalt from abrasion. So you do not have to update the markup every time.

Remove stuck ring from finger

The protective layer of the "pendant" has a sliding effect, as we have already seen in numerous examples. Thus, you can sprinkle it on your finger with painlessly remove the stuck ring.

Removing glue from hands and fingers

If after repairing toys, shoes or any other items you still have traces of glue on your hands, you can wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in WD-40. In a small concentration, this product is harmless to the surface of the palms.

Separate the stuck zipper

Does metal or plastic zipper not open? The Vedeshka will help with the decision. With it, each clove will be smooth and will not allow jamming.

Lightning grease on clothes

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Separate sticky dishes

Surprisingly, many housewives use the spray even in the kitchen while washing greasy dishes. If the plates are “stuck” and stick together, then simply spray them from the can.

Improve the quality of the vinyl record

Music lovers claim that with the WD-40, playback is cleaner and without any unpleasant interference. This applies to particularly old records of the Soviet era.

Shine & Shine

We have already said that spray helps protect shoes from moisture. Moreover, he gives her a stylish and beautiful sheen!

Shoe shine

Scotch tape removal

This is a very useful property in everyday life. If you cannot remove the tape, then a cloth with WD-40 applied will help to gradually remove the adhesive tape from the surface.

Removing stickers from the car body or windows

If after the New Year, May 9 or any other holiday there are traces of stickers on the back of the car, then you can carefully spray the coating with a spray and wipe the car dry.

WD Bicycle Chain Lubrication

Another interesting way to use! So the chain will never jump from the sprockets, and besides, the spray will help to easily shift gears while riding.

Bike Chain Lubrication

Removal of corrosion from state license plates

If the car sign is covered with ugly traces of rust, then the WD-40 will eliminate them completely. This will help you to avoid a lot of difficulties with representatives of the road inspection.

Frost protection

The aerosol forms a protective film, which prevents the formation of ice on the glass. This property is very valuable for residents of central Russia who regularly encounter a similar problem.

Sanitary and toilet cleaning

Here we are talking about the quick and easy removal of whitish traces of scale and lime, which are not cleaned by any other means. Moreover, WD-40 helps get rid of oxidation and easily unscrew the axle box.

Plumbing cleaning

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Marker Removal

This is the same as with pencils. The active components of the spray perfectly fight various blots, including traces of the office and construction marker.

Snow help

So that the shovel shovel easily glided over the asphalt, and the snow did not stick to the surface, treat it with WD-40. Believe me, this will help to remove snow from the site much faster and more productively.

Cleaning the kitchen sink

All sorts of traces very often remain on the metal kitchen sink. Now you can eliminate them with the aerosol WD-40.

Cleaning the kitchen sink

Cleaning metal and cast iron products from rust

"Vedeshka" perfectly removes traces of corrosion from almost all metal and cast iron products. We gave an example with license plates above, but you can safely experiment with other objects and details.

As you can see, the WD-40 is a great helper in everyday life and farming. Now you know much more about its capabilities and methods of use.

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