materialsWood protection

The choice of composition and processing rules for the lining on the balcony?

Long gone are the days when a mini pantry was arranged on the balconies (and for someone it was not a mini at all). Now a cozy and beautiful balcony is, first of all, a place for rest and relaxation. So let's talk about bringing our balcony into a cozy oasis of our home. The first item will, of course, be wall cladding clapboard. It is this material that is perfect for covering balconies and loggias, as well as for decorating arbors, facades and much more. Well, and after facing the walls, the question arises: how to cover the lining on the balcony?

Clapboard covered balcony


Material properties

What is a lining? This is a wooden board designed for covering and decorating walls. This material has quite a few advantages over other types of finishing coatings:

  • good thermal insulation;
  • will last for many years;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • maintains optimal room humidity;
  • It is relatively inexpensive.

However, there is one small drawback. Since the lining is a natural material, then external factors such as moisture, microorganisms, and temperature changes cause decay processes in it. This problem can be easily solved by choosing the right coating agent.

Choosing a lining, it will not be superfluous to decide on the manufacturer. There are both our and European manufacturers of lining. The difference in price and some nuances. Domestic lining is cheaper, European is much more expensive, but has a higher quality. What to choose, of course, is up to you.

When choosing materials for finishing balconies and loggias, one should not forget about the type of wood from which the lining is made. It is best to choose conifers such as pine or larch. Since the essential oils contained in them are an indispensable natural antiseptic that prevents rotting of wood. Linden, ash or oak, which belong to hardwood, are also perfect.

Softwood paneling


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Necessary tools and materials

Coming to the coating of the lining, it is necessary to choose a material that would satisfy all the requirements: it was safe for others, durable, preserving and emphasizing all the beauty of the wood ornament. So far, we have not yet come up with the ideal coverage, but you can still try to achieve the result we need. So how to cover the lining on the balcony?

First of all, bioprotective compounds should be used, in other words, antiseptics. They are of two types:

  1. Impregnating a tree, preserves its natural structure. These are translucent or glaze impregnations;
  2. Impregnating a tree, the picture becomes almost invisible, and only the relief remains. These are opaque antiseptics.

However, one layer of impregnation with an antibacterial agent is not enough, it is necessary to fix the result by creating the upper protective layer. Such structures should be processed lining boards, before they already cover the surface of the balcony or loggia.

Once the impregnation has dried, you can start decorating. Now let's figure out how to process the lining on the balcony after the antiseptic?

Such materials are suitable for decoration:

  • varnishes and acrylic paints;
  • oil paints;
  • alkyd varnishes.

Varnish for interior use

The application of paint or varnish is made by continuous movements from top to bottom, which will ensure uniform staining of the entire board.

Having chosen the material, you should take care of the tools. For work, we need two plastic basins of different sizes, gloves, rollers of different sizes, plastic film, brushes, sponges.

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Working process

Processing is carried out in several stages:

  1. Walls clear of all kinds of pollution. To do this, you need to walk along the walls with a brush dipped in soda solution. Take 400 grams of baking soda into a bucket of water;
  2. After drying, it is necessary to polish the walls with pumice or sandpaper;
  3. Next, use antiseptic impregnation;
  4. At the end we use varnish or paint at your discretion.

General recommendations

The weak point of the lining is its joints, so it is necessary to impose several layers of primer at the joints. You can also try waxing technique - this is coating the lining with hydrophobic wax. It can be purchased in a specialized store or made at home by yourself.

It is best to handle the lining on the balcony in dry, warm weather. Facing a balcony or a loggia, do not forget about the rest of the interior of the apartment so that everything together looks harmonious and beautiful.

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