for cars

Overview and advantages of sealants brand "Abro"

Many service station employees prefer to use a tool such as Abro Sealant. In terms of quality, it surpasses analogues, in addition, this line includes a whole list of materials for different occasions. "Abro" can be used independently if there is a need for emergency liquidation of the breakdown.

Sealant Applications

Sealant "Abro" is intended for repair, partial or complete replacement of any types of gaskets of a car, for sealing joints, filling joints and gluing windows. It is suitable for working with trucks and cars and other equipment.

Sealant Applications

When applied to the surface, the sealant can take the desired shape, well tolerates squeezing, stretching, moving. Abro is not afraid of water and oils, car chemical goods and oil products, therefore it is ideally suited as a vehicle.

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Types of Abro Sealants

All Abro sealants are divided into several groups depending on the composition and characteristics of curing.

High temperature

Such a sealant withstands heating up to +371 degrees, while it has a high tensile strength (14.55 kg / sq. Cm). This silicone composition has a red color due to the presence of finely dispersed pigment of the corresponding shade, while not containing metals.

Due to the absence of metal particles, it boasts electrical insulating properties. Red sealant does not contain acids, does not emit harmful substances during heating, but is not suitable for surfaces in contact with gasoline.

Other characteristics of the product:

  • maintains its shape during vibration, ripple;
  • withstands destruction;
  • drying during the day;
  • gives an even flexible seam after polymerization;
  • allows laying with thickness up to 6 mm.
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Silicone acid

The by-product of polymerization is the release of acetic acid, which is in their composition. After application, you can immediately feel an unpleasant sour smell coming from the sealant. The price of such tools is the least high, so they are the most popular for the formation of gaskets in auto repair.

Silicone acid

The properties and technical parameters of silicone acid sealants are as follows:

  • optimum curing speed - up to 24 hours;
  • ease of use;
  • operation at temperatures up to +260 degrees;
  • high adhesion to materials.

These funds should be used with caution when working with metal substrates - in some cases they can provoke corrosion. Most of all, such compositions are suitable for working with different types of plastic.

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Silicone neutral

Neutral sealants do not contain acids, therefore they do not react with metals and are suitable for working with iron, copper, and various alloys. Silicone-based products can be used at temperatures up to + 200 ... + 260 degrees, and those containing copper dust transfer heat up to +343 degrees.Sealants are compatible with any technical fluids, exhibit high adhesion to all surfaces, and are almost odorless.

Silicone neutral

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1100 and 1200 series

Sealants from these series have similar characteristics. They are operated in the temperature range of -50 ... + 200 degrees, they can be used for indoor and outdoor use. The compositions are excellent for forming gaskets, creating insulation, sealing joints on products made of rubber, wood, metal, ceramics and other materials.

Sealing agents include antifungal, antiseptic components that prevent the growth of microbes and mold. Sealants of the series are moisture resistant, not afraid of vibrations, deformations: the seam remains flexible even when stretched by 25%. They are available in white, black, transparent versions.

Sealant 1200

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Varieties of ABRO sealants by color

For the convenience of choice and depending on the added components, sealants of this brand vary in color.

Red sealant

The red sealant is available in tubes of 42.5, 85, 226, 310 g and is considered high-temperature, as it transfers heat to +371 degrees. Most often, the tool is used to form gaskets on:

  • valves;
  • sedimentation;
  • intake manifolds;
  • thermostats;
  • gearboxes.

Also, the sealant is suitable for assembly of automatic transmissions, repair of pallets, sensors, and sealing of other heated joints and assemblies. The tool can be used to harden existing gaskets made of rubber, felt, cork. It does not harm the oxygen sensor and is suitable for their recovery, completely safe for any metals.

Red sealant

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Black sealant

Black sealant “Abro” resembles red in terms of operation, because thanks to the presence of silicon, it also withstands heating up to +343 degrees, although it has lower tensile strength (up to 16.87 kg / sq. Cm).

This neutral composition is safe for all surfaces, has maximum elasticity, is designed for the rapid formation and replacement of all types of automotive gaskets.

Finished seams will be resistant to deformation, will not crack over time, will not collapse from the action:

  • gear oils;
  • motor oils;
  • antifreeze.

Black sealant is great for laying thermostats and water pumps, which are made of ferrous metals - it does not provoke corrosion processes.

Black sealant

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Transparent sealant

The multi-purpose silicone colorless composition has an acid base. It does not include additional pigments, additives, is considered medium temperature (can withstand heating up to +260 degrees). The tool is characterized by high tensile strength, resistant to oils, industrial fluids.

Transparent sealant can be used to seal gaskets from felt, cork, rubber, but is also able to replace any sanitary sealant in everyday life and car repair. It forms an elastic pad up to 6 mm thick, which perfectly tolerates compression, tension, shear.

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Gray sealant

Gray silicone sealant also boasts high elasticity, has a good tensile strength (16.87 kg / sq. Cm). The neutral composition does not emit acid fumes during solidification, does not adversely affect lambda probes or other sensors.

Gray sealant

Initially, the gray “Abro” was used to form gaskets in Japanese cars, but it is equally suitable for all other brands of cars. The tool is destroyed only by the action of gasoline, while without any problems withstands contact with any other automotive fluids.

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White sealant

It is a fast setting agent based on titanium and silicon dioxide, which withstands heating up to +260 degrees.The sealant is resistant to antifreeze, gear oils, water. As it polymerizes, it forms an elastic, but very durable gasket of the desired shape, which can replace a damaged seal. The white sealant does not deform, does not flow out of the place of application, and does not crack over time.

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Blue sealant

Such a tool has an acid type of curing, therefore, during polymerization it emits pairs of acetic acid. You need to work with it with well-organized ventilation, and preferably in the open air. It can withstand heating up to +260 degrees and freezing up to –42 degrees, tensile strength is 16.87 kg / sq. see. Blue sealant can seal any knots and joints of the car, use it to form gaskets for pumps, thermostats and other details.

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How to use Abro?

To improve the adhesion of the sealing agent to the base, you need to clean the part well - remove the old coating, worn gasket, using a scraper or a special solvent. Further, the procedure will be as follows:

  • open the composition by removing the nozzle and piercing the foil;
  • put on the nozzle again, after cutting the tip and making a hole of the right size;
  • apply the product with a layer up to 6 mm, bypassing the area of ​​bolt fixation;
  • dry the new gasket for 10 minutes;
  • assemble the product without overtightening the bolts;
  • leave the part for 24 hours until the moment of complete polymerization, then it can be put into operation.
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How to remove ABRO formulations?

If the product has not yet dried, it is not difficult to remove it. You just need to wipe off excess, drip or stain with a cloth dampened with alcohol. A composition that has already undergone polymerization will have to be removed mechanically. It is cleaned with a blade, knife, sandpaper, grinding machine.

Sealant application

In difficult cases, you can buy a special cleaner line "Abro" (remover silicone sealant) in the form of a spray. In addition to sealing pastes, they can easily rub off paint, varnish, oil, glue. It is enough to spray a problem place, and after 10 minutes, remove the softened product with a spatula.

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Precautionary measures

To carry out all work without risk to health, you must follow the advice of the manufacturer. Due to the release of acid fumes by some varieties of Abro, you only need to work with a mask, glasses, and wear gloves on your hands to avoid burns and allergies.

If the product comes into contact with the skin, it must be washed immediately with soap and water, and if it enters the eyes and mucous membranes, immediately seek medical attention after washing. It is important to ventilate the room well during and after work. Tubes with sealants should be stored out of the reach of children, in a dark, cool place.

Any sealing agent of the “Abro” line allows quickly and with minimal labor to eliminate cracks, leaks, close holes and form gaskets. Machine repair will be successful, and the finished joint will serve for many years without deforming and not collapsing from the influence of adverse factors.

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