for cars

Features of steering rack sealants

Each node of the car must be technically sound, otherwise there is a risk of an accident on the road. A management system consisting of a large number of elements deserves special attention. Violation of the design of the hydraulic system for power steering creates difficulties in driving. This affects the wear of the seals and seals: microcracks appear in the design of the rubber components, through which hydraulic fluid seeps.

To prevent the occurrence of such difficulties helps sealant for the steering rack. Possessing a special composition containing various additives and additives, the sealant creates a solid and impermeable layer that prevents leakage of technical fluids. As a result, minor damage to power steering components does not pose a risk of an emergency. Sealant for power steering is also used for preventive purposes.

Steering rack repair

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What is sealant for power steering

Let's talk more about this tool. The additives included in the sealant help restore the integrity of the rubber joints and seals, which is necessary to maintain the operation of the steering system and power steering. This tool contains additional additives that clean the channels of movement of the hydraulic fluid, preventing its stagnation in the system and improving the action of moving components.

As a result, steering rack sealant helps:

  • significantly increase the performance of this node;
  • avoid serious damage and expensive car repairs;
  • increase the working life of mechanical components.

Composition for adding to hydraulic fluid

Modern sealants are added directly to the hydraulic fluid. So they gain access to all components of the steering system, providing high-quality sealing of rubber elements, including oil seals.

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The main functions of the sealant

Synthetic conditioners are often added to the composition of modern automotive sealants. This substance has an important property. It creates the smallest but strong film on the surface of the metal parts of the power steering system, thereby reducing friction between them. This allows:

  • protect the elements from premature wear and increase their service life;
  • prevent microcracks caused by metal fatigue;
  • avoid the occurrence of corrosive processes that are detrimental to steering parts.

The tool extends the life of the steering column

Manufacturers of these products actively use various substances and components that give sealants additional consumer qualities. Photopolymers, ceramics, ferrous / non-ferrous metals, etc. are used for this.

Specially developed and well-chosen sealant composition allows reconstructing rubber / plastic seals.This eliminates existing leaks and prevents new damage. The result is noticeable after 150 km of the distance traveled since the addition of the additive to the hydraulic fluid.

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Types, composition and principle of action

Today, products from many foreign manufacturers are on sale. There are 2 main types of sealants used universally:

  • the first is to eliminate leaks in the sealing elements;
  • the second - to improve the performance of the power steering system.

Composition for eliminating leaks in the hydraulic system

Standard sealants (of the first type) contain components that contribute to the controlled swelling of rubber parts. It must be understood that these compounds, which pass along with the hydraulic fluid through the system, lead to swelling of the rubber over the entire surface, and not only in the places of deformation. However, this also has a positive effect: elasticity is returned to rubber parts, which increases their service life.

Sealants of the second type incorporate the aforementioned metal conditioners. They have a protective effect on the components of power steering, as well as reduce heat and improve the operation of the car control system.

The use of sealant leads to other positive effects:

  • eliminates unpleasant noise during power steering;
  • drying and cracking of sealing components made of rubber / neoprene is not allowed;
  • seals / gaskets get their original size.

The use of sealant in the repair of the steering rack eliminates noise during its operation

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Sealant GUR Servolenkungsoil Verlust Stop: properties

This tool is very popular among domestic and foreign motorists. It passed the necessary technical tests and received high marks from experts in the automotive industry.

Using Servolenkungsoil Verlust Stop, you reduce the hardness of elastomeric seals, making them less prone to deformation and wear. The system better holds hydraulic fluid in a closed circuit, preventing its leakage. Additional additives that are part of the Servolenkungsoil Verlust Stop give the sealant the following properties:

  • oil service life increases (presence of antioxidants affects);
  • clean power steering system;
  • inconsistency is reduced;
  • steering performance improves.

Sealant for elimination of leaks of hydraulic fluid

Servolenkungsoil Verlust Stop Sealant prevents oil loss, which reduces vehicle maintenance costs. In addition, it avoids the additional costs of repairing power steering.

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Sealant for the Hi-Gear STEER PLUS power steering: features

Hi-Gear STEER PLUS - this additive is very effective in eliminating leakage of oil seals, which has been repeatedly proven in practice. It is suitable for protecting elements:

  • Power Steering;
  • a pump;
  • steering racks.

By adding Hi-Gear STEER PLUS sealant to the hydraulic fluid, you can significantly increase the operating life of the system and avoid premature failure of the above components. It allows you to reduce power steering noise during operation and helps to reduce heat.

Sealant and tuning Hi-Gear STEER PLUS

Hi-Gear STEER PLUS can be used for preventive purposes. It provides elasticity to rubber elements and maintains their shape, preventing the formation of fistulas. This sealant is considered universal, as it is suitable for any vehicles equipped with power steering.

The additive is not demanding on hydraulic fluids, their composition and quality. It is quickly pumped throughout the system and provides complete sealing of the seals and gaskets from the inside.

The tool provides sealing gaskets and seals

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Instructions for use

Using sealant does not cause any difficulties. On the packaging of most additives there is a detailed description and recommendations that will help you learn about all the subtleties of their use.

In general, the procedure is as follows:

  • pour sealant into the tank, filling it to the specified level;
  • Scroll the steering wheel several times from side to side until it stops.

Please note that if the system is complete, a small amount of hydraulic fluid must first be pumped out. About 300 ml is enough and then pour the same amount of sealant into the tank.

It is very important not to make a mistake in calculating the ratio of the additive to the hydraulic fluid. Most often, 120 ml of sealant per 1 liter of liquid is required. This formula will help you calculate the right amount of additive.

It is recommended to add sealant for power steering every 20-25 thousand kilometers. This procedure can be carried out when replacing the hydraulic fluid in the system, as well as when there are noises or a difficult turn of the steering wheel, which may indicate power steering wear.

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