Experienced car owners know that even with careful use of the machine, the paint and varnish on the body begin to deteriorate, the coating loses its luster and integrity. The bottom suffers from rust, the external elements - from the impact of stones, branches, temperature changes, the effects of precipitation.
- What is cannon fat for car processing
- Why is cannon fat used?
- Composition and properties of pusal
- Instructions for proper application
- Preparatory work
- Applying Cannon Lard
- Processing Places
- How to Flush Cannon Lard
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Purchase and storage
- Comparison with other types of funds
To keep the car attractive for a long time, you need to properly care for it. For this purpose, various polishes, lubricants have been developed. One of the popular products is cannon fat (pusalo): a high-quality lubricant for the machine.
to contents ↑What is cannon fat for car processing
Cannon fat is an anticorrosive grease composition with a greasy texture, yellow-brown color, which has been used to protect metals from rust and the effects of adverse factors. The tool is quite thick, sticky, you need to work with it carefully and with skill.
to contents ↑This anticorrosive product extracted from oil was originally used to preserve artillery weapons (rifles, rifles, cannons), therefore it got its name. Despite this, most often cannon fat is now used by motorists to protect cars.
Why is cannon fat used?
The main purpose of the operation of fat is to treat the car against corrosion. This lubricant is regularly used for application to the body, sills, bottom of a variety of vehicles. Cannon fat is also used in other domestic situations and household industries, because it is perfect for any metal surface, regardless of size, shape, structure.
The lubricant has a preservative effect against all ferrous, non-ferrous metals, alloys. It adheres remarkably to vertical bases, is insensitive to water, and is therefore suitable for objects in contact with liquids. Periodically, you will have to apply a protective layer of fat again - this will help restore the properties of the material, which over time decrease.
Cannon fat is produced in banks, spray cans, aerosols, cans. The most popular brands of pusher are:
- Oilwright
- "Bikar";
- "Start";
- "Altrans".
Composition and properties of pusal
The basis of cannon fat is petroleum oil, which is thickened by the introduction of ceresin (a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons), petrolatum (substances based on paraffin and oils). Also, various manufacturers add improving additives that act on rust, inhibiting its development, increase the life of the product.
The properties of pusher allow it to be used for various metal surfaces, while the operating time of the latter increases by 3-10 years (the exact figure depends on the specific wear, conditions of use of the part, and the strength of external influences). Lubricant works without loss of technical characteristics at -50 ... + 50 degrees, therefore it is suitable for most climatic zones.Products covered with cannon fat can be poured with a stream of liquid, they can only be washed away from the dirt, and the lubricant stays in the same place due to insolubility in water.
to contents ↑Puchsalo is a very reliable tool, and the film created by it deteriorates only from too aggressive influence or if the application instructions are not followed. Lubricant resists minor damage caused by flying stones, sand, and gravel. The anticorrosion film prevents various chemicals from penetrating the surface of the metal, which also extends its service life.
Instructions for proper application
In order to process the machine efficiently, you need to prepare cannon lard of the selected brand in the amount of 1-2 liters per car, as well as a set of consumables, tools:
- heat source - gas burner, electric stove, building hair dryer, any other for heating fat;
- a container for the outflow of lubricant from a large canister, which does not make sense to heat;
- degreaser - white spirit, acetone;
- brush, spray gun for applying fat;
- sandpaper, if there are already traces of rust on the surface of the parts (needed to remove them).
to contents ↑Since the solvent and pusalo are flammable agents, and during the process of heating will be produced, it is better to put a fire extinguisher near you for reinsurance.
Preparatory work
As preparation measures, it is necessary to tidy up all the details that will be processed:
- remove plastic elements;
- wash the body, dry, degrease;
- remove any rust.
In order for the lard to acquire the desired consistency, it must be diluted to a liquid state, then heated. Typically, grease is diluted with gasoline, which can be poured in an amount of 10-20% of the total mass to obtain a liquid homogeneous agent. After cannon fat is heated to +90 degrees, when the process of its melting begins. The fire must be slow so that there are no dangerous consequences. The mass is constantly mixed when heated, otherwise it may delaminate. If you plan to spray the composition with a spray gun, it is recommended to introduce a little engine oil into it.
to contents ↑Applying Cannon Lard
A large container is installed on the floor of the inspection pit so that the rest of the fat flows into it, and not on the floor. If a brush is taken for application, they try to perform wide strokes, which will help to evenly distribute the pusalo along the surface of the part. A layer thickness of 0.3-0.4 mm is sufficient, and if the layer is too thin, they pass along the base again. In the thresholds, doorways, technological holes, it is easiest to fill the material with a syringe. After applying the composition, proceed as follows:
- dry the machine for 1-2 hours in a natural way;
- return to place all the removed parts;
- start operating the car.
to contents ↑
Processing Places
Usually produce conservation of those places where moisture has the property to accumulate. These include welds, joints of elements, arches, various cavities and voids. Pusalo is not used in the car interior, because it has an unpleasant odor.
How to Flush Cannon Lard
Cannon fat is not washed off with water, because it does not dissolve in it. Nevertheless, there are situations when there is a need for its removal from the metal surface. If the drying time of the composition is not yet over, you can wipe it with a rag: this is usually required with inaccurate application. After mechanical disposal of most of the grease, the rest can be washed with laundry soap.
To remove unnecessary smears of dried fat, it is recommended to use acetone or any other solvent. But the latter are able to dissolve the paintwork itself, so you must act with extreme caution.Another option for cleaning the surface from pusher is to combine kerosene and gasoline (60% and 40%), grease the metal with this tool, then wipe off the remaining fat with a rag and soap.
to contents ↑Heated to + 50 ... + 60 degrees water will also help remove stains from grease. Hot liquid warms the fat, it melts and wipes well. In winter, this method will be useless. To enhance the effect in water, it is recommended to drip ammonia.
Advantages and disadvantages
The tool, when used correctly, will bring a lot of positive actions and help to reliably protect the car from corrosion. Here are its advantages:
- excellent adhesion, long-term retention on surfaces;
- sufficient elasticity;
- the ability to withstand the effects of fresh and salt water, salt fog, displacement of moisture already existing on the surface;
- filling cracks, pits, hidden cavities;
- wide temperature range of operation;
- lack of need for complex preparation (removal of paint, priming, etc.);
- long-term action in any operating conditions;
- simple work even for a beginner;
- low price.
to contents ↑The disadvantages include the fact that the tool is quite thick and sticky. Even after drying, it sticks to the hand, in addition, dust and other impurities actively remain on the lubricant layer. It must be said that it is not difficult to wash away the dirt: it is easily separated after the ingress of water, while the lard itself remains in its original place.
Purchase and storage
The cost of cannon fat is low. Usually a small can of 4-5 kg costs no more than 500 rubles, although there are also small packings on sale. The price of 40 kg capacity will be 2500 rubles, which is very beneficial for professionals. Earlier it was possible to purchase the remedy in the stores of Voentorg. Now it is sold as freely as movil, nigrol, solid oil and motor oils. For purchase, you should contact any car store where there are similar products. When choosing, it is better to give preference to brands that produce products according to GOST, and not according to TU - such products are better.
The shelf life of cannon fat is very high. If the can is tightly closed, it is 5-10 years, depending on the specific instructions of the manufacturer. However, expired material should also not be thrown away. If the temperature regime remained more or less stable, the fat did not undergo repeated heating and defrosting, it would completely stand for 20 years without loss of properties.
to contents ↑Comparison with other types of funds
Now on sale there are many other products designed for anticorrosive protection of metal. These are various lubricants, corrosion inhibitors, protective films, car preservatives, push anticorrosive, oils with additives. Many have slightly improved specifications, but their price is much higher. Therefore, cannon fat among motorists is considered the most reliable, high-quality and proven tool, which many regularly give their preference to.