materialsWood protection

The choice of protective coating for a wooden floor in the country

Practice shows that wood remains the most popular material for arranging floors in private cottages and country houses. But for strength and durability, it needs additional decoration. Let's talk about how to cover the floor in the country, if it is made of wood.

Wood floor

Why is it worth painting wood floors in the country?

Even though today you can get a huge amount of different materials for arranging floors, wood remains a leader in this field. This trend can be explained by the large number of positive qualities that are inherent in it.

This is an environmentally friendly material that has a long service life and high aesthetics of appearance. It is absolutely clean in environmental terms, does not contain toxic substances and has a delicate natural aroma.

However, for all its merits, such a material needs additional protective coating. After all, it is not resistant to moisture.

A great way to extend the life of natural wood is the ability to paint it with various kinds of decoration materials. This contributes to greater practicality and durability of the material.

Moreover, it is worth painting only the boards of a veranda or a country house tightly adjoining each other. Only in this case, the paintwork will acquire high protective properties and an attractive appearance.

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What tool to use for floors?

The boardwalk flooring of the veranda in the summer cottage can be covered with several coating options. They differ in their cost, external aesthetics and color palette. Let's talk about each further.

Enamel: give the floor a solid color

Enamel compositions are often used for painting metal and wooden structures.

High quality enamel

Such a tool has a high density, so it completely hides the natural texture and pattern of natural wood. therefore enamel for the floor it makes sense to use if there are defects on the boards that need to be hidden.

With the help of such a material, it is possible to obtain wooden floors that are plain in color.

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Antiseptic composition: we protect a boardwalk from harmful bacteria

This is a very useful tool that significantly extends the life of wooden structures. It helps to increase the resistance of the tree to excessive humidity, prevents the formation of mold, fungus and rot.

In the future, the floors should be painted with paint or varnish, because an antiseptic, regardless of its value, will not visually give the wood any additional aesthetics and will not protect it from mechanical or atmospheric effects.

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Varnish for wooden surfaces

The wooden floor of a country house requires additional protection from external factors that have a negative effect on wood. This is increased humidity in the room, small rodents, mold, bark beetles and other insects. And for this purpose, varnish is very widely used.

In its aesthetics it can be glossy, matte or semi-gloss.Each of the described species is characterized by a certain aesthetic effect.

The glossy lacquer composition is distinguished by a bright shine, but over time it may wipe away from frequent walking on the veranda floor.

Gloss colorless

Matte and semi-gloss varnish does not shine. But such a tool is highly resistant to exposure and perfectly protects wooden structures from negative environmental factors.

According to many experts in the field of construction and interior decoration, varnish compositions are more practical to use.

Let's talk in more detail about the species diversity of varnishes for natural wood.

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What varnish is better to choose for the floor in the country?

Among the wide range of varnish that can be used to cover the wooden floor of a country house or a veranda, it is important to choose the most suitable for operational parameters. After all, its different types differ from each other in their properties quite significantly:

  • The highest quality indicators, as practice shows, have two-component varnishes made on the basis of isocyanate and acrylic. Thanks to their mixing, a very durable acrylic-urethane material is obtained, which is characterized by its amazing performance properties. This coating has a long service life;
  • two-component water-dispersion varnish with the addition of acrylic isocyanins is slightly inferior in its user parameters to the first option. It has a low resistance to high humidity, and dries quite quickly. In addition, water-based varnish can raise the "pile" of the wood of the veranda, and this, in turn, requires high-quality polishing of the floor after applying a layer of material on it;
  • single-component compositions based on polyurethane dispersion are very durable and easy to use. They are easy to stir, because special care is not required. But they can be stored for a long time;
  • alkyd-urethane agents with white spirit are almost never used. After all, they are very quickly oxidizable, do not differ in durability and are very fragile;
  • it is better not to purchase varnish with acid hardeners in order to paint the wooden floor. They are unsafe for human health, toxic and prone to brittleness.

Parquet varnish PF 231

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Do-it-yourself flooring staining: steps and their features

Regardless of the type of coating for floors, the technology of their coloring will include the following steps.

First you need remove old paint from the floorif it has been pre-painted. After that, the tree is thoroughly washed, because dirt and dust can become a serious threat to the long life of the paint and varnish. As a result, the coating will simply begin to lag behind the tree, swell and crack. The washed floor needs to be given time to dry - it depends on the air temperature and humidity in the room, usually at least two to three days.

Then it is coated with a primer or drying oil and the material is allowed to dry for several days.

If in the future it is planned to paint the boards with enamel, it is worthwhile to eliminate the cracks and minor defects existing on them. For this, flaws are putty and treated with a finely divided sandpaper. And when the putty ceases to appear, the boards are covered with paint.

If you want to open the flooring with varnish, you can skip the putty process. Indeed, such coatings often allow you to fully show the beauty of natural wood: its pattern and texture. Moreover, it is better to perform several layers of varnish for an increased degree of protection of the boards from external factors.

Note that the finish coat must dry for at least a week. Only then the flooring from the boards will be ready for full use.

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To make the wooden floors of the country house as durable and attractive as possible, they should be covered with a layer of a protective agent: varnish or paint.This will increase the operational parameters of wood and its resistance to the effects of negative environmental factors.

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